14 different organizations were awarded "Community Enrichment Grants" yesterday by County Executive Rick Pollitt. They were.........
Salisbury Advisory Council $3,000.00
Salisbury Jaycees $ 500.00
Art Institute Gallery $2,190.00
MAC, Inc. $5,000.00
Urban Salisbury $1,000.00
SHORE UP, Inc. $5,267.00
Big Brothers & Sisters $3,000.00
Dove Point Daycare $2,000.00
DILA $6,500.00
Kappa Alpha Psa Fraternity $7,043.00
Girl Scouts $5,000.00
Lower Shore Red Cross $3,000.00
Easter Seals $5,000.00
Salvation Army $1,500.00
A total of $50,000.00 went to these special groups that do so much for Wicomico County. I'm told 12 of them were completely funded.
Kappa Alpha Psi is the correct spelling -
I thought Wicomico County had a budget problem.
"I thought Wicomico County had a budget problem."
3:10 PM
Only when it pertains to repealing the revenue cap. This is forced donation. Our charitable donations should be just that - OUR CHOICE. While I know these organizations are probably deserving, let the taxpayers choose as individuals who to donate to. Let tax money be used to support necesary infrastructure and departmental costs. Ok.. fire away.
Mr. Pollitt:
Please explain once again why we need to kill that tax revenue cap.
It offends me in a huge way that our government is using our tax money to support charitable organizations...even those otherwise considered worthwhile.
Tax money should fund government activities and programs...(which ones are a debate for another time), and charitable organizations should be supported by donations or fund raisers, or whatever...THIS IS WRONG ON SEVERAL LEVELS.
I agree with its wrong. Even when the economy is good the goverment should not be giving our money to organizations.
This is obviously wrong. If you have to think about it, then you are an idiot.
I support United Way and dozens of other charities. That is my choice. Forced donations thru county taxes should be illegal. With the cancer rate in this area, why aren't we giving to the American Cancer Society?
Surely Mr. Pollitt realizes that such use of our tax dollars is not acceptable by any of us. I sure don't want to hear anything from him about the revenue cap, after doing this to us!!
A. Goetz
I agree its wrong, but if the Girl Scouts are on the list, why aren't the Boy Scouts?
An old Eagle Scout
a little stingy with the Jaycees don't you think??
Why was Lower Shore Enterprises left out entirely?
Just from reading the comments on this story, you can plainly see why this is such a bad idea. There are somebodys favorites missed, and others which some members of the taxpaying public might disagree with. All the more reason why the gov't has NO business funding such organizations.
Groups needed to apply for the awards. See the published guidelines: http://www.wicomicocounty.org/execPIO/Grant%20application%20packet.pdf
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