State of Emergency
The City of Salisbury will end the State of Emergency on this date,
February 11, 2010, at 3 pm. This will include the imposed prohibition on public driving within the city.
The Salisbury Public Works Division worked throughout the night from 10 pm. Snow Emergency routes are now passable, however the residential areas are not. During the night public works drivers logged over 384 miles and have made significant progress. Salt is now being deployed and combined with the forecasted sun and temperature increase should be effective in all areas.
The Salisbury Police Department responded to 170 calls for service over the past two (2) nights, including fifteen (15) calls for vehicle accidents and thirty-five (35) calls for disabled vehicles. The Salisbury Police thank the public for staying off the roads during this situation.
The Salisbury Fire Department responded to a total of fifty (50) fire and forty-three (43) Emergency Medical Service calls.
Salisbury Public Works and Police are working to determine a list of intersections with sightline issues that need to be addressed.
The Public Works Division has determined that there will be no trash collection in the city until Saturday, February 13. This collection will be the collection previously scheduled for Tuesday, February 9. The City requests that residents shovel and clear the areas needed for access to the trash containers.
Again, the City of Salisbury State of Emergency is still in effect until 3 pm on this date.
my hat off to the mayor.
maybe my Fruitland question should be answered here instead. thanks for your help.
Thanks for the update Joe, knew I'd find out here first.
Joe thank you for ALWAYS having the news we need. I have been waiting and watching WBOC & WMDT for any updates on the State of Emergency. I should have known better and just kept my eyes on your site. You are the best! Keep up the great work and bless you for all you do.
and in Fruitland?
The Town Manager said to FOLLOW Salisbury. What is it about that information you don't seem to UNDERSTAND?
I'm BUSY, very BUSY! In fact, I'm heading to Fruitland to help one of your own people in just a few minutes. BYE
Does this mean we're to stay off the roads until 3 pm?
heard Kmart was open, shame on them for not following state of emergency rules. they should be fined!
Yep! As usual, had the tv on waiting to hear about state of emergency for salisbury. NADA! Hadda come to sby news to get the info. Kudos, Joe for keeping us informed. Local news channels - worthless. As usual. Heck it ain't that bad out there. Common sense, when applied, works as well as anything.
lots of businesses are opening and ppl are out driving, not listening to the officals about staying off the roads...businesses are opening and should be fined by the city for not following orders. shame on them for not listening.
those employers that insist on ignoring emergency laws should have to open and run that store alone..employees should not have to worry about $500.00 fines. and if they get one then the employer should be held accountable and made to pay it...Aren't lives of your employees important at all anymore?
I am assuming there is some legal basis for the City to order businesses to close down. Can anyone point me to the actual ordinance and exactly what it says?
Cheers for Mayor Ireton! First the dump of the WWTP to deal with, now the dump from Mother Nature. I think he's doing a great job.
Did you all see Gary Comegys whining about the snow in yesterday's paper? More "I shoulda been da mayor."
Comegys spent all our snow plow and salt money on his pet projects and developer buddies.
And Joe, not to worry, I only read the Daily Slime online. I'd never pay to get it now that I have your blog!
Macy's at the Mall will open at Noon. Think they will have customers?
I live in the Moss Hill area, I park on the curb. I'm cleaning off my car and find a $35 fine for "snow emergency route" parking. Nowhere else to park, I'd have gotten stuck in the parking lots here. wow. I mean, it flew off as I'm cleaning the windshield, I damn near didn't see it, which would have brought another $25 if after 30 days I haven't paid. Mother Nature should did take a **** on us.
employers wont listen mine said come to work we dont recognize what the mayor says. Nice huh? The only way to get them to listen is to fine them otherwise same old thing
10:09 and 10:10 i could not agree with you all enough.... The sad part is nothing will be done they say fines fines fines but i dont think they will fine anyone!!!!
I agree that these non-essential businesses need to be fined (and for each offense). I know we are in tough economic times, but it is not worth risking life and limb to come to work. Can't spoiled food be a tax write off? They say money is the root of all evil...I guess this is a textbook example!
same with Dicks sporting goods. how can they open and expect employees to break the law by driving to work? The city should fine them!
Take a break Joe. You are overworked. Salisbury is Salisbury and Fruitland is Fruitland. Two different towns with two different governments and schedules. If we follow what's going on in Salisbury then does that mean our trash that was to be collected today will be collected on Saturday like Salisbury? Are we just supposed to stay off the streets until 3 p.m. like Salisbury? The manager needs to give more information than just follow what Salisbury does.
I live on Georgia Avenue across from the Oak Hill townhouses. My street is impassable, with snow from the previous storms still on the street. I understand other streets are more important, but I pay taxes and would like to get my cars out of the driveway. Two plows, with blades raised, came down the street during the first snow storm, and we have seen none since. How will my trash be picked up? Should I shovel the whole street?
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