PIO Officers, HAZMAT Teams and now special vehicles for photographers, WOW! There's an on line computer inside with all sorts of bells and whistles, let not forget lighting.
It must be an official vehicle because there's no Maryland Tag on the front of the vehicle. Just three tags telling you they're someone very special.
You have to wonder, since this is Station 40's vehicle, will Gordy & Hoppes be demanding they get one too and hire on Wayne Barrall as their official photographer? I mean, how can someone else have something Station 16 doesn't have!
They recently created the new PIO position, yet no one has seen anything in the Press about anything going on with the SFD. Why, because no one is truly interested. It took years to finally get the Daily Times to actually start paying attention to crime, especially any crime from the SPD. They would do Press Releases from the State Police and the Sheriff's Department but until Salisbury News came along they stayed away from anything the SPD put out there. That is, unless it was a murder or something that serious.
These Fire Departments are taking on a life of their own, believing they're news worthy. While much of what they do is pretty cool, one has to wonder why they keep expanding into every one elses arena and only feed information they want exposed to the public? It also makes you wonder just how long it will be before they have their own Secret Service Agents to protect them in the 2nd Most Violent City In America?
It is possible the vehicle wasn't purchased with FD money, rather it may just be a private vehicle, as is most common with the fire police.
I do not see the MARYLAND front tag for a private vehicle.
this does not pertain to wicomico county there is no station 40 so why care?
Station 40 is a Sussex county company Delaware has no front tags.
Isn't it amazing how creative they can be when spending other peoples money on toys? At the same time arguing that taxes need to be raised to prevent budget shortfall.
this van belongs to dale shall a member of powellville fire dept it is not a fire dept owned vehicle
What the hell do they need a PIO for. Put the friggin fire out , then go back to bed , then go back on a rekindle as usual.
Where was this taken? Bowers Fire Co. Station 40 is in Bowers, DE. I do not understand why the plates display Wicomico Fire Police and Bowers. Looking at the equipment in and on the vehicle makes it look like it belongs to a department not an individual, there is a lot of $$ in addons and mods to be a POV. If it does belong to a Wicomico station it should be clearly marked as such. The front plates make this very confusing.
They're all orange lights. Great fact-checking Joe. It's a DE-owned POV, and the owner obviously felt like dumping some money in lights on it.
Front tags say he's a photographer, member of Station 40 and a Wicomico County Fire Police. Whoever owns it is one very busy person.
That is a POV (personally owned vehicle) I think you will see on the front a "fire police" tag. Many volunteers invest hundrends of dollars of their own money on their vehicles so they can been seen when they are directing traffic. Aside from the front tag issue which may or may not be an issue depending on where it is registered, there is nothing illegal about this vehicle. Fire police are an invaluable resource to firefighter and police officers and it's a shame that salisbury fire dept no longer has the fire police program. These guys take their life in their hands directing traffic (for those of you who have never had that joy) and since they are volunteers and use their own equipment, the cost to tax payers is 0.
Former FF
He is a member of Powellville Fire Dept. but is in no way associated with the Wicomico County Fire Police and has been told to remove all tags. I guess the local Sheriff's Office will have to explain it to him the hard way. And he has lived in Maryland for more then 90 days better have Maryland tags.
why are so many of you so worried about other people and what they do?as long as they arent violating your rights or committing a crime against you why does it matter to you?are you the police?no.are you in any position to tell them what to do?no.so mind your own business and if its against the law let someone who has the authority to correct it worry about it.
Dale Shaw is a nut job, and is going to turn out to be the next David Cox. This is a big problem nationwide, a true psychological disorder - people like this are known as "whackers".
This guy needs to be fined heavily and arrested at the first slip-up he makes.
He makes real fire police officers look bad.
As far as Wayne Barrel goes you don't see any flashing lights on his truck or any of his guys. Nor will you find any (?) on the POV's of legit Wicomico firefighters, it is highly frowned upon. Only line officers and official vehicles.
Reminds me of the red one Chris with either Poweville or Pittsville drives around. He's got a light bar on top of it. Acts like he's head of the fire dept. Last I heard he's now in VA due to no one playing with him up here.
Joe A.
Boy you really uncovered a special Ed with this photo. Trust me this guy is a true wack job. He's got 3 pagers, 4 cell phones and a buck knife straped on his belt and acts the part well. I think his true job is a lock smith.
anon 8:17 lol if your talking about CW Mr. EMT of the universe. who has the bat belt and the red ford work van with a bunch of lights on it. Yeah he is not around the burg of the ville very ofter anymore. Also yes he is a joke and gets the tool bag of the year award
In reference to the "2nd most violent city in America" comment on this post, does anyone know where this data can be found easily? I will be in the position to chat with some folks who really downplay this, and I would LOVE to share a direct link to open some eyes.
41 Salisbury, MD 37.21
It is people like this that give the decent firefighters in this state much less this country a bad name. Seriously some people need to be a little more professional and stop being such whackers all the time. No wonder the Fire service on the eastern shore has a bad name. Look at what people see when they come down here.
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