During the most recent cuts from the struggling Gannett Publications Staff was Sean Yonkers, Sports Editor of the Daily Times.
Sean is a very nice young man with a Family and the Daily Times chose to keep the College Intern instead. We can only hope Sean finds work in the near future and we certainly wish him, (as well as all the others recently laid off) the very best.
Rather than turning things around and making things better for the Newspaper Industry, the Daily Times seems to simply flow with the national downfall within the Industry. It takles LEADERSHIP to survive, not followers.
There are ways to turn things around but far be it for me to give them any advice as to how to do it. Funny part is, it's working for Salisbury News. They're just to blind to see.
Anyhow, don't hold Sean's working for the Daily Times against him. He's a hard worker and a very honorable guy.
What a shame another young person trying to do the right thing by working hard and raising his family best he can, leveled. This is the American public speaking, we cant hang on much longer.
"If you think anyone should feel sorry for those people still working at the Daily Times and they haven't been out looking for new jobs, that's their fault."
Who said that Joe?
I did and I don't feel sorry for them. Just as much as if I closed down Salisbury News, YOU wouldn't feel sorry for me.
Sorry to see him go. I thought he was one of, if not the best thing about their Sports section. I hope he finds work at another paper or site.
Any chance he can end up here Joe? More sports news on your site!
Nope. No one wants to see sports news here.
If he lands elsewhere, either at another paper or site, could you keep us updated?
psst..college interns aren't paid.
Best wishes to Shawn and I hope he lands on his feet.
It's Yonker. Not Yonkers.
i would like to see a local sports article. high school sports, delmarva international speedway results and shorebird scores
Brice Stump is the only real talent left at the DT. It started downhill about 10 years ago when Mel Toadvine was fired and then John Bozman left.
I want more local sports on here
Must be trying to make it a weekly paper!
Hey Foxey--I agree with much of what you say. Brice Stump is also one of the best photographers I've ever seen. Wonder what happened to John Bozman...I used to think his column alone was worth buying the paper to read; the man could tell it like it was and did'nt kiss anybody's butt either. If you're out there John, say hello.
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