I understand from sources involved that the Mayor and Council and Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company have come to an agreement, as to the delivery of fire and rescue services in the town of Ocean City. This agreement will include Chief Larmore becoming the Chief of all the towns fire service, including the career fire and EMS staff, the volunteer company, and the fire marshals office. The Mayor and City Council are expected to finalize their portion of the agreement next Monday evening. Although the fire company has made concessions from their once independent and autonomous status, I understand their vote of support was unanimous by the members present at their regular meeting held last night.
Additional details will be forthcoming, and don't forget, you saw it here first. I will add, the Union is PISSED OFF! The mere fact that the Fire Marshall's Office voluntarily chose to work under Chief Larmore ruffled more feathers than anyone could believe and they're pissed! I'm sure we'll see that in comments on this Post.
The union can still sue us, that seams to be all they good for.
What a joke.
How much will he be payed for this position?
Just another example of politics overriding logic. And people wonder why the government consistently fails.
can still sue you? who have they sued already?...if they SEEM so good at it. hell maybe they should sue - what were you going to do with the money? buy another 8.7 miles of unused fire hose? OH! I know, maybe you can jack up all the dept vehicles with big tires. OR, buy super-nice lapel mics for the portable radios so when your chief officers are screaming into them at big incidents it won't sound so bad.
Here are the facts, directly from a councilman, written by a career firefighter/paramedic, and proud union member. Many are not happy with the process that has brought us to this point and the selection of the fire chief. However, we are committed to working with the new chief, and the parties involved to move forward, and continue to provide the service we have for nearly 50 years. The new city recognized fire chief is the current volunteer fire chief Chris Laramore. This selection was made because they felt he would be the best person to facilitate the change, and lead everyone through the natural progression of a combined service. He will not be compensated, however he will be held accountable for his performance, as well as that of his three respective departments. We have worked with this chief previously, and although not our choice or perfect candidate, have found him to be fair and reasonable. Regarding the comment that we can just sue, we have no pending lawsuits, nor have we been to arbitration, or even grievance, and have in fact worked diligently to resolve any concerns with the town in a fair and equitable fashion. I can say personally, and I hope on behalf of our entire division, congratulations to the chief, we will do our best to make this a successful operation. It has, and will be, our main focus to provide the best medical, fire and rescue service to the pubic we are sworn to protect.
2:37 Check back in a few months, and lets see about that. This is the first postive step toward a direction everyone has agreed upon for years, just give everyone a chance to work as a team, and the friends we once were.
Proud OCVFC member
Lets see, the consultants, the Mayor and Council, the public, and the OCVFD all agree, and the union dosen't, what does that say to everyone? The union has turned good people into takers and unreasonable cry babies, simple as that.
Joe, the entire union is not pissed, just the 5 or 6 real problem childs that have not given us the truth from the beginning. As a body, we will prevail, and work with everyone.
Hey, I am just glad to see the Ocean City brothers worked this out. Get back to work guys, be safe and remember what you signed up for.
The FM office are all OCVFC volunteers, no wonder they wanted Larmore. Anyway, time will tell, lets move on. He can't last forever not being paid, I give him 6 more months, he has gone two years now other than the $10,000 allowance the company gave him, and I heard he gave that back. Any truth Joe, you can find out.
No, the Fire Marshals Office was smart. Villani knew his men were going under Theocrook, and played his cards. Furthermore, the entire office has dealt with Larmore for years and respects him, because he respects them. Seems pretty simple to me, strategy at it's best.
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