Congressional Candidate Andy Harris was once again here in the Salisbury area for another meet and greet, this time at Rotary. Frank Kratovil REFUSED to show up and instead sent Jim Ireton to fill in for him.
Hey, I know, maybe it's me? Maybe Frank Kratovil is afraid to answer any of my questions? Lord knows he rarely shows up at any event I'm at and whenever I show up fr one of his events he's afraid to answer my questions, like the recent Bailout question. Frank Kratovl is afraid of the Eastern Shore.
Nevertheless, Andy Harris received a standing ovation at the end of his speech.
Krank has a job, he was at work fighting crime.
Not only does Andy have a job as a Doctor, he's also a Senator.
The time of this event certainly alowed time enough for Frank to be there. Frank Kratovil doesn't care about the Eastern Shore, face it.
i guess frank is focusing his campagin where the contest will actually be decided...the western shore.
Joe, why the hell should Frank Kratovil answer YOUR questions any more than any other citizen? You're not the only one with a blog. Get over yourself.
Questions from morons don't count as real questions. Didn't you know that?
Whatever Joe. Frank is FROM the Eastern Shore, and doesn't need to show up at every little pissant event like the Carpetbagger from Cockeysville.
Come to think of it... YOU are a carpetbagger too. So, I guess you guys like to stick together.
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