Hail King Obama: President for life
Move underway to repeal Constitution's term limits
As Inauguration Day approaches and Barack Obama prepares to assume his first term as president, some in Congress are hoping to make it possible for the Democrat to not only seek a second term in office, but a third and fourth as well.
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.
Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y., earlier this month introduced the bill, H. J. Res. 5, which, according to the bill's language, proposes "an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President."
GO HERE to read more.
It won't happen, nor should it.
Just like Obama wouldn't beat McCain.... hmmmmmmmm
OMG...at least let the man get into the position first; see if he is worthy and manages to do what he even says he is before we spend all that time, energy and money on all that. Yikes!
I predict that Obama is classy enough that, like George Washington, he'd step down after two terms. The DNC might push for it, too.
Let's not blame Obama for the stupidity of a few Congressional reps.
Don't blame him for the ga-ga behavior of supporters either.
Obama has demonstrated a lot of humility in the face of so much adulation and popularity.
This "story" from a source that's just as right-leaning and opinionated as you, Joe. And like you I hope nobody confuses it with a real news site.
They will be clearing a spot for him on Mt. Rushmore soon.
Maybe they will repeak the "Natural Born Citizen" clause while they are at it.
Then the Governator can become the Prezinator...
Bosshog, they already have in defacto removed the citizenship clause, since Obama was never made to make his birth records public. I will always doubt his citizenship until he shows his BC.
Just the latest "bogey man" scare tactic from the lunatic right wingnut misinformation crowd. This crap doesn't work anymore in case you haven't heard.
"Anonymous said...
They will be clearing a spot for him on Mt. Rushmore soon."
I don't think Mt. Rushmore has enough rock left for his ears.
CC said...
I hope he is classy enough to step down after two days....Now thats would be class. He also should have class enough to step down after spending way too much money on this celebration....Does anyone remeber the liberals asking that G.W tone down or reduce the spending of his second inauguration? The democraps were all over that, well, well Hipocracy at its finest!
Obamas change:
Bill Richardson, had to withdraw because of corruption investigation
Eric Holder, Atty, General nominee, involved in Clinton pardon Of criminal Mark Rich. Also involved in decision not to allow FBI and CIA to communicate to each other which contributed to 9/11
Carol Browner, appointed as Climate Czar. Until summer of 2008 a high ranking official in a socialist group that proposes a one world government and penalizes wealthy nations
Geithner, the treasury sec. nominee, for several years did not pay his taxes and had an illegal (expired green card) working for him. Only paid after being nominated and recieved no penalty fee from IRS. Now Obama wants this man to be in charge of IRS.
Its not even Obama that makes me that sick, its the people who support him, and act like he is GOD or something. I cant do anything without hearing about some mumbo jumbo commemorative plate set, give me a break. You dont understand that you extremists make everyone hate Obama because of the way you act, its disgusting. The way you act makes people hope and pray that Obama screws up. GET A CLUE WACKOS!!!!! You are your own worst enemies......
Obama has already provided a real ecomnomic stimulus for gun dealers!
This might be the last straw. It sounds as though you anti Obamas want him to fail, which would result in the ruination of our country, so that you can be right.
You make me sick.s
anon 418. you make everyone sick. the Obama reign is going to hurt this nation. It will fall. I am neither republican or democrat. Either way he will fail.
This has been brought up since the 1960's, and has always been voted out. Remember, sheeple,, your senators and congressmen vote from your input. So, INPUT!
He resembles Curious George. I can remember as a child learning how George tried to grow whiskers abd had to hide in the dark in order to get them to grow. What kind of darkness will George plunge our nation into to get us back on our feet. Perhaps Islam? You wait and see. It's been written.
I beleive the address isnt king ...its ...aga . His birth rite name. Why is aga obama so anxious to be president in such troubled times ?
Maybe he was in deep do-do with the "illinios gang" and has decided that if he runs and wins either way he gets out from the "gang".
Yet we all know what happens to "gang" members who want out ? I think it goes like this . " Gang members for life".
I didnt vote for him nor do I support him. And I wont lie and say I hope he does good. Because there is no evidence that he could/can.
His old buddy , Ayers , has been banned from canada in case you havent heard . Now how can we elect a man who is known to consort with a person who cant even get into Canada ?
Personally I think Aga obama is "whipped" by his full blooded AA wife. And she will be calling the real shots using her husban as a "front" guy.
Remember the Black Panthers at the poll boothes ? Was this just a coincidence ? What ever happened to Gov. Bloggo ? See if he dosnt meet with some sort of accident the closer he gets to impeachment.
Cause hes not gonna go down alone.
Barrack Obama is a god to many poor, opportunity-denied and hope ful black citizens. When he speaks his words are hynotic and people seek more of him.He is a new born leader, a future world savior and the closest thing this earth has produced that is closest to a messiah. I truly believe he is the anti-christ. Reflect on Joe's article on the end of the earth and what is happening today. See the parallel.
Please, allow him to become great before greatness is thrust upon him.
To put Obama on Mt. Rushmore with four dead white men would be racist. He deserves his own mountain.
If they do repeal the 22nd Amendment, I guess we are inaugurating Robert Mugabe today.
After Obama pardons the 12 million illegals and the Democratic Congress makes them citizens, we will have a one party socialist state.
Then Obama will be President for Life.
If you can't take Muhammed to the mountain.....
whoops, can't bring up the "muslim" thing.
Thanks for the laugh.
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