As many of you know, I can't stand George Bush. Heck, I know LOTS of people who don't like George Bush and quite a few of them are Black. That being said, should WHITE people be calling Black people RACISTS?
It seems every time I show my displeasure with this Obama guy, I'm labeled a RACIST. Man, let me tell you now, this Country is in for some deep sh!t, God Forbid this guy get elected. Every time someone disagrees, we'll all be racists.
Yep, this Country is in for a boat load of sh!t and we'll all have to keep our mouths shut because black folks will go nuts.
Signed, Joe The Racist?
Like I've said in the past, Everyone better think long and hard about what the future will bring to ALL Americans if this guy gets elected.
Let’s see, off the top of my head Senator Obama has had to suffer with:
The Obama bucks
the muslim accusation
not being one of us
being called unpatriotic
being called
being called uppity
being called a boy
lies about his church
being called a bigot
being called un-American
wife being called un-American
death threats
While maybe all of these things aren’t racist a majority of them find themselves smack down into racist territory. And I think they have all appeared on your blog.
Then we have all the comments that say Blacks are only voting for Senator Obama because he is Black. Blacks and Hispanics are ruining the country. They all are on welfare. Blacks are stupid. How about the obsession with whether Senator Obama is really Black. Again all of this appeared on your blog.
I don’t know if it is all racist or not, you’ve encouraged this type of talk and then tried to silence those who opposed it. Aren’t you allowing only a very few dissenting voices in?
In fact this new post can be labeled as fear mongering.
Unlike here and now, when, if anyone disagrees, they're stupid????
Blacks hate whites as much , if not more than whites dislike them. All races are sckeptical of one another for a variety of reasons. Its such a joke to hear how the rappers use the N word repeatedly in their lyrics. These lyrics go out to the masses for all to see and the first time any other race uses that word its lights out. They should be fired or sued or worse. Lead by example and stop spreading the negative representation of your race. Bring the standards up to remove the sckepticisms of the masses and we will all be better for it.
Mr. Obama odesn't bother me because of race. He scares me to death because millions of others will vote for him because of race. In doing so they ignore his track record and inexperience. His questionable associates and socialist views are clearly not what America stands for. It is clear to me that this man has little political experience and cannot back up his "PIE IN THE SKY" ideals and phylosophies. I hope that all voters will take the time and educate themselves before they cast their vote. This could be the most important decision of your life.
You know its funny John McCain is not ready to lead this country. Nobody has experience to be president.I dont think you give him a chance he is any right to be president, and your not the only white American that is showing his true color check out videos of McCain's rallies.
I'm not RACIST, I hate Joe Biden too!!
McCain/Palin 2008
Anonymous said...
Let’s see, off the top of my head Senator Obama has had to suffer with:
the muslim accusation
not being one of us
being called unpatriotic
being called uppity
lies about his church
being called a bigot
being called un-American
wife being called un-American
10:38 AM
So what part of these so called accusations aren't true? Prove it.
Letter to the editor,
Joe, here is an interesting news story as a follow up to a comment I posted yesterday about Colin Powell's endorsement when I said he must need a job.
Obama: Powell will have a role in adminstration
It will be great when this election is over.
Maybe then we can stuff this racist genie back into the bottle for another four years...
11:47 how about you prove it. I see alot of accusations, and that is it, but what I don't see is proof. Anyone can google an answer but you can't pull hard evidence out of your ass. No one talks about John Mccains character how he cheated on his dieing wife who stayed with him while he was a POW. Or how Mccain has said out of his mouth that he has voted with Bush 90% of the time, yet everyone screams change even Mccain supports but never seem to remind them selves of that fact. I am personally sick of every body bringing this down to a race issue. Obviously you have some issues to work out, and if anyone had did there research they would see that he has very good sound ideas, that would pretty much benefit the majority of people that reads this blog. I almost hope Mccain wins so that I can say I told you so when this country really goes belly up. If we stick to the issues and the ideas that each candidate presents then I'm positive Barrack Obama will win.
Its sad in the United States of America that so many people are so judgemental about a name. That the American dream is a joke, that people can't reform themselves and become better people (Ayers), that sometimes there are bad apples in a bunch (Acorn). That when someone voices their opinion then they are unpatriotic. As I said before this election has and will show the divide in this country and thats sad because we were built on the stand of freedom and we embrace many cultures allow people to live and achieve a dream like no other. Just because McCain has served in the military does not make him no more patriotic than a man that pays his taxes. Just because McCain has over 20 yrs in the senate does not make him more qualified for a "presidential" job. After over ten years I lost my job because it shutdown and work was going to foriegn countries. I am vest in this election and its time for a change. ITS TIME FOR OBAMA
I don't think you're racist Joe, you just state facts. People don't always like that. What bothers me is even the news people have said that the obama people they interview have no idea what he's about, just he's talking about change. Shouldn't you know something about the people your voting for. No offense, but I think anyone running for president should be a represenatation of this country and his own book he put out, has a lot of things that says hes all for everyone but us. People should read, they'd learn more. And he's some food for thought. Do you think if WET (like BET) was made first, it would have been called racist? I think it's funny that there is a BET and no one says a thing.
Why no big post about Colin Powell's endorsement?
What for. Colin Powell stands for nothing, politically. Only Obama would believe that's big news. When another white man endorsed Biden, did America go crazy? Oh, that's right, I'm a racist, I forgot.
Your funny anonymous, do you know John McCain personally? More stupid talk, For one if BET had same shows but was called Entertainment Television would you have the same opinion? Look at your average family on television its white. So lets call all of TV accept for BET White Entertainment Television. Now I am ignorant like. There is a lot of things people don't know about either candidate. Take a job for instance that you have been working at for 20 yrs. You become accustom to a certain way of working you are adjusted to your leadership and you know what is expected. Then there is a leadership change, the newby has little experience and you do not know much about him but you still have to do what he says because he was put into that position by people who felt he was right for the job. Obama has backers because they believe in what he has done and wht he wants to do. All I ask for people to respect him and ones who backs him for being President of the United States!
Big D,
Cut the bullshit! WTF has Obama done to gain any one's respect?
McCain is a POW, that gains my respect. Just because the guy is RINNING for President doesn't mean ALL should give their respect.
Do YOU respect Bush? I certainly don't. He's never earned my respect. NOR has Obama. I guess that makes me a racist again, eh?
aNON 11:47
None of them are true. In this country you have to prove they are true.
"Obviously you have some issues to work out, and if anyone had did there research they would see that he has very good sound ideas, that would pretty much benefit the majority of people that reads this blog. I almost hope Mccain wins so that I can say I told you so when this country really goes belly up."
I agree that Obama's ideas SOUND good. About as good as a steak dinner sounds to a starving person on a desert island!!
The problem is that there are no means to fund them without massive tax increases or reverting to pure socialism!! His plans will not work in practical applications.
WAKE THE F$&K UP PEOPLE AND MOVE AWAY FROM THE KOOL AID!!! If this man gets elected our teetering democracy will go away!! McCain is not the best choice, but the only one we have if we wish to maintain our country!!
Joe, on your blog, someone called Michelle Obama a "purebred with papers" and you approved that message.
When I posted a condemnation of using that kind of language against a black person you didn't approve it.
So, yeah, you're a racist. Own up to your decisions.
As the daughter of a proud Vietnam Veteran I have to say while I am not crazy over McCain,I have the utmost respect for the man for what he endured in the service of our country.I have always felt that one of the requirements to fulfill to be eligible for the Presidency should be military service.Some of the greatest leaders we have had were military veterans.
Senator Obama has run his campaign with the sort of class, preparation and thoughtfullness that one would except from an elder statesman.
That's how he has gain my respect and admiration.
Palin speaks:
"Joe The Racist? You betcha!"
With all due respect, McCain is not running for POW of the year! I honor his courage and strength as a soldier, and I have no doubt he is a patriotic American. I do think his choice of Palin was reckless, to say the least. McCain might win this thing, and God help us all if Sarah Palin is the next commander in chief. McCain did not put "country first" with this choice, he put his campaign first. That is rather scary, and it is not just a hypothetical situation--he is 72 years old, has had cancer, and has to get through 4 very stressful years? Seriously, you all need to think hard about it before you vote for McCain, because you are also giving a very relistic chance for Palin to be our president. That would be unbelievably bad.
2:17Pm you should stop the childish remarks, which are down right racist by the way "Wake the f up people and pull away from the Kool aid" very nice I bet you learned that at one of those meetings where everyone wears a hood..I bet you are a Mccain supporter and challenge you to list some reasons as to why Mccain is more qualified then obama because I've looked when I was undecided and couldn't find any. I respect senator Mccains service to this country but don't believe that makes him automatically qualified to run a Country...furthermore I don't think that obama's plan to put blue collar workers first is a bad idea. For far to long the rich keep getting richer while the poor no matter how hard they work seem to get poorer. Mccain's administration will be no different then Bush's, and we have seen where that has gotten us.
Joe, I finally met someone who thinks conservatively but also realizes what a terrible job George Bush has done. Are we the only two?
If I only despise the white part of Obama am I still racist?
joealbero said...
What for. Colin Powell stands for nothing, politically. Only Obama would believe that's big news. When another white man endorsed Biden, did America go crazy? Oh, that's right, I'm a racist, I forgot.
1:42 PM
Not sure if you're racist or just lacks the political knowledge.
Colin Powell will tilt the balance in favor of Obama among many independents. He's a retired General, a former Secretary of State, and a Republican. Therefore, he has the credentials to judge both the candidates. He's a friend of McCains', they're both Republicans, and yet he's not voting for him. If you think he is only voting along racial lines, you're deliberately ignoring all the reasoning that he spelled out for his vote.
Just a couple of the reasons: he believes Obama is better prepared to deal with the economy, that Palin is simply not prepared to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, that Obama is able to reach all races, gender and classes, McCain's smear campaign, and the hatred fueled against Muslims in general in the US.
Because Obama is a rising political figure, not well known among the public until not long ago, because he is black, because of his odd name, and because of the several lies that have been told about him (Arab, Muslim, terrorist, etc.), many independent voters don't know if they can trust him. Powell is a highly respected public man, General, and politician. He signals to these people that Obama can be trusted. And many will vote for him after that.
You can choose to ignore it, though, and for obvious reasons. Why would you want to bring it to people's attention that such a respected person -- whom many Republicans wish was running instead of McCain! -- is endorsing the other guy?
But, seriously, saying that Powell and his endorsement have no political significance is simply wrong.
Btw, not even a democrat here, just a political junkie.
Call me a human racist. I can't stand Obama or Biden.
Damn, sounds like the first Anonymous person has their panties in a bunch... the fact is the "are u a racist" post is so on point. It does not matter what i say when refering to Obama, the only thing I hear in return is that im a racist. Realllllllll nice i cant even question a mans character, bring up examples of his ignorance, or even voice my conservative opinion anymore because some big headed liberal bitch will assume im a racist!
All that talk about respect. Joe, you and alot of other people don't respect Bush because of what he's done to this country. That's understandable! But you don't respect Obama for what reason. Because he actually want to work for the people? He actually have a vision for a better america, or you like many others don't want a better america, just the same ole mess were in now. I know he doesn't look like what were used to and McCain fits the profile, but that kind of thinking has got us in this terrible mess. You want to knock him down without even giving him the chance. What experience did Bush have coming in the elections 8years ago? Plenty, I bet! I'm glad everyone voted for him based upon that. Congratulations, look where it's got us. Why don't you consider the one that's actually concerned about putting the country first and not their own interest.
I love your blog. But, I decided that I will vote for GOD. GOD's spirit/life force will move me to vote for the right candidate for the President of the United States.
P. Murry
Im not a racist I hate everyone including myself. No discrimination there.
you ask that question as if it's a bad thing to be proud of you racial origins ? who taught this shyt anyhow ? i'm very proud of my race's gene pool. why arn't you ? have you disgusted yourself to the point you don't like who you are ? then fix it , don't go around putting others down for there beliefs . After all whose zoomin who ? sup wit dat? and chit ! I say i'm prejudice and it's not a bad thing , so why do you want to make it bad by tryin to change my point of view just to benifit you. if you feel guilty , than your guilty, if you feel sorry, then your sorry, if i feel proud, then i'm proud...What concern is it of anyone else's . i think to inpose your will on another is far worse than being proud of who you matter what you are.but to vote for Obahma just shows your ignorance . tyj now because of society's imposed ideals i'll have to remain anonymous , and that is the real crime here.
Blogger joealbero said...
What for. Colin Powell stands for nothing, politically. Only Obama would believe that's big news. When another white man endorsed Biden, did America go crazy? Oh, that's right, I'm a racist, I forgot.
1:42 PM
Now, Joe...THAT is racist. Colin Powell did not endorse Obama because of race. I fully believe he would have endorsed him if he were white. Powell is holding his party ACCOUNTABLE for the bullsh*t it has become.
I don't thing you are a racist, but I think that comment of yours is racist.
And to think the Republicans were once BEGGING Powell to run for President. They made a big deal out of his being the first black Sec. of State, then said, "Oh his color doesn't matter." Poell never made a fuss over it.
I think a lot of this turning on Powell is sour grapes for him not running so Repubs would have bragging rights on having the first black President.
Everyone's racist.
Black people can be racist, of course!! It is not "reverse' racism...judging someone for reasons directly related to the color of their skin is racist, no matter who is doing it to whom.
We all freaking do it.
I am half black, half white and middle class.
I have a lot of prejudices against lower class blacks/whites/whatevers that aren't related to me by blood.
I have some stereotypes about upper class blacks/whites/whatevers that aren't related tome by blood, and they are probably unfair.
I have a certain affectionate sympathy for middle class people who are browner, like me...but most people in my life are white and middle class.
Racism happens under our skin. It's really sort of OK because it is a natural instinct... But then, you just have to recognize it and avoid being an ass by acting on it. You know?
Golden rule!
P.S. Obama is exciting to me as a sort of ethnic peer...but his policy proposal I liked best on the stump was the strengthening of Americorps and a call begin to compell all citizens to national service (of their choice) whether civil or military...among other progressive platforms you all will probably spit on. :) But that's OK.
2:17 Here.
I am one of the working poor that Obama says he will help. I don't buy it. I am not a racist in any sense of the word. His race has nothing to do with my decision at all. BTW he is not a true African American anyway.
The point is I detest the plans to grow the government to take care of us. I had a mother,grew up and moved on. Maybe you should try to do the same. America grew to the great nation it is by self sufficiency. In the last few decades we have become more dependant on mother government to make our decisions for us and take care of us. That is just plain wrong.
I beleive the Bush administration has been off base on most of the issues from the start but still support the Republican mantra of less government. I support McCain only in the respect of shrinking government and allowing individuals to decide their own fate. I know MANY people personally who collect checks every month who are perfectly able to work. The only disability they have is laziness. When they get hungry enough they will work.
Turn left and fire away.
Hey big D,if you're going to post on here in order to defend BHO at least use correct spelling or you're only proving your ignorance. I bet you still believe BHO sat in the racist church for 20 years and never heard Wright's racist rants,right? Once again you're only showing your ignorance. Sounds like you're the know, the whole pot calling the kettle 'black' thing. You get it don't you little D.
There's one politician out there who is more incapable to run our country than George Bush. Any guesses who? I'll give you clues:
He hangs around with racists, con men & terrorists. He wants to take money from working people and give it to welfare recipients who are too lazy to get off their asses and work or they get welfare in the daytime and deal drugs at night. He has never once answered a question only talking in circles until one of his idiot supporters cheers. Ok,you guessed it, it's Barrack Hussein Obama!
Just remember, if you go into the booth and vote for him you're casting your ballot for the same clown the terrorists are voting for!!
Colin Powell? Who's that? I remember. He's the moron who sat in front of the United Nation and talked them into going into Iraq with us. And we trust his opinion? He only endorsed BHO so he wouldn't be called Uncle Tom back in the neighborhood.
Anon 8:21
What the heck is a true African American anyway?
Anon 8:45
Senator Obama hangs out with racist? Prove it. Look at his economic plan and then tell me what he plans to do. Of course you could make over $250,000. He has talked specifics and you still don't listen.
Now look at at who Senator McCain "pals" around with. Someone who defended Sadam Hussain, Fromr lobbyist, former ceo's who have raped their companies, racist.
Then talk some issues.
Just remember, if you go into the booth and vote for him you're casting your ballot for the same clown the terrorists are voting for!!
8:45 AM
Anon 8:51
General Colin Powell explained exactly why he is for Senator Obama. Did you listen to him? None of it had to do anything with his color.
That's what makes your comment racist. Even when the man tells you why, you lean to his color as an excuse.
Big D,you sound like a complete jackass... your ignorance is so obvious... Do some research on Obama sir, hes done NOTHING positive for this country. Not a damn thing, and if u feel he has ,then please inform everyone of what it is? He talks about all this hyped up shit about how if a person makes less then 250K that they will see a tax cut.... BULLSHIT! i believe Clinton said he was gonna cut taxes too but he ended up raising them his second month in office. He missed the whole point about "joe the plumber" he just held a rally where he stated "how many plumbers do you know that make more then a quarter million dollars a year"? That wasnt the point the man asked a simple question that only required a simple answer. And this community organizer shit? Come on now Chicago has one of the highest crime rates in America right next to L.A. It also has one of the highest tax rates in America... Not to mention the second highest unemployment rate in all cities of America? Now im glad Barney franks homosexual self, nancy, and the uniformed people of America like him. But to me, he is nothing but a disgrace. The market is in trouble right now, and if that man gets in office unfortantly it will plunge even further, although im sure ignorant fuckers like you just wont realize why .
African Americans are the most racist people in the world! They are even racist against their own!
Anon 12:02,'re not allowed to call African-Americans racist,don't you know that's a racist remark? Only the mean white folks can be racist. You know we have to agree with them and NEVER, EVER, EVER say anything bad about them, or else.
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