Back on February 2, 2009 the Salisbury Fire Department Officials came to the City Council asking for a $90,000.00 Grant for a visibility study for Station 2. The long and short of it was, the Council majority, (with exception of Gary Comegys) voted to say NO to the Grant. The Council stated they absolutely wanted to wait until after the 2010 Budget was adopted as well as the 2010 CIP.
Last Monday night, out of nowhere, the Salisbury Fire Department openly admitted they had filed for the $90,000.00 Grant without the Council's permission, (AGAIN) and that they had received the Grant funding.
There was continued discussion about Station 2, as if this had never really been discussed before and everyone simply fell for it. Even Terry Cohen stated at one point, well, if we have the money and we're paying interest on it, we might as well do the study. I reminded her after the meeting that they had shot it down and she more or less said, I think you're right, I may have made a mistake.
No Mrs. Cohen, you were scammed. The Salisbury Fire Department has played this game for many years. However, this time the scam has been exposed and it may be back to the drawing board for the SFD.
I think the City Council better go back to their recordings and listen to ALL of the Fire Department related subjects and get their sh!t straight for once. Nice try Comegys and Gordo. YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
You mean to tell me they filed for another grant weithout anyones permission again. I remember the council telling them they had better not ever do that again. In fact, didn't they just recently ask them if there was anything else in the works grant wise and Hoppes said no. Mrs. Cohen, I want some answers. I want to know what's going on here.
Have any laws been broke?
Is this a visibility or a viability study?
Where are you????
PS- The captain is supposed to be on the bridge during General Quarters!
Salty Dog
If you get rid of Gordy. The fire department will be better off. This guy is out of control.Bill Gordy has to go... He is a volunteer with to much control over the fire department.
When is Ireton going to take command here, if ever?
The Fire Deparatment sounds like my six-year-old grandson. Recently he wanted something, and his uncle told him no. He then went to someone else who accomodated his request; the other person did not know that the uncle had turned the boy down. Of course, my grandson returned with the item, smirking as he held it up in front of his uncle. The Salisbury Fire Department, it seems, is going to get all that they request and even more.
With this violation of filing for Grants it is time to clean house, FIRE, of all Personnel involved. Then again demote to lowest rank in the Dept. with the clause must have constant supervision at all times. Ifthat does not work then you can really clean house.
As long as Mr Gordy is in the department this will continue. He has spent nearly every dime he could get his hands on and the volunteers are in hock for life. Mr hoppes has been tutored by Mr Gordy and has learned how to play the game of deception and spend. Gordy has been running the SFD since 2003 and has destroyed its reputation with most. All the toys and nobody to man them. When will somebody put a stop to it.
I'd study your bum for 90K
How many people in the Fire Department would be involved in these grants if it weren't for Gordy?
Here is an example of a non-elected official creating havoc in our city.
Why is this permitted? Can no person stop Gordy?
It is as if he has nothing to lose. His reputation is terrible yet he continues to pull all the strings.
Is there some way that gordy benefits from these grants? From these fire department expenditures? Is there a way we could pay him off - legally? Make him happy, so he will leave our tax dollars alone?
Bill Gordy needs to be demoted to a fire fighter. He has created havoc among the volunters and the career fire fighters. Wake up Hoppes you are only acting the position. Gordy must go!!!! NOW!!!
Jim Liarton is the problem. He had the perfect opportunity to rid the city and county tax payers of these cancerous tumors but he doesn't have the spine to do what he promised his electorate.
Jim Liarton have you forgotten that is was Gordy, See, Hoppes and a few of their followers that were feeding Outraged Richard and the Fat POS information on you? Have you forgotten those individuals exposed your sexual orientation? Have your forgotten those individuals exposed your "municipal infraction" in Rehoboth Beach?
You need to do your job and get rid of Hoppes and Gordy as soon as possible.
There is only one way to handle it and the Mayor has to do it. Go back check the recordings if the council said not to pursuit it then someone broke the rules PERIOD. Find out each person involved and by the way the grants have to be signed for each person gets fired. END OF STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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