Well, if there's any business to be in these days it's the fuel business. There's living proof that this recently remodeled gas station is doing so well, they're remodeling AGAIN!
That's right, the Gordy Family is actually planning on remodeling several of their locations, closing for about 6 days at a time.
Years ago we experienced the Computer Dot Com Boom, now we're watching the Gas Station Boom go through the roof and in order to show off, some locations will remodel and charge you even more. If you think they're doing this for YOU, you're sadly mistaken! "Gordy Marts, the richest game in town."
You are so wrong!
The motor fuel retailers markup on a gallon of gasoline is no more then $0.05.
They make their money from the stuff they sell inside the store.
Sand Box John
That's part of the "fuel business," isn't it?
Anytime uou can afford to close a store as busy as this one gets has got to be making a freaking fortune!!
I think Sand Box John was saying you are implying that Gordy is making a fortune off fuel prices. It is easily inferred that way by your post.
That business makes money based upon location and volume. Sand box John is right about fuel margins. Even worse is the 2% markup on tobacco products. (MD minimum markup by law). Fuel, tobacco, and a few other inside store items are loss leaders for the store to get you in there.
Although I can agree with you on many issues, this one seems off the mark. We shouldn't deny someone from having a successful business. Taking time and money reinvesting it into your business is a way of continued success. I don't think the Gordys are reporting billion dollar quarters. I'd take aim at the Oil Companies.
How can so many MISS the mark on this post?
The point here is, this Store is fairly new. Look at the 7-11 axross the street, probably built in the early 1970's. This Tiger Mart is modern and new. New pumps, new interior, the whole nine yards. Now they're renovating AGAIN and if you think it's because they're making pennies on the dollar, you're wrong.
No one is stupid enough to put good money after bad money, unless you're the City of Salisbury. The Store, (IMO) didn't need remodeling but then again, it's not my Store.
I have always learned SUCCESSFULLY in business, don't change it if it's working.
Perhaps these are Gordy defenders, and that's cool too. You have that right and I'll not deny any one of you that. I just see things differently, is all.
Joe, the 7-11 accross the street was constructed in the late 1970's early 80's. There was a Getty full service gas station at that location for many years; I worked at the Getty station that was there in 1976.
Is this in an enterprise zone?
i go to gordy's to ge my fuel b/c it is clean and well kept up. I am glad to see the gordy family putting money back into the business instead of letting the stores go to hell.
I know how you feel about the Gordy's, but they employ a lot of people, and run several clean, nice stores. If they can afford to remodel, good for them. Their sucess shows that they are making GOOD business decisions. They do not control the cost of gas. Most days, they are the cheapest gas in town. You can fault Gordy for Fire stuff, but the businesses are run quite well. IMO
farm boy
WHY DO YOU FAULT BUSINESS PEOPLE LIKE BILL & KAREN GORDY FOR TAKING PRIDE IN THEIR BUSINESS. Since you're such the smart businessman you should already know that you do whatever it takes to maintain the edge over your competition. Go into any one of the Gordy Tigermarts on the shore and you'll see a very clean well run establishment and then walk into the 7-11 accross the street from this particular Tigermart and you'll see a big difference. If you had and lick of common sense you'd know this. By the way thats just "my opinion". Jealousy's a bitch ain't it.
Your reporting on this issue totaly blows me away. Company offers clean and safe store to the comunity and you feel justified in ripping them down. Theres nothing wrong with re-investing. I read a few days ago that you, Joe, had to take time off to manufacture an express order of lamp parts and make a windfall profit. Huh....
it is more than five cents. Upwards of 12 cents counting the kick backs, from the fuel company and credit card kick backs for voulume sale.
well, even at 12 cents, that is less than 4% (based on 3.25/gallon). You would be better putting your money in a money market account.
They arent making major money on gas. bettering their store is the best way to get people inside the store.
Also, as price goes up, their margin normally goes down. Here is an article concerning it.
If they are making a bunch of money, then so are the other gas stations. Their price is usually the same or lower than the other stations. They may be making a lot. But even so, isn't it a good thing to reinvest in the stores? It makes Salisbury a better place. Right?
It is overwhelming what Bill and Karen Gordy have done for my family as well as the Delmar community. 11 years ago a dear love of mine (whom was the manager of all their stores) passed away. Bill and Karen did so much for myself and my children to help us through that time. I know for a fact, that they both have worked very very hard in their business to reach the success they have today. They are basic ordinary people who give back tremendously to their community. We all are upset with the gas prices today everywhere, but attacking the business owners that supply it is not fair. We really need to be disgusted with how our government is handling our dollar bill. That is why gas prices are up.
You obviously picked on the wrong business here. Everyone loves Gordy Tiger Mart, even if we don't like the way the fire department spends our money. The stores are managed very well, and have friendly people working in them. They are truly great places to shop!
"credit card kick backs for volume sale."
Well, whoever said that has never processed a credit card as a merchant. Accepting credit cards only costs you money. Volume might lower your discount rate, but it will NEVER stop costing you money.
Merchants pay, consumers get the "rewards".
I don't know if you will post this, but I know for a fact and will testify in court that the general manager of Gordy Tiger Marts is a traitor to America. He told me himself that he refuses to pledge alegience to our flag. He also told me many other sickening things he thinks of our nation. Look, anyone has the right to criticize America's actions, that's a cornerstone of our republic and her constitution, but when anyone says things like,"God Damn America" or "I won't salute America's flag," that person has gone past seeking change, and has crossed the line and become a traitor. Gordy knows the poison this man spouts and employs him anyway. Gordy and his Tiger Mart business can go straight to hell! This is a free society and the top management of Gordy Tiger Mart is free to hate our nation and our flag. It is also a free country for those of us who won't spend a penny supporting them.
America has a lot of things that need fixing. But in working for change, I still proclaim loudly, "God bless America, and you're damn right I pledge alegience to America and her flag!"
Liberals and conservatives have completely opposed visions of what America should be, but most work within the constitution and profess love for our nation and flag. Fighting for what you believe America should be is wonderful and the way our country has always been. Hating America and her flag is certainly legally acceptable, and it's even more acceptable for patriotic Americans to shun these traitors and their business ventures! I'm not saying Gordy is a traitor; I'm saying he knowingly employs one as top level management!
Though I don't like their reasoning behind the remodel and know that they're losing a rather large amount of money on these projects that may or may not be necessary, which would you rather see them do? Use their money for their own personal pleasures or put the money back into the business that we can all enjoy. They're just trying to make things more enjoyable for us loyal customers and maybe gain a little profit in exchange, is that not what a business like this is supposed to do?
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