Do you remember a couple of months ago when Jesse was on Fox getting ready to go on Fox and Friends and he presumably didn't know his mic was hot and was heard and recorded speaking of his anger toward Obama and how he would like to cut his nuts off?
Since then I presumed that Jesse didn't like Obama because I pretty much thought that if Obama won Jesse would pretty much be out of a job. I mean really, what is the man going to bitch about?
A supposed black man in the White House...Come on Jesse; whats the problem? You got what you wanted!
But will he?
Once again the blogger known as Lame Cherry has a completley different view on this, and on Jesse's recent statement from last week on which he has now been silenced. Here's an exerpt...
"That was very brave for the hits Jackson took in taking on not just his own party, but taking on the Chicago and European syndicates backing Obama. No one in this election has done more to warn the world what Obama is up to than Jesse Jackson. The no more than anyone was shown a few days ago when Jackson was in Europe, deliberately the home ground of the Rothschilds who have been tanking the stock markets for Obama in which Jackson went on record for which he has now been silenced".
The White House Press Secretary is even refusing to comment on Jesse Jackson, and what he said while in Europe. In an interview for the Atlanta Journal Jesse even preempted the interview by stating he would not take questions on the '2008 campaign', or 'Obama'. After the interview he was whisked away and even his press people refused any question on his statements about Isreal.
This is what he said...
Putting "Israel's interests first" in the Middle East would be the most important change, he said. "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" will lose much clout in an Obama administration, he said. "The change that Obama promises is not limited to what we do in America itself. It is a change of the way America looks at the world and its place in it," Jackson said. "Zionists in America and the Israeli state are going to loose power under Barack Obama. It is not going to be the same old situation of Israel first".
Lame Cherry continues...
"Jesse Jackson in one verse set off a Shahab missile that every American and Israeli Jew heard. Jackson was warning the Jews they were doomed under an Obama administration. The Jewish vote is the key vote in Florida and New York. Jackson by deliberately uttering this was like Bill and Hillary Clinton, speaking in code to Democrats pleading with them not to vote for Obama for the disaster he is. That is pure bravery on Jackson's part and he has paid dearly for this in now being silenced. Jackson is too intelligent and savvy to not have known what he was doing. He deliberately tried to break the Jewish vote from Obama to John McCain."
Through the years we have been watching and listening to Jesse fight for his people, most of the time to such a degree that most found his work to be harmfull to his people by furthering the welfare state.
Now Jesse goes and says this.
Isn't it interesting how politics work. Yes, he could be pisssed that Barry Obama is the Chosen One and he is not, but one has to wonder, even with Colin Powel jumping ship, why in the World would Jesse jump? Is there even more to Obama, that Jesse can't even tell us?
Jesse Jackson is one of the biggest Sh#t-stirrers in America.He claims to be a minister but at what church does he preach or attend on a regular basis? The media has always given this loud jackass too much credit. He is a has-been and it must really be pissing him off that he is no longer the country's premier black "leader".
The great thing about these unthinking nonsense stories posted on this site, Joe, is that we all know in about 15 days, we'll have the leader this country needs and you'll be left holding onto nothing. You'll spend the next 4-8 years trying to blame Pres. Obama for every little thing and you'll ignore every obvious step of progress we see. So, those of us who aren't blinded by partisanship can have a little laugh and shake our heads at this nonsense, as we often have to. Remember, you've always got the opportunity to behave like an adult and say, "I was wrong. I'm happy for America. I'm proud of America."
- a proud vet
Anon 9:49,
You have got to be kidding me!
Did you read the story behind this article, or did you just look at he picture and make assumptions?
This story is fascinating! Jesse's son is on Obama's team! What does Jesse know that we don't?
Read the article, and then feel free to make a comment.
I think the assumption is flat wrong. No one can be President unless he/she supports Israel. Obama supports the Zionist Cause. There is no way to get as far as he has come, without Zionist approval. The Zionist Bankers control America. We will continue to kill Muslims, don't worry about that.
I was watching the news this morning and they said that Obama has 5 times the amount of money that McCain has, and they are quite frankly surprised that this money has not been able to completely trounce McCain.
So do you think it's just sour grapes with Jesse?
Cant go that deep huh.
You linked to an article that mentions the Rothschilds.
I still think Obama is a sleeper cell. And now people want him in office. Kinda scarey!!
After Bidens gaff today about Obama confronting a 'mechanized disaster within the first 6 months of his presidency' you gotta wonder if he does have the Zionist blessing.
I am willing to go that deep, but most readers don't understand the difference between being anti-semetic and anti-zionist.
I am not anti-semetic.
The link was about Jesse with the Rothschilds, why was he there if he wasn't Obama bashing?
I realize that no one gets to be president without there endorsement.
It is not that deep: Jesse Jackson is like Bill Clinton, bitter and past it, with a legacy that will be a blip on the radar, watching the young guy come in with a clear shot to having a revolutionary role in history. And they are PISSED. That is all. It doesn't take a genius to see it.
A lot of the Olds are bitter and a lot of them are now too poor to retire, thanks to Bush.
The new generation, as represented by Barack Obama, is here, and it is hard to pass the baton. Given, I will admit that wee can be pretty annoying/idealistic/infuriatingly adorable/etcetera. But we're not so bad, really.
This election is as generational as it is about parties, race, or whatever. More, perhaps.
Are you saying you have always supported Jesse Jackson? When he ran for Pres in the 80's? In all cases thought he was judicious?
If yes, fine but I dont believe it. If no, then cherry picking this story and saying "what does he know that we dont" as if you are enamored by his intelligence makes you sound desperate when in fact you don't really relate to him. He probably doesnt 'know' anything, just has his opinion.
Nope, never have supported Jesse.
Although the San Fransico DNC in the 80's was definately interesting.
And who knows what Jesse knows? He's been around a long long time and has been up close and personal on more things than most.
I don't believe for a minute it is an old guard/new guard issue.
I believe it this will be the last month that you or I will be able to say that we reside in a democracy.
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