If you think the Main Stream Media is giving you information based on truth, then you are sorely mistaken.
Ask yourself this...over the last two decades media sources have been bought up faster than most people are aware of. We hear about the merging of these media giants but are we fully understanding what the implications of those mergings mean?
What it means is that our news is coming from Corporate Giants who want to control what we see, what we hear, what we purchase and ultimately what we believe.
Independant News Sources are becoming few and far between and this trend has frightening implications.
Media depends on advertisers to pay salaries for writers, staff, printing equip. etc. If an advertiser doesn't like what the media sources are saying they pull their advertising and the media looses money. Simple Right?
Well, now let extrapolate this scenario onto the grand scale of say Viacom, or Gannet.
Media Giants need advertising dollars too and they charge a premium for it. Which means they are courting big name advertisers. The bigger the advertiser the bigger the budget and the more and more they are able to cover and purchase.
But what happens when you are a huge media giant and one of your reporters has found a story about a product produced by one of your huge advertisers? Do you run the story?
According to the link that I am including for you to watch on YouTube is exactly what happend.
Monsanto produced a product for the cattle industry to bring a calf to adult hood very quickly thus increasing profits for the beef farmers. However when it showed up in the milk it had soooo much bovine growth hormone in the milk scientist said no we cant use this. Monsanto, said that' not going to happen wer'e selling it and advertising it. When a Fox News Reporter got a hold of this story he went through hell to get he story heard.
Here it is ...
Take the few minutes and watch this you are never going to believe your media sources again.
Great post. I wrote a letter to the editor a few years ago in regard to growth hormones in animal feed. A full grown chicken in 6 weeks?
Someone named Ken Sterling (I went to school with a Ken Sterling but not sure it's the same person)did a reply to my editorial and called my claims bogus and false.
I knew better, and that caused me to reply to his reply in the paper, and I never heard a peep from him after that.
OK, NOW where do I get my news from. All the other media scources are blatantly liberal so I started watching FOX NEWS. I can no longer support FOX knowing that they are just as dirty as all the rest.
I also remember hearing that the GREAT VALUE milk at Walmart was also chock full of growth hormone, particularly female hormone.
How do you make a hormone? :-)
That is so messed up it seems like a movie storyline!!! I am so going organic from local farms ASAP. What BS!! Does ANYBODY tell the truth anymore????
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