James Fisher out of Ocean City just can't get enough of me and Salisbury News articles. In fact, it seems quite a bit of his Posts are concentrated on his fixation towards me.
This go around he's concentrating on an article we posted about Obama, (written by an Attorney John W. King, Attorney at Law) he's all in a tiff about. Since James gets absolutely NO HITS and NO COMMENTS on his Blog, I thought I'd add this link back to his story, (a courtesy the Daily Times refuses to offer in return).
Mr. Fisher closes his article with: ""PLEASE pass this along to your friends if you agree that this sounds reasonable," says the missive SBYNews posted this morning. I guess the site's publisher finds that particular toxic conspiracy theory quite reasonable. Readers can take that into account in deciding how trustworthy everything else on the site is."
Well James, we provide information for ALL of our readers. We are not here to BRAINWASH our readers in into only what we believe to be true. We leave it up to our readers to decide and actually comment, unlike the Daily Times, or hadn't you noticed.
Just because we publish something doesn't mean we believe it to be fact or true. I mean, think about it James, we publish all of the Kratovill and Omalley Press Releases too, don't we. If you think for a second I buy any of their BS you'd be sadly mistaken.
Without my making any statement about this at all James Fisher, your Blog gets no visits and quite frankly is useless to the World and or more importantly the Eastern Shore. YOU know that all you have to do is look at my Alexa numbers to see we're truly kicking your A$$, yet we're not linked to every Gannett Publication in the World, like the DT's is. Considering Greg Bassett and Joe Carmean said I could never compete with the Daily Times, what's your thinking now Boys?
James, rather than trying to personally bring me down, realize Salisbury News is far more powerful than your petty little rants in the Daily Times and quite frankly if you wanted attention, you just got it. If you wanted respect, you just lost it. So much for an open mind and an understanding in what we do. However, the fact that the Daily Times has lost focus and only breeds information they want YOU to believe is the main reason why they're failing and we're growing.
Have a great day James Fisher. By the way, Obama Sucks!
Joe, you are awesome.
Obama and the MSM suck. Can't believe anything they say. It's a shame that they try to make a hero out of this president who is obviously the worst in American history.
James Fisher? Never heard of him.
Albero, you're a joke. Your blog is so biased it's not funny. You maintain editorial control and only post those comments that fall in line with your thinking.
anonymous 3:37, hmmmmmm, let me guess. Um, you work at the Daily Times.
Has anyone seen how thin that DT's is now? What a waste of paper that thing is! Well, I guess it's not wasting much...LOL
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