I have known about the proposed changes to the county library for awhile now and still am opposed to moving the system from its current location.
One reason is the current building is very environmentally friendly with its 45 solar panels on the roof, which carries 70-75% of the heating needs for this building.
The reported 94 years as the age of the building is very miss-leading. The old armory was installed 94 years ago, but that portion has been renovated and the new 26000 square feet added to it are really only 30 years old. When I came on board as director in June 1978, they broke ground for the new addition and renovation of the old. It went from a 24,000 sq. ft. building with a very large boiler in the basement that used some $6,000 worth of fuel oil in 1978 costs, to a 50,000 sq. ft. bldg. and two small backup boilers that used only $1,200-1,500 for fuel oil until I retired there in 1995. So, this is what would be called a "Green" building in today's jargon. And it is the only government owned building that is solar in this area. With the cost of fuel oil well over $4.00 a gallon now, think about how much we tax payers are saving with this efficient building.
If its more space we need for services, I suggest they ask the Regional Library system to find other quarters and the same for two other agencies of welfare and education that reside in the building (all done after I left as director, (except for the Regional Library), which I question the need for now-a-days. I really think the regional library has outlived its usefulness as a backup collection for other MD libraries on the shore.
I might add that I had asked to extend the upper floor out over the parking lot behind the library and adjacent to the Cannon building, but could never get the funding onto the county's funding docket, but that would allow for a good bit of expansion if done now and would cost considerably less than tearing the current building down and building a new one. I also, think the old fire house across the street would make a fine children's section if renovated for such use.
No, I'm sorry, but I don't see the need for a new building and/or moving the library someplace else in Salisbury. This is a good location. I hope Tom Hehman won't think ill of me for these comments, but they are how I feel about the proposals I have seen in print and elsewhere.
Arthur H. Goetz
Wicomico County Free Library Director
Editors Note: I'm proud, honored and pleased to announce that Art Goetz is my Father In Law. Oh, Jennifer got her looks from her Mother. Sorry Art, but it's true. ;-) You gave her the brains!
This is just another example of frivilous spending by government that has no clue of the economic hardships we are about to face. The current structure seems adequate. We use the library often and find it very adequate. I for one will be lobbying to halt this nonsense before it gets the green light. I wonder how much was spent on the architectual drawings out of the taxpayers pockets prior to public input. We cannot find funds to pave roads and improve basic infrastructure however when a pet project comes along they don't hesitate to deepen the dept on the taxpayers. Please speak out about this before it is too late. The propaganda machine is in high gear.
thats a really great ideal for the old fire station, a learning center for the youngsters and a historic building saved to boot. fantastic.
Kudos to Art.
Let's stop this absurd waste of funds in its tracks -- DO IT NOW!
A new library is a selling point for a community. Like schools, it's an indication of the commitment of a community to education. Wicomico County's schools are for the most part out-of-date and aging facilities. The library, for all the work that has been done to modernize it, is also out-of-date (not as bad as some libraries in other Eastern Shore communities) and needs replacement. It could remain on the same spot if there was any hope of the downtown area ever becoming vital but there's no hope there. Sell the land to the hospital for expansion of their facilities and move the library out of downtown Salisbury. Art, you did a good job in your day, but times they are a changing. I thought I got a good education 40 years ago, but I recognize that the school I attended then is not the school that is needed now. Responsibility for funding the new building is not solely on the County's shoulders and that funding trail needs to be made clear so that taxpayers and residents understand what needs to be done. For an example of what could be done, I urge people to visit the library in Ocean City and try to compare it to the former building.
I am totally against building any new buildings for any government entity at the expense of either the city or county taxpayers. That includes a city office building, a county office building and anything else. A 10 million dollar firehouse should never have been built either. We just keep getting railroaded by the fiscal irresponsibility of our elected officials and dept heads. When are the government leaders going to get it?
During these times when businesses are going bankrupt, people are losing jobs, and infrastructure is crumbling and public safety is at risk----the non-necessities MUST cease. There should be a moratorium on EVERYTHING that is not a public safety item. The citizens are cutting the luxury items and frivolous spending from their budgets and we expect the same from our government. When and IF times return to where we are flourishing- then perhaps we can look at funding some of the items on the wish list. But even then, it should be done wisely, and not cavalierly as has been done under the tenure of this mayor and her bidders. I am totally disgusted by the "powers that be" in this city and county. There has been a complete failure of public trust, and an arrogance at the top whereby people in charge or in certain positions feel they can get away with anything and everything.
Rest assured the natives are getting restless----and a call for change is in the wind. The good ole boy network has run us into the ground and must stop. AND one more thing---if anyone of these so called leaders are breaking any laws; ie, misappropriating taxpayer monies, or government employees for personal use, or getting paid from one entity, while doing business for another--better keep looking over your shoulder. Time is fast approaching to pay the piper.
Sure--if the funds were there and we were in a fat economy--no one would be against a new library, new schools, new city government building and new everything. But we are not in a fat economy. Hard decisions must be made and public safety has to be first. What is to be done with all the empty spaces (buildings) that is available in this county?
No-I am afraid we need to tighten our belts and curb spending.
this economy does not and can not afford any extra spending right now. the boot straps must be tightened up. you dont spend money when everyone is just trying to hang on, its not the time for it. maybe when we get the economy and living stable again a new library building would be o.k. nows not the time.
I'm going to throw in my two cents on this topic as well.
I can remember when the City just had to have the new Fire Station and even an expansion of the new WWTP and it HAD to be done now. Why would they impress upon everyone that it had to be done NOW? Because it was a typical scare tactic, people believing it would cost two times that down the road.
Because there are no real business people running things on the Council and as Mayor, everyone screwed up and didn't think smart, like the Pittsville Fire Department. Their original cost for their new building was $1,500,000.00, (NOT $10,000,000.00) and they'll have a banquet area in their Fire House. Nevertheless, because they waited, it has now dropped to less than $1,000,000.00 for the very same building!
I think Art's idea for the Children's Section across the street is a PERFECT answer. Ladies & Gentlemen, this is WISDOM! I should add, it's FREE advice.
They need to stop spending while our economy is in such a jam and say to all the Contractors, until you show us your prices have dropped to what things were 5 years ago, we'll wait!
Remember, all of this started with Katrina and the cost of lumber going through the roof. I love the idea of building over that parking lot too. Very smart.
If that parking lot was so jammed packed every day, I could see the desperate need. A SMART businessman would look at all these angles, look at all the Grapevine articles, all the Letters to the Editor and see that this is somethingt we've desperately needed for years. That is NOT the case here and this spending crap has got to end.
Learn to live with what you have because like others have stated, we need far more serious things right now than a new Library.
Oh, that is, unless they want to rent 300 W. Main Street from me for top dollar for the next 5 years. LOL
9:46am....a selling point for a community? yeh right, maybe at the bottom of the list! How about responsible leadership and spending by our Co. dept heads! Lets look at whats a selling point at the top of the list! How about a decent road to travel on to GET to the friggin library!! Sounds like PRMC made us an offer, wonder who's getting the "behind the curtain deal" to push this real estate puppy threw?? Why arent they buying the old Times building?
How about the Daily Times building -- it's for sale
There are so few programs for little ones and so few outlets for them - making the old fire house a children's annex is a GREAT idea! We also often take my son to the library after work for a couple of hours, and an annex could stay open later for working parents to have time there with their kids, without costing the whole library in staffing and resources. You could offer art classes, gymboree or kindermusik, all sorts of things that currently struggle because they are spread all over the city.
I hope that will come to pass -
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