"I was surprised when I got home a discussed the activities of the inauguration with my children after school. We all know the world almost stopped at the schools for this historic event but what I didn’t realize is the money the spent on coloring books, book marks, and pencils they gave all the children. Now what I always here from the schools is that they are on such a tight budget they are barely getting by, so where did this money come from and how much was spent on these items. This is our tax money at work."


Both my daughters are teachers and each buy several times a year pencils and misc items for different themes i.e. Valentine's Day. They purchase these items with their own money and are happy to do so.
I felt the same way. Where did this money come from? Who approved the spendatures? Who is to answer for all the waste? Maybe the board has some connections and will get a 'bail out'
Can we find out the total cost of all these items?
how much did they spend?
It's not just the expense, it's the fact that it's garbage. How important is it that Obama took his wife for an ice cream cone on their first date???
Maybe the Obama administration started early, and started taxing everyone in advance!He is a democrat you know!
If these funds were not budgeted for that, could there be a civil (or criminal) violation?
And even if they were, is it legal to spend public funds for such political propaganda?
Inquiring Minds Want To Know!
Stop crying everyone! Geeeeez!!
You have NO clue (nor do you care) where 99% of the money goes, but your hateful views wants make a stink out of learning material.
I am sure you aren't reading and critiquing the overall worth of a math book, or history book! Get over it!!!!
This should give real impetus to home schooling!
I wish we had the voucher program so we could place our kids where we wanted.
They dont care about your PUBLIC schools or the children that go there. If your kids go to PUBLIC school the powers that be in this country dont care about you and yours, your in the other society now. Theres two societies and the middle class is going bye-bye. Aint concentrated capitalism great.
10:21, now that ia a poor excuse for you not sending your child where you want to. Don't blame the system; blame yourself if you are not happy with the situation.
10:16 --
Right on.
Home schooling is the sensible way to avoid the tragedy and agony of our "public scrools".
"I wish we had the voucher program so we could place our kids where we wanted."
You can! Buy a couple plane tix and leave the country. Problem solved.
OBAMANATION: the second day begins.
OMG! I just found out that the schools pay .55 cents each for small milk cartons!!!!!
Agreed! Go with home school!!! Then you can spend all your money on supplies. You are the smartest... go for it!!!
Before he was elevated to run the county, wasn't Mr. Pollitt on the school board? That may help explain this asinine situation.
And you will get what you pay for, unlike in the public schools.
Wise up, bozo!
Our tax money is going to educate the kids... And you're complaining.
Fo' reel dawg?
It's nickle pencils and dollar coloring books, get over yourself if you think this is a waste of money compared to what is actually spent with our tax dollars.
anonymous 10:37 said....
"It's nickle pencils and dollar coloring books"
First of all, maybe you need to go to a printer and see what color printing costs these days. Nevertheless, just how many students received them as well?
The question asked is fair. I would have to believe this is the BOE doing a bit of CYA.
Look at the coloring of the activities book. With that terrible shade of color 1 ink cartridge could supple hundreds of these books depending on how big they are.
Let's push it to say $200 on ink alone. This is peanuts compared to tax dollar spending in other areas.
Joe - Once again... you don't really know the entire story! Please stop with your assumptions!
lets see if they do it for the next president
anonymous 10:49,
Since YOU know the whole story, why not share it then. Or are you covering up something?
I work in the schools and not all elementary schools did this. The Principal at one school bought all these supplies for her school which has a very high Black population. The money probably came from PTA fundraisers, so if you don't like it, dont spend your money on PTA fundraisers at your school. That is if your school gave these out, which I know of only one.
10:16am-why did you bother posting anything? It's taxpayer money and why is assuming the schools printed their own...they went to a company last November-December and had them printed up especially for the occassion, unless the lady who was so hot on making Pittsville elementary schoolers dress up for the TV viewing of an inauguration got them for free from the local Democrat party, which should also be a no-no.
"C" Excellent follow up.
I agree with anon 10:16
You don't see these same people complaining about the schools having lights/heat on 24/7.
You also don't hear them complaining about the school buses stopping 4 different times to pick up kids within 2 blocks, when those kids could all walk to one central location. Less stop/starting for the bus (saves fuel ya know).
These are things that REALLY cost, not some little coloring book which was probably provided by our Federal government and not even purchased by BOE. Didn't think about that, did ya?
I'm rather tired of hearing your petty whining.
Elementary Schools # Students
Beaver Run 514
Chipman 422
Delmar 948
East Salisbury 354
Glen Avenue 309
Fruitland Primary 493
Fruitland Intermediate 385
North Salisbury 469
Northwestern 268
Pemberton 623
Pinehurst 395
Pittsville 455
Prince Street 447
West Salisbury 305
Westside Primary 281
Westside Intermediate 434
Willards 281
Total 7,383
Source http://www.greatschools.net/search/search.page?c=school&lc=e&p=1&q=wicomico&search_type=0&st=public&state=MD
anonymous 11:15,
Thanks for sharing that info!
"Now what I always here from the schools is that they are on such a tight but…"
"Who approved the spendatures?"
"This should give real impetus to home schooling!"
Do you really think this is a good idea given the above quotes? The children of most of these people who are complaining probably know more about how the government works than their own parents, thanks to what these schools are doing to show their patriotism.
According to "C"'s post $1.20 per deluxe pack. http://www.positivepromotions.com/SK-1017/p/SK-1017/
I wonder out of that 948 that attend delmar, how many of them really dont live in that schools districk but fake the paperwork so their kids dont have to go to a school in wico-mico county?
Delmar Elementary is in Wicomico County's school district, not the Delmar School district.
Delmar School district ONLY consists of the Jr/Sr. High School on the Delaware side.
I know, and you know what I meant. We did it for several of my wifes sisters kids just so they wouldnt have to go to another school in wico-mico county. Safer,Smaller,Better.
Doug, The last time I was there Delmar is in Wicomico County.
I'm happy for the children who at least had some paper and crayons.....The 300 Corporate Jets that arrived to Celebrate the Moment.....Could really "Paint The Town Red" The new administration demonstrating that Money is no object ...will it ever end.........
Isn’t in funny how the public can’t seem to see the enormous step our country has taken toward equality? Or is it now, we have a number of people wanting to demonstrate how they personally haven’t taken this step at all? As a white male in his 50’s, I cannot begin to imagine what it was like to grow up in this country as a black citizen. Well, the country called them citizens when they needed them for war or taxes, but that was apparently where “citizenship” ended. As a child, I was fortunate enough to have a father who served in WWII and knew from that moment on, the men that stood by him were his equals. Black, brown, blue, green, yellow it was never about color to my dad. So when he raised me, I too was taught to see people for who they were and not the color of their skin. But even while I was growing up, racism was alive and well. For those who believe yesterday wasn’t a monumental day for the United States of America, I invite you to sit down with a few of the elders around your town. Listen to their stories of how things were. Listen to that grand mother, who’s only offense was the color of her skin, and hear what she had to endure. Hear how hard it was for her to try and shield her children and grand children from a hate that grew out of fear and terrorism. Now look in her eyes as she tells of the joy, peace and warmth yesterday brought. Whether you voted for him or not, yesterday was a historical day and well deserves every bit of attention it has been given.
I am so sick of our schools teaching kids about US history and current events! This is an outrage that must stop!!!
You people crack me up (you know who you are).
ps-where can I get one of those booklets? It's gonna be worth something someday.
I hope they dont spend another dime on your kids.
You pay for private school .
That will save a lot of tax money.
when are you snobs going to pitch in and help the teachers pay for these things?
Its not your money, why dont you pay for your kids stuff?
Anon 1:30 PM I don't know where you are hiding but I pay for all school supplies (i.e. paper, pencils, composition,, notebooks, highlighters, colored pencils, book bag, etc.) There are some good teachers that go out of their way and get things on their own and kudos's to them. I will tell you I would have never bought that piece of propaganda trash. The first two pages is about accomplishments of being a black man.
I was told by my childs teacher that I had to provide kleenex for the classroom, pencils, binders, notebook
paper, etc because the schools cannot provide those things. HOWEVER, they can provide coloring books, pencils, etc etc for this "show".....what gives?
"Free at last Free at last" I too have been to the mountain top/ I will no longer feel guilt for 100 year old issues. I will no longer have to hear it is because I am Black that I didnt get the job. I dont have to hear the Goverments owes me because what happend in 1933. I am happy about the booklet if it inspires one young Black man to be accountable and not a cry baby. To raise the three or four children he kicks out then great. I dont know but have you taken a look at at our county school system. Check out the unwed mothers. The majority are AA children having AA babies. So why is the monority producing the majority of fatherless children. This goes for caucasian girls as well. They are having milato children. Spend a little freaking money on birth control and education. I am happy O won. Free at last Free at last. Stop the crying game and become responsible good Americans. Ohbama may be a lot of things but he was not lazy laying around asking anyone for anything. He saw it, worked for it, and took it. 14% is what they say. He won hands down the majority of Americans cant be wrong. But this mixing of Goverment in School. If they have the nerve to hand that out, you better be able to pledge the American Flag. I also think this would be a great fight for a good civil attorney. It is great to have American Pride, but if it is strictly based on race then It should not be taught to children in a public school setting period. The families of these children can put whatever spin on it they want. It is this behavior by the BOE that will help divide Americans. Think before you stink
Also the color does stink he is nowhere near that shade. Say what you want but an African American did not win any election for President. A mixture od culture there. So have you prideful moment but when you turn on lights He is not a true African American. Wow that is an oxymoron. African American. "O" is just like the rest of us hear in the good ole USA he is a Mutt. Proed to be American. Now if FITTY CENT got elected no we are talking true BLACK MAN or Chris Rock, or Wesley Snipes, Denzel Noooo, Collin Powell noooo, Beyonce Nooooo. So get over all you we all won in one way or another. BOE stopping wasting money times are tough enough. Next time stop the brain washing when these kids see him in person they will see he is super light. maybe that is why he went to hawaii for a couple of weeks. Tried to tan up a bit. Gotcha
lol now that was funny. Tanning up a bit. maybe he knew BOE was putting him on the cover ? Kinda deep if you really think about it. Smile somebody loves you
11:28: I realize that this is off the topic, but one correction: Delmar is not "smaller." In fact, it is by far the largest school in Wicomico County. It is also commonly believed that it is one of the best schools. There is a degree of parental support not seen by most other schools. All of my grandchildren have attended or do attend Delmar, and we are happy with the education they have received there.
By smaller I think I meant what your saying, the community is smaller and closer knitt. The kids cant get away with as much or youll know about it before they get home. I feeled lucky that my four kids went there. Only one is in school now at Delame high.
Two Sentz says "I am so sick of our schools teaching kids about US history and current events!" I agree they show actually teach the whole history not just the history they want to twist into a propaganda machine for the next generation of liberals.
Be concerned about the number of do-nothing positions at the WCBOE. The number of directors is ludicrous and the number of jobs that have been created in maintenance and facilities is unbelievable. Of the two directors and one coordinator, Mrs. Finger, Mr. Walker and Mr. Brewer who are telling schools how to be safe and disciplined and how to evacuate when necessary, neither has been a principal and only Mr. Brewer has been a vice principal. Real experience with running safe schools there.
Doug, that is twice now you apparently have not typed what you actually meant - according to your rebuttals.
Please take a moment to read it after you type it before you post it to make sure it says what you are trying to say OR just admit you typed exactly what you meant to begin with.
I mean, really.
Joe, you want to know... fine... I teach within the Wicomico school system and us teachers (who wanted to use that printed material) took a collection to purchase them. Those teachers who didn't want to incorporate into their daily lesson plan didn't have to chip in.
We don't make much money annually, but we're in it for the future of these children, which made it a worthwhile expense on the historic day.
anonymous 3:23,
SORRY, I'm NOT buying it. Do you have any clue how easy it is for one of the Anti Albero Bloggers to get on here anonymously and make such statements to feel sorry for you? Nice try but I'm not buying it.
Joe, Just a FYI to the comment made by Anon 3:23 the literature aka coloring/work book came to my house still sealed in the plastic wrap. This does not sound like classroom material as it does a handout.
Teachers are union losers who all voted the Obama party line..that's why they chipped in for coloring books for the po kids.
People are making a BIG deal out of something that is not a big deal. Students get coloring books, pencils, stickers for other occasions - Dental Health, Nutrition Month, Black History Month, Easter, Summer Vacation, etc. I agree with a previous post - some people are looking for anything to complain about just because this is Obama.
Get over it already!!! He's the President. Deal with it. There are so many more important things in the world to be concerned about.
Come to your child's school. Volunteer your time - read to the kids, help with Math or lunch. Get involved in a positive way that will make a difference to your child!
3:15, I dont think I know everything and when some one calls me on it and its makes sense to me I am smart enough to admit it. Thats how you learn, which is how you grow. I give my opinions as best as I see them at the time, sometimes people convince me that Im off base or just wrong. Sometimes people remind me why I am the way I am, which one are you trying to be?
Coloring books! What a great idea.
Commissar, immediately distribute Dear Leader coloring books to all schools in the DPRA.
Next, we'll have a contest for the children. The best picture winner gets an extra ration of toilet paper (250 sheets single one-ply).
The worst picture - You don't want to have the worst picture.
Yes You Will!
Doug, don't let the anonymous kool-aid drinkers get under your skin. If they were real men they wouldn't hide behind their anonymous tag. I understood what you were saying and didn't need you to bring it to a third grade level to understand.
That Board of Education is composed of intelligent people with college degrees. They are highly trained and are committed to supporting the president and the constitution. One of our goals is for all Americans to have equal opportunity regardless of race, economic status, religion, etc. President Obama will work hard to make all Americans equal. This is why the wealthy should be taxed more and the poor be given money to make everyone equal. It is not fair for some people to live in sub-standard housing and some lawyer or doctor enjoying a 350,000 dollar house or more. Taxes should be set so that every family has the same yearly salary. How they spend the money is their business.Pray for Obama and support his ideas and requested legislation. Let us all be christiam. Help thy neighber ans share thy fruit.
Every school, college, government building and all agencies receiving fereral funding should be required to display a large picture of our new president. This will show all people that we are not prejudice and we do support Obama. In our pledge to the flag,it states that united we stand or divided we fall. All citizens want to keep our country strong and support our soldiers who are fighting now for us.
WOW ! Incursion of our Government by the Obamanation.
It is important that Obama remember's what he and his wife had on their first date. Bush couldn't remember what he had for breakfast any given day!
I taught school in inner city Baltimore to very low income children. You should redirect your energy on the No Child Left Behind Act. The better your school performs on testing, the more funding you will get. But did you know if a child has lived in the US for only 6 months they are expected to perform the same as other children? So you have a hispanic speaking child that is required to take a test in English of which they have only been learning the language for a few months. And that is only one example of many problems with this Act.
Schools paying for some pencils now and then should be at the bottom of your list when it comes to Education concerns.
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