While Mayor Barrie Tilghman sat back and prayed for this drainage deal to go through with the City Council and the SHA, promises might have been made that can't be kept but only time will tell.
I couldn't see if there was an actual Bible in her lap, I was too far away.
She is a rude disgrace with no social skills. Yeah Barrie the stormwater does reach the river eventually, but has the benefit of natural filtration through the soil. Not like pure runoff barreling down a 6 foot pipe directly into the river. Don't you care about your SAPOA and banker cronies on the river anymore Barrie? And did you notice that one of the budgeted projects JUST HAPPENS to benefit London Avenue where the genius Gary lives?
FYI -- Barrie is running in the primary as a Dem. convention candidate committed to her hreoine, Hillary Clinton -- they sure deserve each other, but not out votes.
Glad you got a picture of the Mayor praying for the end of rational questions to be over so her done deal could go through.
Saw this on another related post and said, "bull's eye."
nalagirl said...
I was watching, too. I want to know what was on the note the mayor passed to Mr Comegys. Also, the mayors actions, reared back in her seat, hands up by her head in apparant exasperation---what kind of professional integrity does that convey to us in the viewing audience? Totally disgusting. Furthermore, what I believe Mrs. Cohen was trying to get to the bottom of (environmental impact to the river and health effects of all those floaters, i.e. shit) only to be so blatantly cut down by Mrs. Smith is disgusting bordering on pathetic. I realize the president of the council's job is to move things along, but not at the expense of public confidence in the primary duties the council is charged with. Comegys, Shields, and Smith might as well spit in our faces. Mrs. Smith, if you and your friends have somewhere to go on Monday nights when you are doing the cities business, then do us a favor and resign, and let some others fill your positions who will take the time to ask the questions to protect the taxpayors,and their money.
1:17 AM
Barrie needs to give up the Mayoral position--she is incapable of handling it; she is spinning out of control. It's like watch a train wreck.
Now Louise is going to have her own tv show on PAC 14? How predictable. She and Barrie function only in a controlled environment, surrounded by those who do not question them and just agree with them. T.V. show is perfect for these two.
Nalagirl is right on target and I agree with her. This mayor has to go along with her three friends on Council. What a disgusting bunch!
Louise, Gary, Shanie and Barrie are four peas in the same pod, and Louise needs to get herself under control. Terry was in her right as a council woman, to ask all the questions and comment as she did and I applaud her and Debbie for making the inquiries, even though they and we know it falls on deaf ears with those four. I too am very concerned with this 6 foot pipe dumping yet more trash and plain old shit into our river and eventually the bay! I don't understand our State people allowing this travesty to be allowed. I can see the day coming after the pipe is in when the Market Street Inn (Barries favorite watering hole) is put under water and the waters contents and even worse the Wicomico Library being endangered by the flooding that will come from emptying most of this city into that prong of the river.
A. Goetz
A-12:31 --
Not to worry, when Billary is in the White House, Barrie will become an intern. She has Monica's unlisted number.
hayy!! is dat won hangin in dat dare lef nostral. um, uh, uh, im so glad, uh, da mare dittant sneez an blo hur snot awl ovr me
She isn't praying, she is not capable of looking to anyone higher than herself. She is sitting there hoping her flunkie Louise will hurry up and shut Debbie and Terry up.
She really shouldn't come to these meetings with alcohol on her breath, those peppermints just enhance the odor. Once a lush, always a lush
gravity runs the water downhill from waverly & into the river, or hadn't anyone noticed how much higher waverly is than carroll?
wouldn't it be more cost effective to keep the patency of the existing storm drainage conduits above 75%?
have seen water standing only a few inches on smith in over 25 years.
once between monticello & powell about a foot & a half. both times there was a huge amt of rain in an hour or so AND THE STORM DRAINS WERE PLUGGED UP.
we are concerned that the cost over runs will be huge & that the city has agreed to pay any & all.
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