Cracks in unemployment system widen under strain of recession
WASHINGTON - Years of state and federal neglect have hobbled the nation’s unemployment system just as a brutal recession has doubled the number of jobless Americans seeking aid.
In a program that values timeliness above all else, decisions involving more than a million applicants have been slowed, and hundreds of thousands of needy people have waited months for checks.
And with benefit funds at dangerous lows even before the recession began, states are taking on billions in debt, increasing the pressure to raise taxes or cut aid, just as either would inflict maximum pain.
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My white trash neighbor is on his 2nd year of umemployment, social services, shore-up and the Joseph House he could have gotten a job by now doing something!
Some just won't take a job a long as they don't have to work. A couple with a baby. They can afford to smoke and do drugs but I have to help pay for diapers?
Two Societies Tim, its only going to get worse.
If the checks ain't coming, then you had better take any job you can find...
Tim Chaney,I second that!I know of people who make a living off of unemployment checks.I know of one person who gets her daycare paid in full for by the state so she can "look for jobs",which by the way she doesnt do.I also know of a chronic alcoholic who hasnt worked in over 2 yrs who just got another 12 month extension.I personally do not get it,unemployment just doesnt pay enough for me to want to try and live on it.I guess all the freebies you get with it helps.All these people drink and smoke,but no money for anything else.But,how does someone who never works stay on unemployment for 2-3 yrs??Really?What about all the people who truly need it and get denied for whatever reason?
The states should use the money they receive for what it is intended for.
I pay for my unemployment, it is taken out of my check each week, where does it go?
I pay for my social security each week, where does it go?
And now the lazy ass state employees cant keep up.
I want my gd money back and they can get real jobs.
Our country is failing and will go down, and who cares, dont tell me by sending in a post that im unamerican and dont love my country , because i do.
The problem is this is not america anymore, it is a greedy bunch of sobs who will steal you blind.
I really feel for those individuals. At least they have received something. I am layed off for 4 months out of the year an am denied because I have a contract renewal, so they give me a 16 week penalty. I pay in but cannot receive it for 4 months out of the year. Nobody wants to hire you since it is only for 4 months. How many can live with no income for 4 months?
The same federal goverment that Obama says will improve our health care can not even handle mailing unemployment checks in a timely manor!
The article states "Years of state and federal neglect have hobbled the nation’s unemployment system just as a brutal recession has doubled the number of jobless Americans seeking aid."
Years of state and federal abuse is not the same federal govt with Obama. Why are you blaming him for Bush's sins?
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