

Don’t think that Obama and his clown-in-chief in the Senate have abandoned their drive toward socialized medicine just because Dirty Harry Reed has decided not to have the vote until after August. In the First District we have a good chance to keep our Congressman from giving in to Nancy Pelosi’s demand that he leave the “Blue Dog” Democrat coalition effort to reject Obama-care.
Copy and use this letter if you don’t have time to write your own statement. Send or deliver it to one of his offices, as follows:
Washington, D.C.:
314 Cannon House Office Building,
District of Columbia 20515-2001
Phone: (202) 225-5311
Fax: (202) 225-0254
102 Turpins Lane
Centreville, Maryland 21617
Phone: (443) 262-9136
Fax: (443) 262-9713
East Main Street, Suite 103
Salisbury, Maryland 21801
Phone: (410) 334-3072
Fax: (410) 334-3075
Bel Air:
202 South Main Street
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Phone: (410) 420-8822
Don’t forget to sign -- suggest printing your name and adding your residence address and, if desired, your separate mailing or other address.
If mailed, suggest sending to the DC office! The Salisbury office is across Main Street from the Wicomico County Courthouse – attend the protest meeting there & deliver your letter on Monday, July 27.
kratovil needs to go, we need to vote him out. The people of the eastern Shore must look outside the mainstream political avenues and find someone with ideas, someone with stones to stand up to the pressure and the bullies in DC.
Will Kratovil be there? Does he have the stones to let the people to speak to him? He sure does not have the stones to stand up to the democrat leadership!!
We need actual leaders representing us, people who will stand up for their own beliefs and represent the people. We have neither in todays political climate. kratovil is NOT a blue gog democrat. he is a weak kneed politician who seems to believe most people are idiots. the letter he sent out regarding the cap and trade bill was pathetic.
So everything with healthcare is great and we should leave it alone? When you are down their protesting just remember it when you are on the verge of bankrupcy from you health bills.
I dont have the same faith in democracy as you all seem to have.
Are the tea party people going to be there? the health summit people? How many can get off of work by 4:30pm?
Health insurance without Healthcare, what good is that. Socialized healthcare has NEVER worked!! This is not about healthcare to our politicians, it is about power and control. Not only do they think they are gods, but if they pass this, they have the board set up so they can act like a god and control who lives or dies! This is not a debate on actual healthcare, it is a debate over our freedoms and liberties. Obama even now uses the term health insurance and not healthcare!
is it better to not have bills and be dead, or have the health bills and have the chance to live without the government telling you to take some pain pills and die already???
Where are your freedoms and liberties when your insurance company drops you because you are sick?
I have yet to see someone not get healthcare because they lack insurance. We are not canada yet, peopel are not dying while on waiting lists! Look at medicare and medicaid, they have ton of fraud in them and do not work. payments and services are continually cut and these programs are run by the government. do you want a board telling you whether you may live or die, or if a family member can? Trying to implement a system that has never worked, is just plain insane!
life is not fair and government creates many problems and solves very few. freedom is not easy and you can never get true security from your government.
Why keep saying it doesn't work. Talk to people in France and Japan they love their healthcare. Sounds like just a repeat of Fox talking points, just say no to everything.
anonymous 10:46, maybe for people who NEVER had healthcare this is great. However, for those of us who have, HELLO!!!!!!
read European and Canadian papers about their healthcare. If you are healthy and do not need treatment, things are fine. Also, if you do not miss over 50% of your hard earned money, things will be fine.
10:46 --
Tanner’s summary. “To sum up: the French health care system clearly works better than most national health care systems. Despite some problems, France has generally avoided the rationing inherent in other systems. However, the program is threatened by increasing costs and may be forced to resort to rationing in the future.”
•Tanner, Michael D. (2008) “The Grass Is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care Systems Around the World” Cato Policy Analysis no. 613.
For those of you who already have health care wait till you get a big bill from major surgery, and the insurance company tells you that you have to get out of the hospital, they aint paying no more.
Is it worse being run by the government or the big wealthy insurance company.
It happen to me and if you are ever in that situation i hope you make out better.
This country is being ruined by these greedy sobs.
Im sorry out country is already ruined by these assholes.
I will try anything different, cant get much worse....
I dont give a damn what any of you rich sobs say.
Smears and lies. Why don't you all just bow to the insurance/health/drug cabals? The sheep is within you.
You will probably get your socialized health insurance, without the healthcare, and your socialized America without any rights or Freedoms. if you can live with that, fine, but I cannot. i want a good future for my children, not an Obama Land where we all bow down to the all powerful big government. if government was not up the butts of our healthcare professionals, things would be much better than they are now. government causes our problems, they do not fix or solve anything!
Why is the US ranked 37th in health care in the world? Is that something we should be proud of?
anonymous 2:21, Cut The Liberal B.S.!
I wonder what America is ranked in manufacturing now, huh?
How about Math and Science?
We could throw stats out there all over the place and make America look like crap.
Why does our government mandate so many things being covered in our health insurance? Why can't we buy health insurance like we do car insurance, pick and choose what we want covered? Answer, special interest groups that our government caters t. once again, our own government is screwing things up. The government that governs the best, governs the least.............
Why are people healthier in other countries if we have the best system?
2:36pm-good question that doesn't need a gov't fix for an answer
2:21pm-they're going by WHO standards and not quoting a poll, most Americans that have health insurance are happy with their coverage. Those who can afford to buy health insurance but don't are happy with their choice. Those who can't afford health insurance are only going to the doctor if necessary and can't afford the meds-which is a shame, but they are about 10-14 million people who would probably be covered by medicaid, medicare or SCHIP if they look into it. Maryland also offers insurance for those who have been denied coverage for pre-existing conditions-the premiums may be higher than a health non-smoking 25-30 yr old, but what else would you expect? Call the County health dept, see if they can refer you to an agency that can help you if you find yourself in this situation, but My real point is that we-as a STATE- have the resources (esp in Maryland-the most tax burdened state in the union) to help people already, we don't need gov't mandated health insurance.
To answer your question, Why does the govt mandate so many things in our health coverages? Because if they dont mandate coverage, the only thing truly covered is the fat paycheck the CEO of the health insurance company. Case in point. Colorectal screening for cancer had to be mandated in the State of Md. Good ole Doctor Andy Harris voted against it years ago. Why? Because mandates make insurance cost more, he said. DUH?!? Treating someone in the early stages, by mandating screening, reduces cost of care over treating someone with end stage cancer. If we did not mandate early screenings, more people would not know until they experience symptoms. Your too late then and costs too much to fix.
To answer why we cant pick and choose coverages? Simple - What illness will you die from? You be sure to only insure yourself for that not something else? Where is the logic in that? I only want healthy person rates, dont get appendicitis - your not healthy then.
Point is, the current system is draining our economy. That debt clock is ticking as Joe likes to remind us. Medicaid and Medicare are broken - have been for years. Continuing down our current path will only snowball with 47 mill uninsured and another 30 mil underinsured. Underinsured pay premiums, get cancer, and lose their homes because coverages are capped and they suffer a catastrophic health issues. We are the only country in the world where you can lose your house because of medical issues. The madness we need to stop is believing that we dont pay for all the un and under insureds already. They have already broken the system. Now we ALL have to fix it. We need the best of all systems. We need more emphasis on solutions to health issues and less covering our legal ends, we need tort reform, we need to eliminate "pre-existing" loopholes for insurers, we need to demand Health insurers maintain their non profit status and that means curtailing excessive bonus and ceo earnings. State of Md. had to file an injuction a year ago from stoping the CEO of BCBS Md, who served a whooping 9 MONTH Term at the helm, from collecting a 17million dollar bonus!!! That is a whole lot of healthcare - 17 million dollars, one man, 9 months service. How stupid is that! This is more of the reason why states must mandate coverages. Can you imagine how big of a bonus that guy could have had without mandates? WE Need to do something. Why didnt Bush fix it? Dont slam someone for trying- beats doing nothing, which is all I am hearing from the people here. Nothing gets nothing and WE the People need some health care!
anonymous 3:11, do YOU have healthcare?
Or are you one of those liberals that wants to save the world because you have yet to achieve a mortgage and are still living in an apartment with no children, like most of the young democrats.
You see, when it really hits hojme and you one day own a business and you are FORCED to provide healthcare, then you'll understand how bad this proposal truly is.
I know people who are talking right now saying they will in fact shut their companies doen, re open and every single employee will simply become a contractor. NO MORE HEALTHCARE.
So you see, once our government figures out just how so many companies beat this system, then they'll create NEW LAWS to make sure anyone attempting to do so will be punished.
This is just the beginning of the end, you'll see. When they get in another trillion dollar debt, then they'll go after life insurance and auto insurance.
Remember Amtrak. The government bailed them out and claimed they'd be back on their own in 3 to 4 years, HOW'S IT WORKING FOR YOU???????????
I am a small business owner. I am a tax paying homeowner with 2 children. I have health insurance. I would welcome the change of an 8% penalty for not offering health insurance and reducing my business's burden of 12% in the current system. I am a SMALL business. I dont have tons of employees to help bring these numbers down. How about you Joe? Where did you get your health insurance from? Or are you one of those who sucks off of the rest of us by not having insurance? Companies wont stop breathing because of this. That would mean ceo's would have to go out and get medically underwritten to have their coverages and deal with "Pre existing" conditions then because they wont get "group" coverages. That wont happen. You are "doomsday scenerio-ing" just like all conservatives who are defending the current system. It has worked us into a hole already deeper than that Amtrak hole you mention. And as for Auto insurance, there is not a State in the Union without required insurance to drive an automobile. No insurance, no tags. Doesnot mean some idiots still drive without it, but it is required. That system works better than allowing people to choose if they want to insure their cars or not.
anonymous 3:45, I absolutely do NOT believe you're a business owner, sorry.
Perhaps you don't understand what Obama plans on doing. The government will charge you a percentage of your GROSS NUMBERS. Now if you can afford to pay out that percentage and it's cheaper than what you're paying in health insurance, you would be one in a billion companies and your reply is a joke.
If YOU want the Government as your partner in a business they invest NOTHING into, that's your business but the rest of America is clearly smarter than you.
By the way, are you out of your mind challenging me as to sucking off the taxpayer for health insurance! Clearly you don't read this Blog very often because you are so far in left field we can't even see you.
I can proudly say that I have employed literally thousands of people over my 20+ years of being in business for myself and I provided health insurance for my employees until I retired. I chose to retire because I continued to watch this country fall apart and I said all of this was going to happen 10 years ago. I retired almost 5 years ago and my timing couldn't have been more perfect. I feel for the REAL business owners, especially the smaller ones because I just don't understand how ANYONE is surviving in business today. Rates are so high for just about anything and everything that the government is laughing all the way to the bank. They want YOU to fail. They want every single last penny you have until you come begging for help by the millions. Once they drain you they will use every excuse to create socialized everything and by then you'll have no choice and no money to fight back.
Americans need to wise up before it's too late. ANY American STUPID enough to trust the politicians in office right now deserves everything they get in the end. I do NOT trust our politicians and I do NOT trust our government. Yeah, I know, call me a racist and whatever other name you want. At least I have the stones to say what almost every single one of you want to say but are too afraid to do so. I can't blame you but come on Folks. It's guys like this anonymous comment feeding you a total line of BS trying to sell you on how everything is going to be OK. No it's not! Look at EVERY SINGLE INDUSTRY our government got their hands on and look how every single one of them has failed.
America is failing faster than you think and they will control you, it's just a matter of time.
Having your employees become a contractor is being thrown around by more than just a few businesses. 8% fine on payroll, will kill many businesses. Just as the increase in the min. wage will cause many entry employees to lose their jobs.
sorry 3:45
There is no way you own your own business. if you actually do, you will not be open for long as you just do not understand what is going on. Healthcare is one way Obama plans to shut down most small businsses. he wants big business and government to be one in the same.
Responsible, financially secure, small business owner. YES, I am. Proud of it too! I dont mistreat my employees and I dont make a fortune off of thier labor. My business model is working and has for many years now. As far as those irresponsible employers who are misclassifing thier employees as contractors, they are hurting the system even more. Thank goodness those poor "employees" can now report thier employers who nail them with the corporation paid soc sec and medicare tax and for what - corporate greed. That is what is wrecking America. And if you think minimum wage is going to kill businesses, think about the poor working guy trying to get by on minimum wage, once again, pay the man enough to make a living, feed a family, and pay premiums for health care. Maybe then, he too can participate in the system instead of begging for system crumbs to survive.
Poor employees, without employers, risk takers, business owners, there are no jobs for the poor employees. that is a false liberal idea that makes people who repeat it look stupid.
People making min. wage, are entry level employees, who now do not have a job. I know several small businesses that had to lay off people today because of the hike in min. wage. Employees are any business biggest expense.
I do not believe you!!
Back to the subject...here's a site that you can print out forms and send them to your representatives. I personally like the eviction notice "Termination Of Representation" and have sent them to Mikulski, Cardin and Kratovil.
And yes, I signed my name to them!
sorry to tell you this but your comment at 3:59 is way wrong. It is not 8 % on gross numbers, Read the bill: proposals is for 0% for employers with PAYROLL numbers of less than $250,000. Then a scale for employers with higher wages up to the 8% after your payroll for the year is more than 400,000.00.
Depending on the size of the business, this bill may not even effect 3:45. As they stated very clearly, they are a SMALL business. I am an accountant and I see small businesses, payrolls between 250,000 upwards to 1 mil in payroll paying out much larger % than the reform bill calls for.
Get your facts straight first Joe, Argue all you want, but get the facts straight.
anonymous 3:11, need I say any more than "anonymous"! Yeah, sure, whatever.
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