Talk about HOT! Local Skateboard Riders crammed the parking lot in Downtown Salisbury for yet another Fundraiser to help fund their very own Skate Park.
No, this isn't like the Dog Park where no one will end up going after the first month and the taxpayers are funding it all. This is a motivated group of people offering to do this all on their own and raise what is necessary to create something to do in the City of Salisbury, since there isn't much of it provided by the City.
Granted, there's the Zoo and the Library and things of that nature but we're talking about a place a boat load of kids can get out and enjoy Salisbury without having to use the steps of the GOB and then have the Mayor complain about it.
If you'd like to put some good money after good money, hook up with this group and help support their goal of having their very own Skate Park. Once the concrete is in place, there's really not much maintainance to keep the Park up and running.
GO HERE for more info.
Do they have a web site or contact information that you could share?
Yes, the web site is www.salisburysk8park.com.
Check it out and thanks for the interest!
I love to watch these kids
and wish I'd have done that about
50 years ago. They got talent!!
A hugh smile was on my face as I had to drive by and see the lot where the fundraiser was. Yes it was clean and more importantly there were people young and old doing something productive. This park is need and earned by the youth and other age brackets involved. I rode on steal wheels while the "rich kids" had clay, I work all summer for my first polyboard with urathan wheels and almost cried when I finally did a 360 for the first time. My joy and passion won't equal cash but once I am working I will donate. This is something that is right. PS on a rare occasion I can still do a 360 but no airs
I sincerely hope these folks can pull this park together for these kids. I'd rather see them hanging out doing something they love and enjoy than hanging out stoned on some street corner somewhere.
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