Winter Storm Preparedness
GREENWOOD—With a significant amount of snow in the forecast for most of Delaware tomorrow and Saturday, Delaware Electric Cooperative wants to remind everyone that preparing for a power outage during winter storms is extremely important.
In the event of a severe storm impacting our area, customers are encouraged to follow these storm preparation recommendations to help ensure their family’s safety and comfort.
Never touch or go near fallen wires, even if you think they are safe. Parents can use this opportunity to remind children that wires are dangerous. If you are in a vehicle that comes in contact with a downed wire, stay in your vehicle until help arrives.
Make sure you have a working battery powered radio or TV and a good supply of fresh replacement batteries. Also, have flashlights available for all family members.
If an electric pump supplies your water, fill spare food-grade containers with water for cooking and washing in anticipation of a possible power interruption.
Make sure motor driven devices such as garage door openers, can be operated manually.
Have a first aid kit available at home and check its contents to make sure it is complete and up to date. If family members with special medical needs, such as insulin or other prescription drugs, check to make sure you have an adequate supply.
Keep the refrigerator door closed. Food will keep several hours in a closed refrigerator and up to two days in a freezer. If you must open the door, be quick!
If you have an elderly neighbor, be a Good Samaritan and check on their status. Even a quick telephone call during a storm can provide much appreciated assurance that help is nearby if needed.
“You can never be too prepared for an outage during a winter storm,” said Rob Book, spokesman for the Delaware Electric Cooperative. “However, if you have the basic essentials prepared in an outage kit, stored in an easy to locate place, this can make all the difference should they be needed,” Book continued.
Outage Kits should consist of the following items:
First Aid Kit
Paper plates, cups and plastic utensils
Battery operated radio or TV
Extra blankets or sleeping bags
Stored water
Portable fire extinguisher
Candles and matches
Canned goods or easily prepared foods
Can opener
Necessary prescription drugs
REMINDER—Delaware Electric Cooperative consumers living in Sussex County who experience an outage should call the emergency service line at 302-349-9009. Delaware Electric Cooperative consumers living in Kent County who experience an outage should call
I can give you a much shorter list of thisgs to do when a storm is approaching.
1. As soon as the weather service predicts a storm, go to the grocery store and buy as much milk, eggs and toilet paper you can afford, but save some money for step two.
2. Go buy as much beer as you can afford.
3. Drink step 2, as you use step 1
I wish we had anything but DP&L !
Anonymous 4:00 I like how you think I wish you had posted this last weekend , I ran out of beer :) I will not this weekend !!
Me either I have enough beer and liquor for the spend the weekend club, instead of spend the nite club. Bring it on.....
Anonymous 8:50 - are you on the westside of town ? maybe we can get together - I am always ready to meet new friends !
Yes, Off of Nanitcoke Rd. and what happens in Tyaskin stays in Tyaskin IT IS WHAT IS IS...
That only one IS
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