This weekend one of the DJ's from Froggy 99.9 put his child on the air. The child was complaining because his Mother wanted to take him to the Wicomico Civic Center to see the Dog Show. The son said he didn't want to go and the Father, (the D.J.) said, that's OK son, you don't have to go to a stupid Dog Show. I'll take you to the Monster Truck Show instead.
Now look, I don't necessarily have a problem with a Father telling his Son he doesn't have to go to something like a Dog Show. However, if you're going to get on the air and discourage others from going to such an event, that's BS!
Let me just explain a few facts to this D.J. who is obviously young and ignorant. This Dog Show is a locally run and locally supported Dog Show. Hundreds, (if not thousands) of hours go into putting together one of the biggest events the Civic Center holds all year.
People start coming into Town on Thursday. This means, almost every Hotel and Motel is booked in the Salisbury area. Last year there were nearly 1,000 Dogs entered into the Show. Guess what, these people come from all over the World. I know one entire group is from Japan. Nevertheless, this should give you an idea of just how many Dog Owners book Hotel/Motel Rooms.
Then there's the local Restaurants. They're BOOKED! When you start forgetting where you came from and ignore such events like this, that means one of two things. Either 1,000 Dogs and their Owners stop coming here or YOU will have to travel to other states to see such events, costing YOU far more money. Then YOU have to pay for Restaurants and Hotel/Motel Rooms.
Thousands of people truly enjoy this Dog Show and Froggy 99.9 should show more respect towards the extremely hard work that goes into this event. You don't put your kid on the air and talk an event like this down. One thing is for sure. Froggy 99.9 just lost a lot of listeners and advertisers. THINK before you pull this kind of stunt and discourage others from attending and making a joke about it.
When I drove by the Civic Center this weekend there was a myriad of luxury vans and mobile homes, etc., for the pampered poodles and other canines.
Extravagant spending on such things as this make me wonder if the times are as bad as it appears -- or is this simply the affluent class fiddling while the ecomony burns?
I could not have read this at a worse time. My beloved dog of 12 years died in my arms this morning. A monster truck can't wag his tail or wake you up with a lick in the face. A truck can't run to the door and greet you everyday when you come home from work. They lost at least one listener here!
What's up with you accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being either young or ignorant? What's ignorant is your feigned outrage over this, when had the d.j. said the same thing about a function which did NOT happen to have your beloved dogs involved, you'd have no problem with it. As long as it's stamped with the Joe seal of approval it's off limits to make fun of, right?
My Wife and I didn't have a Dog in the Show.
Just like this Blog, you can come and go freely. You can do the same with this Radio Show. Thousands of locals will read this and decide, do they want to listen to froggy 99.9 any more because of such actions?
Everyone out there knows that I tell it like it is, yet thousands upon thousands of people com ehere every single day. They too have the choice to walk away.
The difference is, I sell nothing here and I don't depend on sponsors paying my paycheck, they do. You CAN'T hurt me.
I would like to respond to this DJ. Your son can lean a lot of compassion and love from an animal which doesn't sound like he gets much from the father. I am not sure what a monster truck can give anyone, except maybe a big ego if you are the driver and I know the money spent on those trucks could fill an armored car. The Salisbury Kennel Club members go to schools all over the area to discuss care as well as Dog Safety with children at not charge. They do obedience demonstrations as well as encouraging interaction with the dogs. It is so rewarding to see a child respond to a dog when they are not as inclined to be as responsive to a person. Sounds like this kid needs a true friend to share his love so he should be encouraged to go to a dog show to see the values of a dogs friendship. Then after the visit, he can make his own conclusion as to whether it was a worthwhile trip. The Kennel Club is now partnering with children with reading problems to go to schools where the kids read to a dog. It has been proven that it works wonders for children with reading problems. So Mr D.J. before you think the dog show is stupid, learn your facts about dogs and their usefulness and see some in action. And to 10:24a.m. We are sorry for your loss.
just because you like stupid dog shows, doesnt mean that everyone else does.
You are so right. It would not do for everyone to enjoy the same entertainment, however, I do respect each person's pleasure and the money they earn and spend on it.... unless you want to share the wealth too. BUT, don't teach your child to think things are "stupid" just because it is not your bag. Instead, try a little understanding, it will go a long way in life.
Anything that brings legal business into the area is a good thing.
Get a life .
Is this Salisburys new line of making money , is that all you worry about. It seems as though most are concerned about the revenue that the event brings in not the dogs.
create real jobs if that is what your worried about leave the dogs alone.
still greedy bastards.....
Wow...Eastern Shoremens (and womens) arguing AGAINST the educational value of Monster Truck shows-you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...the election season wore me down to a nub, but exactly how long have I been asleep? (BTW...10:24-after 12 years that is a good way to go out-I hope I go at home in the arms of my loved ones....hopefully you are already aware of inexpensive cremation options from Holloways).
Spin it anyway you want. This is NOT one of the biggest events at the WYCC. You all enjoy it and thats great. Differant strokes for differant folks. This is a non issue that your making a mountain out of.
Got to stir up drama where there is none. Would you feel the same way if your wife wasn't involved in it? Maybe, but maybe not as passionate?
To verbose anonymous 11:00: Where did anyone say the Kennel Club was a bad idea? Nowhere. The topic is the DOG SHOW. Let me repeat. DOG SHOW.
I know the Kennel Club does things that often go unnoticed and I applaud them for it.
The dog show isn't for everbody. Try being a little less defensive next time.
I admit,dog shows are not for me,and alot of those showdog people treat their dogs better than they treat people,hence the frivolous costumes and travel trailers and such.I have family members who do ridiculous stuff like dress their dogs,buy them designer accessories,etc.and I think its silly.BUT.....
it does attract alot of people and it is a moneymaker for the area and the DJ had no business "dissing" it on the air.It makes the station look bad.And monster truck shows are the epitomy of stupid to me,but like dog shows,alot of people like them too.
Oh who cares!!!! (yawns)
How fitting:
Under Barrie Tilghman we have really gone to the dogs.
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