From the time they opened their doors till late into the evening, if you didn't have Reservations you just weren't getting in. That's how packed it was. People were even asking if they could get carry out food and they had to turn them away. This was yet another successful event where 5 former Baltimore Orioles Players came from as far away as PA. just to be there and sign autographs and of course enjoy some of the fabulous food and beer the Market Street Inn serves. Chris Bitters and Sherman were there as well from the Shorebirds.
Brooke and the Mulford Family have touched many hearts here in Salisbury and the local support has been quite overwhelming. I received a very kind message from the Family thanking everyone for their support. The thing you'd hear most was, I'd give it all up just for a cure. Brooke will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers until we get just that, a cure.
"This was yet another successful event where 5 former Baltimore Orioles Players came from as far away as PA." Did you arrange for them to be there, Joe?
I had absolutely nothing to do with getting these former Ball Players to this event.
Isn't that Bryan Adkins in that 4th picture down. I think he is a former Orioles player or coach. I always see him at the Shorebirds games with a uniform on. I think he must be a very important person with the Shorebirds these days.
The County should hire Doug Marshall as a Community Organizer for people that with these type circumstances. He has really pulled people together in a very short time to help this family.
In time, he too can go on to be POTUS.
Mr. Adkins did arrange for these players and coaches to do this. I do believe that his connection to them is primarily through playing baseball in the Orioles Fantasy Baseball Tournaments and his friendship with Gary Kendall. He has never been a player or coach but has done work with the Shorebirds and, again, I think because of his connection to Kendall.
While I was watching the Ravens game at the Mkt. St. last night I heard that he had contacted guys like Scott McGregor and Boog Powell but they were not available due to being out of town. Boog would definetly stand out even in all that crowd!
Did this event raise money for the Brooke Mulford fund?
Yes - and I have heard that beside a record day in food sales there was over $5,000 raised from donations, the autographs and the raffle ticket sales.
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