Location of Incident: PNC Bank, 4725 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE , New Castle County
Date and Time of Occurrence: June 12, 2009 on or about 22:30 hours
Suspect(s): White male, 5’04” to 5’06”, 140 lbs. Suspect was wearing a black shirt with a black hat.
State Police are investigating a robbery that occurred at a Kirkwood Hwy ATM machine.
The incident happened around 10:30 last evening when a 47 year-old woman stopped to withdraw money from an ATM machine at the Midway Plaza Shopping Center. As she approached the machine she was confronted by the suspect who was brandishing a handgun. The suspect forced her entered her PIN at gun point and made her withdraw an undisclosed amount of money. The suspect fled the area on foot with the money.
The victim was not injured.
if gun laws werent so tough these things wouldnt happen as much.the bad guys would think twice about robbing victims that may have their own weapons.
If gun laws were tougher guys like this wouldn't have guns to rob people with.
Anon 7:47
You are an idiot! Criminals are going to get guns...why ya think they call them criminals?
If law abiding citizens could carry and protect themselves criminals would be at a major disadvantage; just look at the numbers in the "open carry" states on crime.
You Libs are brainwashed.
You still don't get it. The bad guys don't give a D@mn what laws you pass they will always be able to get their guns to shoot you with. Give law abiding people concealed permits and watch the thugs disapear. Just look at the areas that have concealed carry laws= crime is down. A thug will think twice if he walks in a store to rob it and does not know how many other people have a gu pointed at him. Allow permits for wear and carry and make classes and tests a part of the permit process. People that have permits should be accountable for their actions
7:47 is just plain ignorant.
I thought Salisbury was bad but people are going crazy all over Delaware. Everyday there is a nut job in the news.
As far as gun laws and being someone that had a conceal carry permit, I'll say that even if there were no gun laws it doesn't mean that robberies wouldn't happen. Some people just would never carry a gun even if it was given to them with no strings attached. Its a very big responsibilty to carry a weapon, and an even bigger one to decide to use it.
Joe, you gotta brother, cause that guy sure looks like you.
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