We can Hope and we can Pray but one thing is for sure, the outcome is not always what we had hoped and prayed for. God will always be a mystery and that's what brings so many people back for more.
Many say Church's are becoming a thing of the past. Can/Will Obama play a role in reviving that in America? Or will we watch one of the strongest bases of America dwindle away because we have to worry more about our mortgages and survival instead.
It's going to get even worse fellow Americans. There's another bubble you're about to see in the not so distant future. You see, baby boomers are growing older and living longer. There's NOT enough housing for them over the next 20 years and we probably can't build fast enough to care for them/us.
There will come a day when we'll no longer be able to take care of ourselves and assisted living will be the next biggest industry to hit America, seriously. If you want to bank on anything in the future and make money at it, this will be the industry. That is, if there's anything left to invest.
I hate to admit it but the future doesn't look like anything I'd want to be a part of. My guess is that our Government will get their hands on building these facilities and take back once more what was ours to begin with. Salisbury News just isn't big enough to let the whole Country know about what the future holds and what to look out for. Therefore, in our little part of the Country, be prepared because prayer isn't going to resolve this major future problem either.
I don't believe in miracles, I rely upon them.
God is not a Sugar Daddy sitting in the heavens granting our prayerful wishes. Just like he is not up their pointing his finger at as and damning us to misery if we screw up.
Prayer is simply our ways of communication with our creator. Every prayer I have ever prayed has been answered, rarely has it been the answer that I was really seeking.
Prayer teaches us that how small we are and how big our God is. It puts things into perspective, and humbles us to the point of understanding that we can deal with the realities which we face.
God rarely answers prayers the way we would like to see them answered, but He ALWAYS equips us to handle the situation and the answer.
Throughout history it is clear; the people who are the most oppressed are the people who seek the face of God.
If we are going to go through the turmoil that is predicted, many of us will quickly loose our reliance on ourselves and come to depending on the reality of the miracles that are simply represented as our very next breath.
"There's NOT enough housing for them over the next 20 years and we probably can't build fast enough to care for them/us." Then why all the hostility towards developers?
I have prayed for many things, events and people over the years. GOD does answer prayer, all prayers done in ernest. Some times the answer is no or not what you want or expect.
Prayer is for the weak-minded and the weak-willed.
925 you took the words right out of my fingers. Just like a parent often has to say NO, so does God. I think that is a lot of what is wrong with the youth of today. No one says NO to them. They want something and they expect to get it, usually they do. Many wanted McCain/Palin/Harris, the answer was NO. The majority wanted Obama/Biden/Kratovil. They got what they wanted, now is the time to pray that they all do what is good and right for ALL people, yellow, red, black and white.
Sometimes God says NO to teach us the lesson of being careful what we pray for.
When i look into my Mirror of Life all i see is me, my mistakes, my acomplishments, my family and the truth. Thats enough for me.
Has it occured to any of you that perhaps God sent a smart, energetic, well-educated, untainted family man to help us out of this mess?
God knows all, sees all and knew this was going to happen before it did. When we pray, our prayers aren't always answered in our time or how they way we want. We have faith and that is what gets us through. With no faith you have nothing.
Joe said....
"Many say Church's are becoming a thing of the past. Can/Will Obama play a role in reviving that in America?"
Do you really think Obama cares??
Obama Making Fun of the Bible
I think more of us may have been praying on the other side.
Especially if the crowd at the church I attended yesterday morning was any indication.
It was a stunning energy. This is a deep societal change and it is spiritual and rooted in a desire to have community and serve.
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