While Old Man Duvall goes on the attack once again against Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen, he fails to be forthcoming and clearly state his COEIU Agent has been none other than Paul Wilber himself.
I don't know why the old Fella doesn't just say, in a casual conversation with my dear friend Paul Wilber the other night, the Boy simply stated he wasn't working for free next month. Instead, he has to code his language and mention this so called COEIU Agent.
Everyone knows old Billy and Paul go way back and Billy gets VERY defensive any time anyone picks on Paul. Paul, however, has very thick skin, (thicker than Billy's anyway) and can handle himself just fine.
That's one thing Wilber has going for him.
To boot, Joe, Duvall is just FOS. I caught Cohen on Reddish this morning. There's money for Wilber -- the mayor just has to transfer it. So all this hubbub about boo hoo, there's no money for the attorney is, like most things in Salisbury city government, just plain rubbish.
Duvall's jihad, as he likes to say about you, against Campbell and Cohen puts him in the enemy camp. Neither one of them said they wanted Wilber to work for free.
You made me look, Joe. I had stopped reading Duvall long ago because he's just "turned," all because of his hate for you.
Stupid and childish, and I'd have expected more of someone of his age and professional stature.
Wilber needs a vacation. He'll come back refreshed and ready to write lots of weak legislation that anyone can represent themselves in a court of law not to mention the appeals court, and beat the pants off of him.
Take a break Wilber, the city needs it.
Just read doofusfiles; he is beyond senile. He must also be deaf and blind the way he twists what the 2 fiscally-responsible ladies say and try to do. I'd be willing to chip in a few bucks to help buy hearing aids and glasses. Or maybe we should pay for an interpreter for him?! LOL
He got a lot of freakin nerve calling them the Bobbsey twins. What a petty little tyrant he is. And forget posting a rebuttal of any sort he censors comments that don't agree with his point of view, especially about his ridiculous hatred Andy Harris. He has lost any shred of credibility with his cheap shots at Campbell and Cohen, and his obsession with SU lacrosse. Demented old mediocre lawyer.
Can't help but agree with what everyone is saying on this thread.
I do believe old Bill needs to get a good nights sleep and leave our graceful ladies alone. Debbie and Terry are the only ones who make sense on this cities council. And I used to think Bill was a good attorney back there aways.
A. Goetz
The old man is losing it. There is no need to turn on "Lady Campble and Cohen" just to defend his ole buddy Wilbur. Paul Wilbur is a worthless POS and I guarantee you he would turn on Dummyfiles for a nickel.
If you're going to chip in for a hearing aid and glasses why don't you chip in for a dental hygenest. That breath is kicking and he needs someone to chisel that cheese off those horseteeth.
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