
You've just got to love the Democratic Party!
Are you ready Folks. Are you sitting? If there was ever a time you needed a seat belt for the chair you're sitting in, NOW IS THE TIME!
According to Neil Bortz, (SP?) The Democrats want to immediately create a new program called, GRA's, (Guaranteed Retirement Accounts.
You know those 401 K's and IRA's that you currently own? Say GOODBYE to ALL of them! The Democrats want to seize ALL 401 K's and IRA's immediately and turn them into GRA's! Now, what makes this extremely interesting is, there is more than $4 TRILLION in IRA's and 401 K's right now. Once they seize these accounts and take control of them, IF you are to die, the Government would allow you to WILL off 50% to your Family and KEEP the other 50%!!!!!!!!
Here's the big question, will Obama support this Big Brotha Move?
I warned ALL of you that this was what's coming to America. They will take and suck you dry until every single penny you have ever made and earned is GONE! Once they are satisfied that they have tapped you out, then we'll rebuild a new America.
Spread the word Ladies & Gentlemen because it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
Where did this information come from?
How about some sort of link to back this up?
It was on the Neil Bortz Show, 1320 AM.
Granddad was listening to the Show and called the information in as it was live on the radio.
You can call WICO, 1320 AM and ask them for a link.
This information about 401K was out before the election but the Obama media kept it well hidden.This just more examples of Obamas redistribution of your income when you elect a marxist this is the result!
this is not good...
Doesn't anyone know how to use google? Geez, I found a ton of articles backing this up. Let's just hope that this does not go through.
Give me a break. You're falling for obvious Republican smear that didn't seem to work during the campaign. How about moving on? The election is over. Hell, even JoeBlow is calling for unity. So quit with the lies and Republican slants and try to make this country work. Assholes.
I am buying a King sized mattress to take care of this situation~~~
More proof that history repeat's itself. I can see more people stashing their money under the mattress.
IF that is the real Frank..let me introduce my asshole. It's on the monitor...Kiss this!
Now THAT was funny!
Glad I bury my money out in the yard.
You can trust the government. Just ask any American Indian.
Let me guess....EVERYONE gets a GRA,whether they worked to earn it or not.Gee,thats fair-NOT!Is Obama the reincarnation of FDR or something?Just reminds me of his policies....alphabet agencies,government giveaways....Guess fireside chats are coming soon....
This info was out long before the election, it was theorised that this was the impetus for the stock sell off, but the Republicans got blamed for the economic mess of course. Now Obama is appointing to his staff execs of Freddie and fannie that were responsible for economic disaster we have now.Have you heard that the Obama supporters are now lobbying for the creation of a national holiday for Obama? Better clear off a spot on Mt. Rushmore.
Good ole democrates , they got good
ideas!! This is bad ladies and gentlemen , The south shall rise again , and not too soon!!
Come on , somebody think of a way out!!
I guess most of these trillions
are not demcrates that have invested . Socialist don't believe
in private enterprise. The great American dream.
Ther goes BIG BROTHA!!
His name is Neal Boortz out of Atlanta GA. His talk show is on 1320 AM radio 10:am until 12: noon.
Again at 3: pm for one hour.
You Can listen to the whole show by going to his web site http://boortz.com/ I believe it's on from 8:30 am until noon.
Yea, this rumor has been going around, but without a doubt it would be political suicide for the Democrats if this were to happen. Imaging worldwide markets crashing as all 401K & IRA accounts were cashed out by the government and put into a "GRA." I'm sure the Democrats are looking to end the tax benefits that 401Ks and IRAs offer, but I not going to loose any sleep worrying about Uncle Sam stealing my retirement flat out...
i'm going to collecting coffee cans.
It's been posted on Boortz' website for a few days. It's real.
Hey 2:50 what part of democrat=Obama=socialist don't you get? And yes they have already been holding hearings on tampering with or completely controlling 401Ks.
Hey! Big Brotha's just tryin to help out a Brotha. Give em a break.
But Joe, is Big Brotha from the Eatern shore or the Western shore?
Anon 3:11 Believe me, I get it... and am in no way a "democrat=Obama=socialist" supporter. This whole "Government 401K" takeover stemmed from some socialist university professor, who I can't remember her name at the moment, testifying before congress recently suggesting that the government take over private retirement accounts. Don't believe me... look it up... Anyway, I don't plan to cash out the 401K anytime soon.
Teresa Ghilarducci is her name, she brought up the whole "401K takeover" thing. Not any current member of congress.
EXCUSE ME, let's just see if THIS orANY other Congress accepts it. That would be a Democratic Congress to boot.
You are right about that Joe, a congress to boot. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the democrats mouths are watering trying to figure out a way to end the tax benefits for 401Ks and IRAs. But if they just up and stole everyone's money the democratic party would be finished. Which aside from having your retirement stolen, would be a good thing.
i guess the sky is fallin to.
anon 4pm
This has been out for a few weeks now, but of course no one cared to listen or read.
The House DEMOCRATS are holding hearings and seriously considering doing away with the 401Ks. You know equality, redistribution of wealth, and that sort of thing... It's right in the report too.
Also to pay for all the goodies they promised us, their infamous toad, Barney Franks, is proposing a 25% cut from the military.
This is just a smear, never happen
Rush Limbauh has talked about too. There was an article on Reuters last week about it. It happened in Argentina a couple of weeks ago. They (the Argentine govt) seized trillions of the people retirments. The plan for us from what i gather is... the govt will take control of your 401 and give you 3% match and you can give or mandatory not sure which up to 5%. They will reinstate your 401 money back to what you had in it before the stock market crash. It will be taken out of your check just like social security and controlled and handled by the social security admin. either way you are screwed, look what been happening to social security, they robbed from it for years and now its bankrupt. Gone, vamoose, scrammed. Either way this is a crock of crap.
This was NOT brought up by Obama, however it was brought up by the democrats in office. Rush gave names but i'm not sure off hand who but this has been talked about at least 3 weeks that i'm aware. You people should start paying attention to whats going on around you. Come out of denial and do some homework, stop following around like sheep. Just because you don't want it to be true or you don't believe it does'nt make it not true.
Reminds me of the story of a old man and his wife caught in a hurrican . When the eye is over them the wife opens the storm cellar door and looks around in amazement and says " All seems to be fine out here pa. " And when you thought the envelope couldn't be pushed any farther . I spect that the Dems will shove untill it falls off the table and the entire time just sit back and say " We didn't know it would fall off if we kept pushing." This whole concept is making me ill. I sure hope that free medical insurance they been promising kicks in soon.
Just to help a few people google democrats hearings on 401ks and you will get the low down on this idea that this professor brought to this hearing. Its an "idea". They are alowing people to voice there ideas on this issue. So with the help of the internet and local officials maybe if anyone have an idea for this issue speak their mind. Hey Joe maybe you can streamline Salisbury News to the government so some people that cry and whine on here may actually be able to get there opinion across in a positive way.
I doubt if the House Democrats would dare even consider an idea like this. If they did, they would be committing political suicide; the elections of 2010 are not that far away! Also, I suppose most of the Congressman have private investment plans; you don't think they would jeopardise them do you? When Obama does go to the White House, he will realize just how much he can do and how much he can't. This is just another of those scare stories, and it seems to be working.
tyree said...
i guess the sky is fallin to.
4:30 PM
Tyree is still drooling over his chance to get his 40 acres and a mule.
Guess what moron, I haven't found an ancestor yet that owned any of your people. Do you even know who your people are?
Imagine working your whole life and putting money away every week into an IRA just to have the govt. confiscate it in order to re-distribute it to some useless leach on society who has done nothing more that stand behind a crack pipe for the past twenty years. The plan is to cut the tax deduction based on the premise that those who have been able to invest in an IRA or 401K are better off financially than the "poor", therefore a tax deduction is slanted toward the wealthy. You're gonna see, people, that this whole redistribution of wealth will have nothing to do with helping the "middle class". It won't be complete until the poor who won't work are on the same level financially as the middle class and those who earn more money are brought down financially to the same level as everyone else. The only people that will be ahead of the masses financially will be the politicians. Sound familiar? Exactly the way the USSR used to be. You friggin sheep who voted Obama are about to get the exactly what you voted for. The rest of us need to gather our resources and develop the efforts necessary to put the Constitution back in place as the foundation of a great, God fearing nation.
This is what I don't get about the plan...
All of these liberal elite people are rich. how are they going to shelter their own retirement assets? Is it just that most of their wealth is outside of the GRA?
Obama Bin Laden is not my President... and never will be.
tyree. What is that symbol you have there, Black Power?
The Democrats ALWAYS have some sort of DEFENSE about anything negative in regards to Their Boy Obama. Just what really did happen to ALL the Trillions of Dollars that our 401K's lost in just a few days? No one can seem to give a clear answer. Maybe here is the answer.
This "Big Brotha" talk is nauseating.
Since it's obvious that your kind is dying out...can't you at least do it with some dignity?
You stupid republicans. Haven't you learned that fear doesn't work. Try something more intelligent.
Perhaps the most intelligent move would be revolution. Were is the will? Organize in groups now to contact our representatives. Let them know that we will not tolerate the continued visceration of our constitution. Order them to get back to the constitution now or we will take the path our founding fathers took in 1776 when the people in power refused to properly represent the people.
Bin Laden Plans New Attacks Bigger Than 9/11
Monday, November 10, 2008 5:01 PM
By: Chris Gonsalves
Fugitive terrorist Osama bin Laden is planning new attacks against the U.S. that will "outdo by far" the attacks of 9/11, according to a report in a London-based Arabic newspaper.
The paper, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, quotes a former senior Yemeni Al-Qaida official saying the terror group is now in a “positive phase,” of staffing and rebuilding training camps around the globe. The action will lead to the next “wave of action” against the U.S., the paper reported.
“This will be shown by the fact that we now control a major part of the south of Somalia," the Yemeni source told the paper.
According to the report, bin Laden is personally involved in the preparations and is looking to "change the face of world politics and economics.
The paper is edited by Abdel al-Bari Atwan, the last journalist to interview bin Laden in 1996.
The Yemeni operative says he remains in contact with current Al-Qaida chiefs. He claims bin Laden sent a message to all jihad cells in the Arab world six months ago urging them not to interact with their governments or local political parties.
More signs of al-Qaida’s violent intentions are expected over the next few days, the paper reported.
The al-Qaida warning comes just one day after The Telegraph newspaper published a leaked government report showing thousands of extremists are active in the U.K. The document says the operatives are mostly native Brits between 18 and 30. Many have been trained in overseas terrorist camps.
Security officials warned that al-Qaida will attempt another "spectacular" in the U.K., likely focused on airports or train stations, The Telegraph reported. Other potential targets include the Houses of Parliament, and Whitehall, Buckingham and St James' palaces.
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
What makes any of you think for one minute that the Dems and NeoSocialists running our country give a shit about committing 'political suicide'.
There wealth is not your wealth. It is not wealth that but a few people will ever taste.
They don't care. They have manipulated the markets to do this very thing. They have manipulated from offshore banks, and have bought futures in things you and I have never thought of then they have one of their peons yell fire, a company starts going under and the sale is on.
There wealth is not here, it is gold, in deutsch marcs, and it's offshore.
They don't care and they never will.
This will continue until you wake up and see that it is not about Republicans and Democrats it is about absolute control of the world by a very small group of people.
Since you folks will be Googling information may I suggest for your reading pleasure key words such as Illuminati, Bohemian Grove (where they all get together every summer and run around naked in the woods praying to the ancient god Ma lech, no I'm not kidding look it up), Bilderburgers, Rothschild, Eugenics... it is all an ugly cruel joke and most Americans are playing right along.
"There wealth is not here, it is gold, in deutsch marcs, and it's offshore."
Deutsch marks ended years ago with the establishment of the Euro.
Neal Boortz 11 10 2008
Neal Boortz 10 28 2008
Sand Box John
I'm so sorry that you have all this paranoia. Clearly someone told you once you have too much time on your hands and you need a hobby. You chose the internet.
Questionable choice, apparently.
Please try to find something, if not positive, at least not negative or riot-inciting to share. The rest of us who love our country and want the best for it would really appreciate your help.
You're clearly very smart and analytical, if only you could use your gift for the good of mankind.
(Oh, and remember, just because you see or hear it on the internet, it isn't necessarily true. Sometimes it's just the ramblings of someone with a computer and just enough smarts to pull together a sentence or two. Like me.)
8;28 bring on the hate my man. most of what peoples be hating in others is what they hate about there own self. own it cause you sure do live it
Tyree, What Hate? Dude asked you a question but you failed to answer. You must be a democrat?
TYREE 8:13 a.m. When you finish ranting about us RACISTS out here, look in the mirror and you will find yourself looking at one; A$$HOLE!!
Social Security wouldn't be broke if they didn't give practically everyone with ailments ranging from a nervous tic to morbid obesity to drug addiction a big fat tax-free check every month for being "disabled".If you think I am exaggerating,go sit in the check cashing stores the 1st week of the month-some women waddle in with a check for each member of the family,including the kids.Thats alot of money when you add it all up(4 or 5 checks worth)-and its all tax-free money that they NEVER worked to earn.
lessee...troops in somalia, darfur, afghanistan, iran, pakistan...NOT iraq...are we drilling yet?
not on my epa sez bobby kennedy...
go tell it to the mountain, rushmore that is.
can we wait to be inaugurated? doesn't seem so. now bush is gracious and everything required to be above board shall now be covert...names have been changed to protect the guilty...
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