Seen on WMDT 47 News HERE.
Look familiar? Go HERE to see the same photo on Salisbury News.
Here's what's interesting though. I was the only photographer there that day and as someone at 47 News chose to crop my photo, they stole it and refuse to give Salisbury News credit for the photo.
This is not the first time this has happened and all I usually ask from others is that they give Salisbury News, (me) knowledge that they want to use one of my pictures and credit for the pictures.
I had a someone contact the proper people at WMDT several hours ago about their not legally getting permission to use my photo and they refuse to change the credit. I then left a message with Kathleen hours later and actually stayed on hold purposely for 15 minutes and I have not had the courtesy of a response.
Again, the MSM (Main Stream Media) wants to charge Bloggers for words and photos through newly proposed legislation in Congress but they have the nerve to steal from us without permission and think they can just do what they want.
WMDT owes me an apology as well as financial credit for the use of this photo since they refuse to be decent about this matter.
I just noticed WMDT has pulled their article from their Site. INTERESTING!
i am a photographer...actually emailed you the other night about the fight...anyhoot...this is crazy! i had a friend who took a shot at a concert in toronto 2 weeks ago and the biggest named publications took off his copyright and started putting it in the paper, magazines, online...he just went through a lawyer and agency and has made a fortune on the image!!!
this happens all the time and people think photographers should just give up their photos for nothing in return...ATLEAST acknowledge who took the shot!!! if not pay for IS the property of the photographer...i am into the whole copyright violations, etc. and you would think 47 would of contacted you first...
good luck!
Don't back down Joe!
Channel 47 acts like they're your friend, and then they do this to you.
Don't let them use our best news source!
Do unto others as they do unto you. If you are truly injured you have the right to seek damages. The main stream media has made much of your legal problems. Maybe its time to level the playing field with a bomb.
To Me,
It's not about getting back at anyone. I did speak to Kathleen soon after this article went up and she did apologize and the matter is being looked into.
My feeling is this. This Blog is a free service for everyone. However, if I'm spending all this money paying for gas, buying equipment, 16 hours a day working on it, wear and tear on vehicles, you know the drill, I would at least like recognition for my work.
WMDT makes money at what they do and in this case off of my work. It's only right they give credit where credit is due.
Kind of like how you won't give me credit for what I send you. :)
I just kidding Joe, but I do hope you stick it to them! What's good for the goose......
A true friend wouldn't do this to you, Joe.
Katherine Ametta should have at least asked first.
How can she be all smiley with you and then treat you with such careless disrespect?
And they're keeping this post from being linked on their website!
You really should embed © into the image code. It is very simple to apply in most editors and PROTECTS your right to the photo. Include contact info in thee embodiment.
The reason you ask?
Anyone using that photo would have "reasonable" information to gain contact with you. Should you have to ever file a case that would be in your interest.
I to am a photographer that had a huge surf company printing out my copyrighted photo on product without my permission and with my embeddment I was able to get compensated.
This is just typical of liberal pieces of s#@t! Laws and rules apply to everyone but them!
Sue the bast##ds!!!!!
Make them live under the same rules we all live under.
Sorry about the heist of your picture Joe. But you know what? Just goes to show they can't get it right with all their staff (just like the paper) and you smoke them all!
Keep kicking ass.
i seriously doubt katherine amenta had anything to do with this. she might steal beach towels and promise to buy a new one and never do it, but not pictures.
Katherine Amenta had nothing to do with this and is a great young lady. Leave her out of it.
When you put something on the internet it becomes fair game to all. Put your logo on every pic. if it is yours!
Internet is fair game. 47 can say someone else emailed them the pic. I could have copied it on an email and sent it to them. Unless you put your logo on your pics there is nothing you can do.
10:08, you are correct in that anyone can copy and email a photo from the Internet.
The problem here is once it was pointed out to WMDT that the photo was stolen from another site, they did not acknowledge it, apologize, or anything else resembling good business practice.
Instead, it would appear that they stonewalled, hemmed, and hawed, and finally took down the posting instead of coming clean and admitting their error/actions.
Big difference, and that is essentially the issue here as I see it.
"Maybe its time to level the playing field with a bomb"
I certainly hope this situation isn't the "bomb" you were referring to co3153, because it's more like a water balloon
Dadio, you are absolutely 100% accurate in your comment.
I'm not sure how to do it, but there is a way to code the image so that people can't copy it. I know because I've tried to copy pictures from sites before, and it won't let you, you get a no symbol
You can sue but you will not gain anything... You have to prove damages... You were not damaged.
Also, as many have suggested all photos are copyrighted at inception. However, to have true legal teeth and to gain a higher rewards in court. Your images must be on file with the U.S. copyright office.
that is NOT true that they have to be on file at the u.s. copyright...
i just went to a course on copyright of YOUR images...and this is NOT true...
also, imbedding info is definitely a good idea!
hope it all worked out joe!
Joe, I'll send you the code to stop right clicking if you want it.
It doesnt matter if you have a stop right click code on your site. There is still a way to get images off with out it. Very simple. And anyone with photoshop or any other photography program can take a copyright symbol off a picture. There are ways around everything. People are just to lazy to get up and go out and get their own material so they steal others work.
They were wrong and I seriously hope you get a written appology!
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