After Obama took Office as President of the United States, things have changed more so than this household can take.
On Friday we received a packet of information as our Grandson goes to Year Round School in Delmar. He has one more week of summer vacation and then he's back to School, so in this packet we received a list of supplies. It starts out in English and then completely switches to Spanish!
The Daily Times spend all day Sunday praising Dr. John Fredericksen for his outstanding work, why didn't they do the article in Spanish then?
Since the Wicomico Board of Education doesn't allow Salisbury News on their computers, I'm confident many of the Teachers are also on vacation and can read this article on their own free time and pass it along. ALBERO is Italian, not Spanish. The rest of the documents came in English, so I just don't get it.
Nevertheless, I wonder how many other parents got the same package? Quite frankly, if the Spanish people living in AMERICA can't read English, get the hell out of America. I'll be certain to take up Spanish before I head off to Spain or Mexico. Until then, (read my lips) this is an AMERICAN Country and we speak ENGLISH here.
I don't believe that Delmar has an ESOL teacher on staff....isn't the point of going to school in America getting an education IN ENGLISH?
Every school with other language speakers needs an English (for) Speakers of Other Languages teacher, to enable them to adapt. Kids may start out needing the Spanish version, but I'd dearly hope that the student only gets English curriculum once in class.
YOu should not have hired illegal mexican to work for you. This would not have happened except people like you hire them.
Thanks for helping destroy america.
anonymous 9:01, who are you refering to when you say "YOU"?
8:58, no, the point is not to get an education in English, it's to get an American education. Totally different. We are a melting pot. Joe, did your Italian ancestors suddenly start speaking English when they came to America? I think not. It's people like you that hold this country back.
The US does not have an offical language.
I would have to agree with Joe here. It is annoying...
I immigrated from another country myself without knowing a word of English. I had to attend ESOL classes in school and had to take intermediate English courses in college. Seven years after I came to the US, I managed to graduate from college.
By making everything available in Spanish, we discourage them to learn English. Comparing to immigrants from Europe or Asia, majority of aliens from Central or South America are far less educated and I believe that this is due to the fact that all basic information is available in Spanish. You have to learn English in order to be a productive member of the American society, period.
So, if I got a list like this in the mail, I would send anything I wanted to with my child to school, no matter whether they liked it or not. Better be in English, or I'm going to do it my way.
Thank You Alex. You should be very proud! You are a perfect example of what America should be to all who come.
Joe, You really do have nutty people replying to comments. It would make me mad to have to read these comments and trying to differentiate between bad writing and bad intent.
You're going straight to Heaven when you die.
My ancestors came from Italy. They came through Ellis Island and waited hours in line to do things legally. They learned english as soon as possible. My Grandfather refused to teach my mother to speak Italian saying "You were born in American - you speak english". No one wrote things in Italian for them. They used other Italians who spoke english to teach them. Our country didn't cater to them. Things have changed to the point that we're losing our identity as a nation.
If the shoe fits , then wear it.
It did not mean you if you are not one who did.
Even the kids born here to illegals should not be considered citizens.
Amen Joe!!!!
My husband and I ask each other (more often lately) "Just when did we make the move to Mexico"?????
This happens as we look around and see spanish speaking people in large numbers who either cannot, or choose to not speak ENGLISH!!!
Well I have news for some of them, I am understanding EVERY word you are saying and some of you are pure scum!
I grew up in the south and we were required to take spanish classes starting in 3rd grade so I had to learn the language.
while i totally agree anyone coming here should learn to speak english, it's just not the case. it's not the kids faults. they need supplies just like english speaking students and the kids arent out paying for the supplies their parents are, so therefore they need it in spanish. if the kids show up to school with no supplies because the list is only available in english, everyone will have a problem with that too. on another note, i don't know about all of you but i have much more important things in my life to worry about than if some supply list comes in english and spanigh. it is what it is.
This isnt about a list written in Spanish buddy, if you dont see that your part of the problem and one day youll be dealt with.
My grandmother immigrated from Italy & my grandfather from France. They both busted butt to learn English & build their lives as Americans. They taught their children Italian & French but they were taught that their primary language should always be English.
That's the way it should be done. Come here legally, learn English, obtain citizenship. If not go back where you came from.
There are too many bleeding hearts in this country!
I agree, if you're in America, you should speak English.
I feel bad for your family. Sadly, it was very common back then, and I know some families that also practice the custom of not teaching their children their native languages. Why not teach them BOTH English and Italian? I'm Hispanic by ethnicity, but American by nationality. My kids will learn English AND Spanish. The brain is a wonderful thing. Why not teach your children as many languages as possible? Speaking another language will not deter your ability to speak English. Similarly, it won't deter from your being any less American (granted you do in fact speak English). Studies show knowing more than one language helps your analytical skills which is key in a society dominated by standardized tests.
All I'm saying is teach your kids English, but if you have the ability to teach them another language, why not take advantage of that as well?
1051 Are you serious? I'll be dealt with. Your sissy boy threats don't scare me. Come and deal with me, please give me the pleasure.
Where have you all been, it has been this way for years, not since Obama took office.
maybe all the foreign speaking people immigrating to our country (legal or illegal) should begin to fundraise to build their own schools if they are non-english speaking. our children are held back everytime extra time is spent translating to a non-english speaking child. teachers cannot effectively communicate with non-english speaking parents so why does everyone have to be punished because a group refuses to do their part to be an effective part of our society. why do we pay people to translate for non-english people wishing to use our healthcare and/or wellfare system? It's got to stop somewhere. but when and how? we need to stop catering to all these special interest groups as soon as possible. Other countries aren't establishing special groups and educational systems for americans who dont speak their language. there should be standards. if there are, then what happened to them?
I agree with many of the opinions here about the fact that you should learn English when you come to America but that doesn't mean you have to discontinue use of your native language or discourage it. I think that if you move to any country you should be expected to do this.
I do not agree that it is a bad idea to provide documents in other languages.
While someone is learning English, they may still need a little help and with a list like the one above they can better prepare their children to be a functioning member of our school system.
Also, this whole conversation is moot. 9:15 is right above - America has no official language (not even the English that some of us hold so dear).
This has nothing to do with the President, I can assure you.
As a teacher, please be aware:
Many schools/districts can not afford an ESL teacher or specialist full-time. This isn't the teacher's fault. Your local teachers are desperately trying to teach BASIC ENGLISH to non-English speaking students, who themselves struggle because their parents can not read their homework and help them improve at home. It is a tough situation. The teacher who sent the note home probably intended to print one side in English and one in Spanish, as teachers in Wicomico County often do. This isn't because they think the students don't need to learn English - it is to help the parents at home to feel comfortable being involved in the student's education and to help them help their children with school-related tasks.
Do I privately agree that there should be a return to strong ESL programming? Sure. Do I agree that the teacher who sent home that list should have proofread and offered it in both languages? Definitely. But guys, 99% of the teachers out there are truly just trying to do the very best they can for each and every one of their students. Give them a break, please.
anonymous 12:05,
I'm sorry, we couldn't understand that. Could you please resend it in SPANISH please.
A law passed in 2004 makes it a Federal law that a 'Free & Appropriate Education' be provided to children who are themselves illegal immigrants, as well as children of immigrants who are born here. In addition, they are provided with ALL of the services provided to every other child.
The main source of funding to schools are local taxes. Illegals do not pay taxes, usually, but we do still provide an education to their kids. They can also receive Special Education services through age 21 and then transitional services forever for those kids.
Don't blame Obama for that.
Don't like it? Campaign for a National language, and campaign for educational services to be limited to those who are legal citizens.
If the USA quit providing free services (education, welfare, housing, medicaid) to those who are not BORN here (meaning no more services to ANYONE who comes here as an immigrant - you would have to wait for the next generation) we could probably balance our budget, and I assure you the influx of immigrants would slow dramatically.
The Dem's don't want intelligent people in society or they would never get elected.
Joe, did you get two lists from school, one in English and one in Spanish?
Chuck, no we did not. I spoke with a Board of Ed friend this morning and explained to them what we had received. The first thing they said was, was there an english version on the other side. I replied, no. They were amazed, especially since ALL of the other paperwork provided was in english.
I mentioned that perhaps they thought the Albero name was spanish and they replied, that would be discrimination. I agreed.
It was a big screw up on the BOE's behalf but we all make mistakes. You All can remember the last time I put up a Post in Spanish and not in English, RIGHT?
That's odd.
I wonder how much all of this is costing us. How much does it cost us to have to teach them to speak english. How much is it costing us to print things in spanish and english. Not just for schools but every state/federal run agency. How about street signs that are now being reprinted in english/spanish. How much welfare/food stamps/medicaid and such are we spending for these anchor babies. We keep giving giving giving and they keep coming. Im sick of all the free rides we have to give people. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They move here but want it like it was in the country they came from. Why did they leave there. Oh yeah its because we give everything to them FOR FREE! They dont want to fight to make their own country better they just come here..... well because its FREE! I think everyone has had enough and its time to start shipping them back.
This is not just after Obama took office, we have been getting school newsletters, etc. in both English and Spanish for a couple of years.
I know that everyone in this country refers to "America" as "United States" but Mexico is AMERICA and El Salvador is AMERICA and Columbia is AMERICA too. I get that "we are Americans" and "We'll do what's right for America" and we refer only to this country.... but this is the UNITED STATES. You can people that come to the UNITED STATES to speak English.... not America.
2:24 They do make things better for their country while they stay here-because they send every spare dime back to their native countries!
Kelly -
Our country is The United States of America, shortened to America OR the USA. I can't think of a country on the South American continent that is called The....of South America. So I think 'America' likely is acceptable as meaning the USA.
So they are not paying taxes here and they are stimulating their own countries while they get things here for free. AH HA! now I know why we have so much debt.
I just really hate the calls I get in Spanish and English from the Board of Ed by Mr Frederickson himself, they could get a better speaking Spanish teacher who would make sense in Spanish. I speak English at home to my kids and they have only taken Spanish in School and even they laugh at how poor his reading of a prewritten statement in Spanish is-slow and mispronounced as if it's for English speaking 1st year Spanish students and not for anyone who speaks Spanish regularly. If anything he can say if you need this message in Spanish call the school and do away with the whole Spanish part. Easier than 2 paragraphs about the Daily Times getting report cards wrong, is "para Espanol llama la escuela al numero 888-888-8888" probably cheaper too.
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