This woman is my new hero! Talk about a person who is on the ball and not afraid to speak up! Gail woke up Tom Ruark & Co. like they have never been woken up before. The alarm went off and Gail clearly proved she wasn't falling for their BS!
Mr. Ruark tried producing plans with a water tower in it but "NO" building beside it that goes along with a water tower. Tom stumbled a bit, (quite a bit actually) and then stated there was plenty of room and Gail once again barked back, no there's not Mr. Ruark.
Gail proved she had been to the Riddle Farm Plant as well as many others similar to what Mr. Ruark was trying to propose and she wasn't falling for "any" crap. It will send Mr. Ruark back to the drawing board because he did NOT get the approval he wanted.
One official there told me that the entire project "will never get final approval" and Mr. Ruark is dreaming. Considering the County Council tabled any more community water and sewer systems, Ruark doesn't have any chance in getting this thing through anyway.
At the tail end of things Mr. Ruark could clearly see he wasn't getting anywhere so he threw out another bone, "I'll gift 75 acres of land to the County but a good portion of it must be used for spray irrigation." The 75 acres was to please the Board in an offering to propose a Middle School for this area.
Gail & Lynn voted no to going forward with this proposal.
Hope that they can squelch Ruark for once, he gets away with unbelievable atrociites to the environment.
Welcome aboard whattheheck.
Folks in some of the building trades refer to Mr. Ruark as "Tommy Two Foot." He got tagged with this one because he would always insist his subcontractors only build the foundations of his houses 24 inches high instead of the more customary 32 inches. This saved him perhaps $500 per house. Of course he probably charged the same amount of money for the house. A house that close to the ground will sooner or later develop problems with moisture and mildew. The wood in the floor joists is more likely to expand and swell due to the excess moisture. Any future plumbing repairs or HVAC work will be a nightmare with just 16 inches of crawlspace to work under. I could mention many other instances where sound building standards were ignored, and not just by Mr. Ruark. Any time I hear that ol' Tom was named "Builder of the Year" I always laugh. But guess what? The county let him do it that way. Their codes at the time were a joke.
Heck Iyeska,
Just look around at some of the other Blogs and even the ones completely dedicated to bashing the one and only Joe Albero.
I happen to think they're the funniest things going right now. Zookeepers, Director, Wanna Be Attorneys, Barrie Tilghman's own personal task force team, all against the infamous Joe Albero.
My answer to all of it, wait till all the elections are through because I'd say there should be a lot of new job openings, including the Mayors job!!!
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