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Friday, June 27, 2008

Maryland State Police Make a Major Marijuana Bust In Willards

I was informed today, (no Press Release yet) yesterday the Maryland State Police made a major bust on a traffic stop in Willards. The driver was speeding and was pulled over. There was an obvious scent of marijuana coming from the vehicle. I'm awaiting the volume they recovered but from what I've been told it was pretty darned serious. Apparently the pot was found in jars.

I do have more information but I'm going to hold back on saying anything without a Press Release as I wouldn't was to impede on their investigation. Great Work Salisbury Maryland State Police!


Anonymous said...

From the Daily Times, Friday a.m.: WILLARDS — A traffic stop for speeding Thursday night on Route 346 and Market Street led to the arrest of two people on drug possession and trafficking charges after police said they found more than 25 quart-sized Mason jars of marijuana in the vehicle.

Maryland State Police said driver Andrew Campbell Founds, 23, and Thomas Loftus, 26, both of West Chester Pa., were arrested after the trooper smelled raw marijuana in the vehicle during the stop at around 10:21 p.m.

Founds and Loftus were charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana, marijuana trafficking and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia besides several traffic charges.

Anonymous said...

wow, msp got this one? im surprised it was not SUPER sheriff lewis. lol just breaking his balls, good job msp, less drugs on the street we have to worry about. Can not wait to see this press release.

Anonymous said...

it must of been some killer, if the boys had to use mason jars to quell the smeell. come on people we should be more worried/concerned about the herion situation here on the shore than people smokin pot. lets try to keep our eye on the ball.

Anonymous said...

joe, would be real interesting to know exactly how much the state pays to keep prisoners in jail for pot offenes. pot dealers dont live off of their pot profits, most probebly have jobs,(more money lost to the local economy), is it really worth whatever money amount it cost the tax-payers to put these people in jail.
when was the last time you heard of someone that smoked pot, killing someone in their car, robbing a store, beating their wives, robbing a bank. come on this doesnt happen, more people hurt themselves, their family and society from alcohol.

Anonymous said...

woo freakin hoo... a couple pot heads... why not crack down on some drunk drivers, or heroine dealers or crack dealers... LEGALIZE IT

Anonymous said...

Horray for cruggly! What a concept!

Chimera said...

What is this-1950????Reefer madness?
Cruggly is right-who gives a sh*t about weed??????Oughtta be legal anyways it is way less lethal than booze.No more black market-no more gangs and thugs shooting people to protect their "business"
I am more concerned about the fact that we have over 100 registered convicted sexual offenders free in Wicomico County than I am about some Dillhole selling or smoking pot.I am more pissed off at all the crap being spilled into the Wicomico River.

Anonymous said...

I'm more pissed off at the $10million dollar fire dump that is crumbling less than a month after they moved in. I'm more pissed at the $10+ million being bonded for a property that lists the property at $7,040,000. If it's only valued at that price why did the city bond $10 million?

A pot smoker never beat his mother, got get those cooking up kitchen crank, selling heroin and oxycontin, those selling crack.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd say most of the comments here are a good sign. It's crazy how many people seem to think marijuana use should be a capital offense and advocate the use of lying criminal informants, no knock searches complete with army gear, machine guns, flashbang grenades, roughing up little old ladies, shooting babies, burning family dogs ( often at the wrong address)- all over a little weed.

It's refreshing to see some comments that aren't all apologists for the drug warriors.

Anonymous said...

Article: Marijuana and the Correctional System

Anonymous said...

Ask any heroin or crack addict whether they EVER smoked pot, and OVER 90% will admit to beginning with smoking pot early on in their life. Please change your liberal little minds about legalizing pot because it often leads to serious drug or alcohol abuse, which as we know, is connected to many crimes and violent acts. People, wake up.

Chimera said...

Anonymous 7:26,you gotta be a cop!
No offense but DUH!90 % of the population has probably tried marijuana so naturally your "90% of heroin users" will fall into that category.Is it a gateway drug?Yes.Does everyone who ever smokes pot go on to snort coke and heroin?Hell no-thats just government sanctioned "war on drugs" propaganda and you fell for it!The problem with a myth is that after it is repeated so many times gullible people start to believe it.Ever seen "Reefer Madness"?Did you believe that too?I know alot of people who smoked a joint and then jumped out of windows or killed someone-(snickers)
Since the 70's we have pissed away millions of dollars on the "war on drugs" and what has it done?ANYONE who wants drugs of any kind can get them-all that the "war" has done is make organized crime richer.Outlaw a substance and make it harder to get,someone will still figure out how to get it and make a profit off of it.Want an example?Look no further than Al Capone-him and other bootleggers prospered off the publics desire to imbibe when alcohol was prohibited.Did Prohibition stop drinking?NO!It just made it more desirable and made people willing to pay more for it-in turn making those who risked their freedom to distribute it richer.If police depts were no longer permitted to "seize" property from accused drug dealers,do you think they would give a rats ass about enforcing an archaiac law designed to make us behave ourselves?It's all about the money people.
I had to watch my Mother waste away to nothing during her fight with cancer because "drugs are bad".Not the ones the greedy drug companies push that made her sick,but the one you smoke that might have given her back her appetite.Her own doctor admitted that she would have benefitted from medical marijuana but his hands were tied because of the Gestapo-ish drug laws in this state and country.To get any relief from her nausea with marijuana,she would have had to become a criminal.Make sense?Not to me either.
All I gotta say to the rest of you is don't believe the hype.
And NO-I am NOT a user-regular pot use shrinks the brain(proven in studies) and I would like to keep what little I have intact!I just think we have more serious issues to tackle in our world.

Anonymous said...

The drug war is a class war. We all know it. Marijuana is an herb. Why do we let our government tell us what we can and cannot put into our bodies? Isn't it our body? What is wrong with Americans? Don't we own our own bodies?

Anonymous said...

That's right, BlutoMom. Give in and legalize a dangerous substance because organized crime benefits from it. Makes no sense to me. To focus on your argument - "The problem with a myth is that after it is repeated so many times gullible people start to believe it." Such as the myth of global warming being caused by mankind in our daily routines ?- Seems as tho the hype seems to be working on that as well, doesn't it? Gullible people are swallowing that hook, line and sinker. I believe it was Adolph Hitler that said the bigger the lie the more people will believe it. Perhaps you believe as he did that billions & billions of years of time & a spark from lightening mixed with ocean chemicals created mankind. Perhaps that would account for your thinking of the other issues you write about. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people have made the mistake of abusing illegal drugs. Don't we have enough problems without having a society that is more concerned about legalizing pot than the threat of Islamic killers? Sobriety is long overdue for this country. The way you look at things must make the terrorists confidant they can take this country. Sober up.

Chimera said...

"Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people have made the mistake of abusing illegal drugs.
Sober up. "

And thats THEIR problem if they do not have any self control.They can say no to drugs,cant they?We are a "pity me-I am a victim because I cannot stop doing drugs,drinking booze,whatever my vice is." society.Thats why so many drunks and crackheads get SSI,because they are told its not their fault-they are victims of a "disease".
Secondly darling,I do not need to "sober up"-if you had read my comments you would know I do not do drugs and I do not drink-I smoke cigarettes thats bad enough.And I am addicted to MIKE&IKE candies.
And whoever said it was class war,you are so right on!Had marijuana been a white,middle-upper class drug instead of a favorite of black jazz musicians in the early part of the 1900's,it would not have been such a big damn deal!
Joe,I am sorry to start a debate but I am so tired of people repeating what they are "told" is true.I am not a NORML spokesperson or any of that-I am just tired of everyone thinking that we need "the government" to tell us what to do with our bodies and our lives.Furthermore,I think we live in a f*cked up world when a guy can rape and kill a teenager and be on the streets within a decade BUT a guy selling some weed to consenting adults who WANT to buy it gets 20 yrs.Am I alone here?Does anyone else want to contribute?Cuz I got PMS and I do not get any more polite than this.LOL

Anonymous said...

Sounds like to me you love weed!

Chimera said...
