You know, one of the hardest working individuals working in the City of Salisbury IMO is Mr. Tom Stevenson. This is a man who has a very difficult job with Code & Compliance and the way I see it is, not many of the people he deals with on a daily basis are happy with that department. He leads a group of individuals that are just outstanding people who really care about Salisbury.
The photos above are images of the overpass on Rt. 13 that used to be infested with graffiti, broken bottles and trash everywhere. I have been down there many times over the years taking pictures and when you are subjected to making contact with a Railroad Company asking them to come in and clean up property like this, it's almost impossible to get them to comply. Folks, this area was by far the worst anywhere in the City and perhaps the entire Eastern Shore, seriously.
Obviously the Staff at Code & Compliance were able to convince the RR Company to actually come out there and clean things up. I would certainly have to add the Salisbury Police Department had to also have their hands in cleaning up this area as a large majority of the homeless lived under that overpass and spent years trashing it.
When I see the Mayor regularly giving out proclamations every couple of weeks, the one group you rarely see up there is the Staff from Code & Compliance. Anyone who had ever seen this location in the past, (that includes the Mayor) has to admit, what a huge difference this makes.
So Tom & Co., my hat is tipped to all of you for a fine job well done. It hasn't gone unnoticed.
The good part about C&C not getting any of the mayor's hollow commendations is that it distances them from some of the bull sh*t going on in the mayor's office and her cohorts.
With the changes coming after the mare is gone Salisbury will see more changes.
Joe, you should go back under the bridge again and take pictures of the overpass itself. The concrete is crumbling from the bottom of the roadway portion of the bridge and it is a matter of time before the bridge collapses. What have you got to say about that mr. bubba yo nex mare!!
I guess it's nice of them to do there job but can they focus on eye sores of the city that we can actually see.
The concrete on that bridge is their to protect the steel underneath from the exhaust and steam from the old trains that traveled those tracks when the bridge was built back in the 20's. The concrete has no structural value.
Maybe next they can go down to Pittsville. There is a nasty location down there that needs cleaning!!!
I wish the city would switch their vehicles to natural gas power it pissed me off this summer watching them riding around burning 5 dollar a gallon fuel just to stay cool in the ac.
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