Although some might call them FedEx, I call them FedUp. This particular driver came into the Downtown area the other day "on the rag." I had been speaking to a very old friend of mine when we waved this driver to go around us. Even if he wanted to park in front of the vehicle my friend was in, there was plenty of room for him to do so.
The next thing we knew he was spinning his tires in anger and flying around his vehicle and slammed his delivery vehicle up onto the curb. He got out and just started going off, as if this was his road, his curb and we were completely in his way, NOT!
I immediately walked up to his FACE and stood there and asked him if he was threatening me? I then asked if he'd like to leave in handcuffs? There's no way I'm going to stand for some jackass in a bad mood screaming and yelling at me, simply because he's in a bad mood.
I believe this pansy was in absolute SHOCK when I walked right up to him toe to toe and gave back the same dose of medicine he was trying to deliver to me.
By the way FedUp, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
You're also lucky I didn't call the Police and have this guy arrested because I had plenty of witnesses to do so. By the way, the UPS Drivers are much nicer, wouldn't you agree?
He's is probably not a Fed Ex employee. Fed Ex contracts their delivery routes out to anyone that wants to bid them and can meet the requirements. Do you think he cares if you blogged him or call Fed EX? NOPE! He has a contract. Been there done that with Fed Ex. That's why I use DHL or USPS for shipping.
Fedex ground drivers really can't be fired, they are contract workers, who are royally getting screwed for pay. It's very possible for them to lose money delivering for Fedex. UPS drivers are much nicer due to the fact they are making fat money. They have to work hard for it and long hours, but are very well compensated.
The Fed-Ex driver in my neighborhood (Pinehurst) is a lovely young woman , extremely pleasant. So are the UPS guys, and the city trash and recycle guys!!There are alot of great people still out there!
My hubby used to deliver for FedEx Ground like 6 yrs ago-and they get paid dick!He started his day at 7 am and on some days did not stop until 10 or 12 hours later.His pay for all this?A flat salary of $500 a week BEFORE taxes and no benefits to speak of.He got paid the same whether he had 5 packages or 500 packages-the guys who own 1 or 2 or more truck routes and sub out for drivers are the ones making a killing off the drivers backs.Trust me if you were out today delivering packages in this heat in a non- air conditioned and hot ass metal truck from 7 am to 5 or 6 pm and earning a gross of $100 you would be an asshole too lol.
And lets not forget they get chased by alot of dogs!A veteran delivery driver will always have a box of dog biscuits (aka "ass-savers")for the occasional unfriendly loose pet.
just another case of capitalistic corporate power devils controlling someones carma again. the guys probable not usually like that, but working to always be broke can mess ur carma up big time if u let it.
This guy delivers to our business almost daily. He is always very freindly, polite and curtious. Give him a break, why don't ya? Everyone has a bad moment once in a while. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
Jim Rapp was a "nice guy" too, until you got to know him. I'm happy he treated you with respect but he did not do so with me.
He was screaming and yelling at us and he was completely out of line. I told him he was in the wrong business if he was going to be that agressive, especially driving.
UPS is a tuff compay to work for. how ever if you can with stand there standards you will work and become a driver that is paid every well. right now they are hurting for empolyees. In the last few weeks some of the supervisors have been out running routes.
This man also delivers to my work frequently and is always very nice and pleasant. When someone goes off like that I always try to give them a break. Maybe their spouse walked out, maybe someone they love was diagnosed with cancer. We never know what someone is going through.
Yes, he will get into trouble if you call 1-800-go-fedex and say you want to file a complaint. If you don't do this, then he will just do it again to someone else. This blog won't do anything to him, and he probably doesn't even live around Salisbury anyways. Most drivers are not like this, so do everyone a favor and make the call. If you don't call in, then stop complaining about it, because nothing will be done about it. Even the contractors have to follow certain guidelines of there contract, and I'm sure this is one of them.
First of all when did You get the deed to the street.Inconveniencing everyone else because you are too lazy to park and talk on the sidewalk shows your ignorance.Then you have the audacity to complain.If I were in your workplace holding you up while you were trying to do your job you would probably get a little ticked also. YOU are a douche bag thats trying to make a name for yourself. I noticed that you posted this drivers picture. I would hope that you have a signed waiver from him to publish this picture.Otherwise you may be sued.And speaking of "pansy" I guarantee you won't post this.
You sound like your a real professional yourself! Let me guess? You work for FedEx too! I hope he does try to sue him, and then he sends this picture to FedEx corporate offices, and the news stations. Then maybe he will get tickets from the city for parking on the sidewalk,wreckless driving,damageing private property, and the list goes on. It's called professional image, and this isn't it! Joe, you should call 1-800-go-fedex and tell them about this, and the blog. I'm sure he won't do it again.
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