
It's time to get real! Now that we have a new President, it's time Americans express their concerns. Let's just say that President Obama comes to Salisbury News like the Governor of Maryland regularly does. What would YOU like him to know? What are your greatest concerns?
Also, do you think President Obama will shock Americans with anything big today?
Published by Joe Albero
Hold on to your seat people your going to see spending like you’ve never seen nor heard of before.
I would like his reassurance that our industries here on the shore will be respected, and I would like him to have a list of cuts he has made in government that will cut our taxes. I would also like to hear that he has decided to put vouchers for American made products in our hands instead of handing bailout cash to big industry.
Just a little comment about Obamas supporters. What a classless group of people. At yesterdays big event as Pres. Bush arrived with Obama a group of Obama people started chanting that Hey Hey Goodbye jingle. This was as low class as anything I have ever heard and if Obama is the man that they make him out to be I hope he apologized to Mr. Bush. I also hope that republicans will treat Mr. Obama with more respect that that classless bunch of thugs. Pres. Bush went out of his way to make sure Obama had a smooth transition and deserved better than this.
I am concerned with him being caught up in the "moment" and that the celebration will be days. Hopefully not! This country doesn't need a celebrate, we need a great leader able to make the tough decisions at the correct time. He does seem to be a very confident person and that in itself is a plus. I didn't vote for him but, for once I want to see someone do whats right and not what thier party would normally do. Do what is right and reach across party lines when applicable and often. I am a republican and think that both sides in the past have made decisions based on "embedded" thoughts or past precedures within thier party. Therefore, I would like to see him succeed for all of us and move toward being the world power and the economic leader. This can only be achieved by being open minded (as I think he has with his appointments of staff thus far)and setting partisanship aside. My only real fear lies in the fact that democrats have the majority and Pelosi tends to do what she wants based on the "embedded" thoughts of her party. I think the President can do his job, I am more worried about the house and senate etc...Bush didn't do a lot of things he wanted to do based on the decisions of the majority....
Drudge Report has a picture up of the mall after the event was over. Literally a carpet of trash. Really shows the quality of the Obama supporter.
Way to stay on topic, 8:32 AM.
anonymous 8:47,
How can you blame them. Look, do you think when Barrie Tilghman walks out of her Office there will be people cheering her and thanking her?
Bush left the Oval Office in shambles. I didn't vote for Obama but I can surely feel for the man.
I agree; the "Hey Hey Goodbye" thing was extremely rude and low-class for that particular group who actually chanted. Not all Obama supporters did it, though, did they? Stop branding all of us with the same iron because of the actions of a few.
Yes, Bush was quite gracious about the transfer of power. I commend him for that.
Yeah, I know. Off topic.
Good grief, 8:50. You'll seize on anything to bash Obama and his supporters. How many trash cans do you think it takes to accomodate 1.9 million people who started gathering before the sun came up?
Joe: People should show respect for the office. They have been bashing Bush for 8 years and this reflects very badly on Obama as well as the office. Say what you want, but Bush kept us safe for the last 7 yrs, and until the last year the economy had been doing well. Now with the economy tanking they want to blame Bush for that also, but remember what caused much of the economic problems, the housing fiasco where the banks gave anybody that could breathe a home loan. And where did this start, with Clinton, and when Bush and McCain tried to get more regulations on lending Dodd and Frank said there was no problem.
Ill give Obama one thing he or someone behind the scenes sure knows their history, because they are following it to the T. This is nothing new, its coming right out of our political history and they rode it all the way to the White House. Remember F.D.R.?
anonymous 9:02,
While I agree that people should respect the Office, how about all the parents of Soldiers that died in Iraq? How about ALL the millions of homeowners living on the streets because they lost their jobs and foreclosed on their homes because they bailed out thousands of companies with OUR tax dollars?
YOU think Bush kept those people SAFE? How about all of those soldiers that came home from Iraq injured at Walter Reede Hospital with less than substandard care? SAFE? I think not. I could go on and on but I'll stop here as what I just said says more than you'll ever be able to come back and defend.
9:02 I agree with you (Bush kept us safe), so staying on topic, my main concern is staying safe. Intelligence funding was drastically reduced in the Clinton era which many believe paved the road for the terrorist plotting the hits on our soil. We cannot cut spending on keeping this nation safe, and as bad as it may sound fighting the terrorist across the pond may be the only answer, although it is very costly, kinda like a catch 22....
I don't think anything big will happen today......Hopefully letting the Big 3 go bankrupt and withdrawing any bailout funds will happen! Time to re-negotiate employment contracts with the auto workers or get rid of the unions..
My concern is the $850 billion dollars that will be spread across the nation. It could be a great thing for all of us,or it could be a disaster. This country does not have an unlimited supply of money to hand out and it must be paid back sooner or later. Taxes will eventually have to go WAY UP to pay down our massive national debt. It is possible for the country to go bankrupt. In addition, once you start handing out this type of money, it is difficult to cut back on it as people get used to receiving money for projects. Another worry is the amount of corruption that goes along with that type of money in the government's hands. You can be sure that those who support those in power will become rich at the government teet. How many illegals will benefit from the construction jobs as Americans typically will not take jobs of manual labor?
Anyway,I pray the President is up to the task, as he has inherited a huge mess.
anonymous 9:33,
Good point. Here's a thought. Remember back in the day when the President fired all the Airline Traffic Control people? Obama should demand ALL Auto Workers break from their Unions or they lose their jobs.
Joe, I couldn't agree more. Organized labor in my opinion is horrible. I am not old enough to know but, maybe in it's hay day it was good. Today isn't the day for it!
Th e first thing I would do is have sex in the Lincoln bedroom.
Doug, are you sure you last name isn't Clinton?
How can Obama demand that all auto workers break from the unions, when he is the union-backed candidate and the CardCarry Legislation is being pushed thru by his party???
You can blame Bush for alot of things but you can't cry about dead soldiers when these men and women are not only all volunteers, but of age to make their own decisions. I respect the military and I support our troops including their decision to serve. War is not a party where everyone has a good time, it's awful. As a former active-duty Marine, I understand that at any moment my President may have a job for me to do and it may put me in harm's way. George Bush did not start this war on Terror, this goes way back to Carter and the 400 Iranian hostages-do nothing Carter showed the Liberal weak side of America and now look who's in Charge-the next 4 years are not going to be easy-my only Hope is that Obama breaks with his party (in order to stay popular or get re-elected-doesn't matter) and does the right thing when it comes to the War on Terror.
"What would YOU like him to know?"
I would like President Obama to know that the American people are watching VERY closely to see what he does on a number of issues.
I would also like to remind him that all those hundreds of thousands of new voters who voted in this last election voted for a reason. They were sick and tired of the way things are and the same old, same old out of Washington.
What I would like to see?
The illegal immigration problem remedied. I say start fining the "hello" out of the big companies (including Perdue & other chicken companies locally) who hire illegals and if they continue to do so, then seize their companies. That will help a lot with the problem. The illegals will not want to come here if they cannot find jobs for them to be able to send the money back to their homeland.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Get businesses hiring again. Sure, the government could create new jobs, but we need to get people re-employed where they were.
National security - Find Bin Laden.
Bush couldn't/or wouldn't do it. I think this alone would help people at least "feel" safer.
Forget bailouts. If the government is going to spend multi-million dollars on bailouts, then bailout the American PEOPLE. At least then when the taxes shoot up, we would have at least benefited from the bailout.
Those are not listed in any particular order, but I think I provided what the post was asking for....what I wanted the Pres. to know.
If my wife got on here Id be in real trouble huh.
Clinton got in bed with China, and were all still paying for it.
I do NOT think it is the government's place to find jobs for people. That's ridiculous.
As far as illegals go, they are here and have a place because the folks who would noprmally take those types of jobs would rather exist on GOVERNMENT MONEY (your tax dollars) than work.
Does anyone really think that people are going to step out of their generational poverty to take the only jobs for which they are qualified???? They could have done that at any time in history.
Bush used and abused the military. Take out bin laden in Pakistan and then bring them all home. These wars are stupid.
9:48 am,
You think liberal presidents were the only ones who allowed terrorism? Please explain to me what Ronald Reagan did when almost 200 Marines were killed in a terrorist attack in Lebanon. Also, who armed the Taliban? The answer? Reagan. Here's what I want Obama to do: to once again raise America as a leader in the eyes of the world, and to restore our own patriotism and sense of responsibility for ourselves and our fellow Americans. He is hitting the ground running by shutting down Guantanamo and leading a national day of service 2 days ago. Hundreds of thousands of Americans worked on service projects on Monday, but that didn't get a lot of public attention. He has inherited a very tough job at a very tough time, but I think he is up to the task. Time will tell.
10:26, Great shut down Guantanamo!
Guess where the freaks are going to be released? Here you idiot! Hopefully in your back yard. These people, will not return to thier countries, although not convicted I bet a large portion have ties to terrorism. If one of them does thats too many! Get real!
I would like Mr. Obama to know that while I do not agree with his policies or the associations he holds dear, I hope he is the most successful president in history. The more successful he is the more successful my family and I will be. I want this country to be even better for my children than it is for me.
Good luck Mr. Obama, you can expect intelligence, good will, and candor from this American.
Thank You Sean!
finally....people are posting on topic! Thank you.
Anon 10:26am-You're a genius...yes only liberal Presidents did nothing and let the detainees at Gitmo loose. Not only did I not say that liberal presidents did nothing at 9:46am, but I also did not say Republicans like Reagan did the right thing. I said Carter showed the liberal weak side of America, doing nothing was his entire Presidency. I hope you have room for all the "harmless" detainees from Gitmo when it comes to them-I'm a NIMBY. Let's not forget they weren't picked up from the local Afghani Baskin Robbins for not getting sprinkles on their ice cream sundaes, they were picked up on the Afghan battlefields and had taken arms against our troops.
You cant fight and win a war playing by the rules. They fight against the United States of America you KILL THEM.
It has been pointed out that Barack Obama has never created or helped to pass any significant legislation; he has never run a business or spent time serving in the military. Yet he proposes to pull this country out of the worst economic downturn, how do you propose to do this. You have little to no experience.
"Not only did I not say that liberal presidents did nothing at 9:46am, but I also did not say Republicans like Reagan did the right thing." True, you just skipped over Reagan. So, you admit that Reagan did nothing about terrorism? Well, except trade arms for hostages (negotiating with terrorists against U.S policy). And closing Gitmo does not mean releasing the prisoners, it means an end to U.S torture and an effort for the US to once again hold the moral high ground. You cannot be a world leader if you torture people and hold them for 7 years without being charged with anything. That is what the bad guys do. We are not the bad guys. Let the prisoners face a military tribunal, let the evidence against them be presented, and let them receive the punishment they deserve under the law. We do not keep people in cages for years without any charges against them. That is simply wrong.
Let's reverse your scenario: you don't beat the US by playing by the rules, you just kill them! So the Japanese behavior during the Bataan Death March was acceptable, and the murder of American POWs in Vietnam was acceptable, and the murder of our captured US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is acceptable, right? I think it is absolutely unacceptable for our enemies to kill POWs, and it is unacceptable for the US to lower itself to the level of those who barbarically killed POWs.
Anon 1:00pm, apparently reading something and then making up stuff is cause for argument. I didn't skip over Reagan or any other president. I didn't say he negotiated with terrorists. But that's beside the point because "The U.S. doesn't negotiate with terrorists" was a policy not a law. According to Hollywood history, Charlie Wilson armed the Afghanistan and Congress dumped them after they ousted the Russians letting in the Taliban-not Reagan. Maybe you should read up on some history. Carter showed the world that the Presidency could be weak and impotent. FDR, LBJ and even JFK-Democrats showed the world that the U.S. was a force to be reckoned with. Carter was the first to turn tail and run. But I didn't bring this up because this post isn't about that...it was about what we want Obama to know. My hopes for Obama are that he be a man proud of his country and not go the way of Clinton or Carter, letting our enemies have victories over us.
Joe ref your 9:15 comment
We lost over 3000 people on 9/11. How many mor jet liners have flown into sky scrapers in this country since? War is hell and one life lost is too many. At least this time we are trying to win, unlike the Vietnam war where we lost over 50,000 men without even trying to win the war.
I am not saying Bush didnt make mistakes, but i think he always did what he truly believed was best for our country.
anonymous 2:13,
DON'T EVEN GO THERE WITH ME! I lost a Copusin in the World Trade Center. I'll leave it at that.
Well, I would like to ask why the inaugural parade was so late and why no military were shown, except the Coast Guard and some High School JROTC's. If the military was out there, as we were for Kenedy's parade in 1960,( and yes, I know they military lining the route of march) they would have been frozen by the time they got to parade. For Kenedy we kicked off at 1400 (2 pm to those who don't know military times) so we got out there about 1230 and if there were some military in this parade they were probably out there about the same time and I did not see any Army, Navy or Marine Corps, or Air Force troops pass in review up to 1900 ( 7pm )when the coverage stopped. On another note, I certainly think we could have had some High School bands of another color thank black to be the first ten to 15 units to come by the reviewing stand! I know I'll be condemned for saying this, but it was amazing to me not to see some mixed races in the start of the parade. What are we saying here, Mr. President?
"According to Hollywood history, Charlie Wilson armed the Afghanistan and Congress dumped them after they ousted the Russians letting in the Taliban-not Reagan. Maybe you should read up on some history." Maybe YOU should read history instead of watching a friggin' movie! Start by reading about a little something called Iran/Contra. Was Reagan a strong president when he allowed 180+ Marines to be killed without a response? What would you have said about Carter or Clinton had they done that? You guys just accuse liberal Democrats of being weak on defense without looking at your own leaders. How about the first Bush?
Now someone posts a complaint about what time the darn parade started/ended?
Who cares!? What difference does it make?
Find a new focus people...something good you can focus on, stress kills ya know.
amazing how these posts and the comments just hit a brick wall and stop,
Anon 3:07pm...Carter and Clinton did do nothing about terrorism and I didn't agree with you on REagan did nothing, I said that Republicans like Reagan and Weinberger did not do the right things with many bombings in Beirut going unretaliated not just the Marine Barracks, then going after Libya for other bombings like the disco in Berlin. Now you want to bring in Charlie Wilson and Bush 1. I referred to the movie because that is what you said -"Reagan armed the Afghanis and Iran/Contra" but according to your liberally approved dogma that is Hollywood movies...Reagan does not get credit for that. As for Bush 1, you can't have it both ways-Bush 1 didn't do enough even though he followed the liberal UN to a fault, and Bush2 is a monster for not going with the UN and putting American interests abroad first. Pick one but don't tell me I don't know what went on, I just prefer actual history to the KoolAid version.
Dear President Obama,
My Dad thinks it is great you froze salaries today. Thank you. My Dad is usually mad about government.
I hear a lot about Bailout Money. I hope Congress lets you do what you think is right. Your ideas of how to help Americans and get them back to work with that money is much better than giving it to those crummy bankers. (My Dad is really mad about that!)
If your create some jobs, my older brother will apply for one and work real hard. He lost his job three weeks ago and is working real hard to find another.
Please do something about healthcare as soon as you can. Mom and Dad don't have any and we think Mom is sick but she won't go to the doctor because she said we can't afford it if she is sick.
My friend Davon and I are very happy you won. You said a lot of good things in your speech. You said we should help people. Davon and I are going to help Mrs. H. with her yard. She is really old and it looks kind of bad there now. Her husband has been dead a long time my Mom says.
Please tell Malia and Sasha my sister and I say HI. And Mrs. Obama, too. She reminds me a lot of my Mom, except my Mom is blond.
Your friend,
I have something I wish he could address. I am 37 years old and have worked from the time I was 14. I had an injury that put me out of work and subsequently lost my job. I'm am currently on unemployment which doesn't cover my bills. The problem I have is trying to get even some medical assistance. I pay almost $1,000 a month for medication alone. When I go to medical assistance they tell me to go to social security and file for disability. Once they deny the claim I am to continue applying until they approve it. Now if I had been an immigrant I would have been approved immediately. Something is wrong with this picture.
Here's my message to President Obama. "Don't screw things up too bad, maybe we can still save this country when you and the rest of the liberals are done."
What I want the president to know.
President obama , why havent you been completely transparent with your own personal records ? Is the illinios corrupt backing you ? We have given you a "pass" on these issues and set you up for life, will you tell me why Bush caught all that slack for his inauguration yet you are praised? Why DID you vote "present" all them times ? Why havent you taken care of your own family better , letting your own mother be insulted by labling your self as a "afro american" ?
Will you bring the pledge of allegence back to our schools ? Are you going to cut out those one race sided programs to help promote equallity ? Do you eat the crust out of the bread loaf or throw it away ?
And I have a "billion" more questions for you and would like to know if you would join me for supper one night next week to have a "sit down" so to speak ?
Let's see the question was "Do you think Obama will shock Americans with anything big today?" YES THE BILL FOR YESTERDAYS INAUGURATION!!!
Also if you looked closely at the Salisbury News today his speech was almost identical to Bush's speech only everyone loved it when the Antichrist said it. Gee what idiots the masses of the American people have become to elect this
anti-american inexperienced smooth
talking 50% white 44% arab as president and only elected him because they were dumb enough to think he was black. Yeah 6% black and they call us racist. The biggest surprise you will get is when he makes our free country a socialistic or communist state. Hope you all are happy with your new president.
what i think is HILARIOUS is that all these people who have so much to say... are posting as ANONYMOUS!!! They must not believe in their ideas enough to take credit for them... :)
We have a new president... whether all those 'extra' people came out of the 'woodwork' just to vote for obama is WAY beside the point... THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHT TO A VOTE AS YOU DO!!!! :)
Now, whether we like it or not, we all have to work together to make this nation a great one again... one we can ALL be proud of... and we can only do that by SUPPORTING our president...
And don't forget it is because of this great nation that YOU are allowed to say what you have posted on this blog...
boniblue ? what a original name you have. Was it your mother or grandmother who named you ? What? Its not your real name? Its a anonymous name ? You dont say? Well you just must not have any beleif in any of your ideas , or so you have said. Right , I think I will refer to you as kettle! Because the pot just called .
anonymous 5:41
boniblue is the name i use for EVERYTHING on-line and is linked to my blogger page... so... i am not a kettle... and i am not anonymous!!!
YOU post under anonymous... where no information at all is given...
ps... my name is boni tho...
and how many boni's do YOU know??????
not many... it is not a common spelling... and that IS WHAT MY MOM NAMED ME!!! :P
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