Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:06 p.m. BRIEFING – Pam Baker (Barbacane Thornton and Company)
FY09 Audit
6:21 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Brenda Colegrove
June 8, 2009 minutes
Resolution No. 1794 – to join the Retiree Health Plan Trust previously created by the Wicomico County Board of Education and Wicomico County, Maryland and to name the City of Salisbury’s Trustees
Resolution No. 1795 - accepting American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds for various energy projects
Resolution No. 1796 – approving the City’s Consolidated Plan for Program Years 2009-2013 and the Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds for CDBG Program Year 2009 and authorizing the mayor to submit the Consolidated Plan and CDBG
2009 Action Plan to HUD
Resolution No. 1797 – authorizing the mayor to sign a Law Enforcement Services Agreement between the City and the Macerich Company for secondary employment at the Centre at Salisbury
Resolution No. 1798 - appointment of Bob Nelson to the City Park Committee for a term ending June 2012
6:25 p.m. AWARD OF BIDS – Internal Services Director Pam Oland
6:35 p.m. MANUFACTURING EXEMPTION REQUEST – Internal Services Director Pam Oland DiCarlo Precision Instruments
6:40 p.m. ORDINANCE – City Attorney Paul Wilber
Ordinance No. 2080 - 1st reading – amending Chapter 15.32,
Plumbing Standards, of the Salisbury Municipal Code to adopt fats,
oils and grease regulations
6:55 p.m. RESOLUTION – City Administrator John Pick
Resolution No. 1799 - authorizing a speed limit reduction for the
Villages of Sleepy Hollow development
7:15 p.m. ADJOURN
can't wait, can the public make comments on webster, oland and wilber?
Thank you for posting notices such as these, I know that many in our community find things like this very helpful.
I concur, this is a useful pubic service.
Isn't the police working at the mall a conflict of interest? Or are they exempt from city policy?
Hey Joe, I heard from one of the Nascar Drivers today. I will leave his name out so anti's cant use it, He wanted to know where you and I were he said it went ok but it wasn't like last year not as much excitment just so so, they didn't do the video recording to make the dvd only had one ref he said he's not doing it next year. I dont think we missed much.thought you would like to know.
When do you think they might include something important ?
like stopping crime.
Cleaning up the river.
Getting business to come to Salisbury to provide jobs.
You know things to help the working people .
To worried about themselves to do anything else.
What a joke ......
This town is so poor it cant even have a tax sale.
Public comments can be made about whatever and whoever is on your mind, at the end of the meeting.
On the cops and the mall, I'm glad to see it. No conflict at all.
1:53, I agree. Why is Louise Smith is still setting these lightweight agendas?
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