WHAT IF CNN and FOX News merged?
Here would be some of their headlines on the Salisbury City Council Meeting:
Louise Smith can't run a meeting -- except into the ground.
The Barrie and Gary Show: Mayor jumps up to slip councilman a note, councilman jumps up to go to mayor...is it love, or just making sure the taxpayers AND the environment get a good screwing?
Like Night and Day: Council president ends night plugging her new propaganda show...Councilwoman Campbell ends night plugging a citizens forum on crime.
Shanie Shields Takes a Powder -- misses vote, is barely missed.
Government in the Shoeshine: Tonight, Louise Smith proved she is there to polish Mayor Barrie's shoes by gaveling Terry Cohen and threatening to end the council meeting because Cohen stated the entire council should be informed of content of mayor's notes to Comegys.
Will Camden Pandering Work? Foes of Campbell spend $4+ million in taxpayer money to try to "get her" in her own neighborhood, invoke franking privilege.
Lynn Cathcart Chokes Up Pleading for Unity on Tax Differential -- learns council "been there, done that"
Public Works Guys Stand and Smirk -- "Project's a done deal, has been for a long time."
Shields Tires of Smart Kids Who Do Their Homework...moves to end school early.
Mayor Mirrors Shields, talks with candy in mouth.
Comegys Exposes Himself as Emperor with No Environmental Clothes...confesses to not knowing SHA job.
Mayor Exits Singing, "I Did It My Way." Declares herself a council member and Supreme Ruler of the Free World.
Meeting Ends: Audit's Still Late, Generalissimo Smith Is Still BrainDead (with apologies to Saturday Night Live)
PAC 14 got it all last night...the Daily Times did not!
Councilwoman Shanie Shields said being environmentally sound is important, but the city can't keep waiting to making the stormwater improvements.
"No, I don't want to see garbage floating down the Wicomico River, but this is part of a bigger project we've neglected to do over the years and we've kept putting it off and putting it off," Shields said.
BPT kept saying "We've waited 14 years to get this done." NO, SHE has waited 14 years. Now the solution is to put a 72 inch pipe into the Wicomico and let all the trash, oil, antifreeze, etc flow right into the river?
Gary Comegys kept saying, "It's going into the river anyway." That makes it ok?
Where is MDE?
Where is Wayne Gilchrest?
Where is the Wicomico Environmental Trust?
What is happening in Camden yards is illegal anyway. How does this mayor get away with this?
And the new Public Works Director guy looked pathetically inept--stumbling, chasing flying papers, unsure of what was going on.
And Cathcart's continued screeching has to stop. Lynn, stay home; we're really, really tired of you.
No, the MAYOR said, "It's going into the river anyway." But now it'll go at a faster rate with a higher concentration of "stuff" in it.
Comegys said he didn't know how the SHA works. Guy's been there 20 years working on projects and he doesn't know the process for launching a project?
MDE is a joke. This is a state project? Think the State cares about breaking its own laws? No more than Barrie PP Tilghman. Yeah, where were the environmental folks last night? I'd have thought they'd be on this like poop on the Wicomico.
And did you see the lousy article the cub reporter did?
Poor Salisbury ought to pack up and leave itself.
Listening to Barrie Tilghman loudly talking with that dam piece of candy in her mouth, what a freaking rude pig. Keep hoping she will inhale and choke on it. Does she have any idea of what a trashy skank she looks like talking with a big wad of candy in her mouth? Is Shanie allowed to still be on the council now? Old SHanie Pinkett with 5 kids from 5 different men, we remember you.
Some of those headlines were great!
I'll try one:
Mayor denies 10 years of inaction; Responsibility dies slow death.
State joins City in flushing $4 million down the river
To top it all, Barrie is running in the primary as a Dem. convention delegate committed to her heroine, Hillary Clinton. They deserve each other.
I would like to say that this gathering in any way ever resembled a meeting bound by parlimentary proceedure and common respect. I saw two council women, Ms. Cohen and Ms. Campbell actually do their job. (applauding)
I know I am probably preaching to the choir on this, but it will add one more to the choir's ranks.
I have never seen such blatent disrespect upon others, the Mayor getting up to take control of the floor while COuncil Woman Cohen was recognized and as well as others moving around/not paying attention.
As Chairperson, one of the biggest jobs is to maintain control and vindicate the integrety of the forum/council/body. That includes all in attendance! Did not happen!
Take a point of personal priviledge if you can get recognized or bring this up within new business. Make them look like inconsiderate fools they are, they might not recognize it, but others will!
Bottom line, if this is how the City of Salisbury is going to be run, I'm not ever moving back!
And I just love the term floatables to describe all the crap which is floating around the city, both in river and in city government!
"UNFREAKIN' BELIEVABLE" is my title for the woeful shenagins that play out on TV,no less, every couple weeks on PAC 14.
I was watching, too. I want to know what was on the note the mayor passed to Mr Comegys. Also, the mayors actions, reared back in her seat, hands up by her head in apparant exasperation---what kind of professional integrity does that convey to us in the viewing audience? Totally disgusting. Furthermore, what I believe Mrs. Cohen was trying to get to the bottom of (environmental impact to the river and health effects of all those floaters, i.e. shit) only to be so blatantly cut down by Mrs. Smith is disgusting bordering on pathetic. I realize the president of the council's job is to move things along, but not at the expense of public confidence in the primary duties the council is charged with. Comegys, Shields, and Smith might as well spit in our faces. Mrs. Smith, if you and your friends have somewhere to go on Monday nights when you are doing the cities business, then do us a favor and resign, and let some others fill your positions who will take the time to ask the questions to protect the taxpayors,and their money.
1:17 AM
Oh yes, I forgot. Mrs. Smith tooting her own horn about her new show coming soon to PAC 14, but running over top of Mrs. Campbell when she tried to plug the neighborhood meeting.
Tell me, Mrs. Smith, will the new forum be a comedy--or a tragedy? I doubt you can top the council meetings, which unfortunately seem to be a large amount of both.
God, I hope we can get some people to replace 3/5 of this deadbeat, rubberstamping council.
To the person commenting about The Mayors candy in her mouth--I think it was probably 'breath mints' to disquise a particular odor????
Anyway, I can't wait to put my house on the market, and pray it sells, so I can get off this sinking ship. Anyone got an acre to sell in the country?
It's both, nalagirl - - but mostly it's a farce!
You know, thinking back on last nights actions, I believe Mrs. Cohen should have called Mrs. Smith's bluff, threat, or whatever< and kept insisting the note passed between the Mayor and Comegys be made public. Let Mrs. Smith terminate the meeting. It would all be there on tv, for us all to see. Mrs. Cohen, I have so much respect for you, I can't tell you. I don't know how you maintain your composure and professionalism the way you do, but I know it is becoming more of a challenge every meeting.
Totally agree with the comments so far and Terry or Debbie has to be considered as a good replacement for BPT. These ladies are the only ones on this council with any civility and common sense! This so called meeting was a real travesty.
A. Goetz
Oh joy, Louweasel can now lie to anyone that cares to hear her bullshit via PAC 14. She'll have a limited number of viewers, FOB's and SAPOA, no one else can stand the sound of her geriatric voice.
we should boycott pac14, especially lou's show
is it an accident that pac14 didn't have most of the meeting on wednesday's rebroadcast?
we didn't catch it monday & wednesday was a bust. will it be on again?
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