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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Another Maryland Political Hack


Anonymous said...

This is a Saul Alinsky tactic at it's finest!

Anonymous said...

This guy is a communist

Anonymous said...

I see he used the fascist moniker to appease Antifa. I wish he and Frosh would just move to California. They would both fit in well.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to see what wagon Franchot's hitched to and the beast that's pulling it.
His are not our values.

Anonymous said...

Pete πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

Anonymous said...

How did these people like Franchot become so perverted

Anonymous said...

f you, Franchot.

Anonymous said...

These are the words of the true Democratic Party. What has happened to that party? Come on Democrats tell me why you are proud of your party. Put some facts with your answer. Your party has no facts!

Anonymous said...

11:08AM-You are absolutely 100% correct. People like this man do nothing but worsen and exploit what friction and acrimony that exits between races and political philosophy. He should use his position to facilitate unity and harmony. He is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing us your true colors.

Anonymous said...

Was his Facebook comment deleted? Was it real?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Was his Facebook comment deleted? Was it real?

June 4, 2020 at 12:03 PM

Trust me it was real. Do you think this is the first time Pete has made these stupid posts? Many times these are done by the help of his Homo partner Len Foxwell.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Was his Facebook comment deleted? Was it real?

June 4, 2020 at 12:03 PM

I easily found it.

Peter Franchot
June 1 at 8:07 PM ·

What we’re seeing tonight are not the words and actions of an American president, or even someone whose values and perspective are fundamentally American. We’re witnessing the desperation tactics of a failed fascist.

1.2KMichael Lewis, John William Mountjoy Jr and 1.2K others
980 Comments 143 Shares

Anonymous said...

Senor Peter @sshat.

Anonymous said...

Just another Third Reich elite attempting to keep the scare tactics going.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Liberal Idiots has anyone noticed that Nicole Acle, District 2 County Council candidate who is up for election in November to keep her appointed seat voted with the Democrats on every issue at the council meeting Tuesday night??

As a conservative constituent in District 2, we are very concerned about her love affair with the Democrats. There are 5 family members who vote in our house and that could be enough to cost her the election. On Wednesday my family talked about this and we have decided that if she votes with the Democrats and against the Republicans one more time she will lose our vote. We live in a larger conservative neighborhood and this will be discussed very soon.

Anonymous said...

This cat, like Hogan started out on the right track. It didn’t take many hours for them to Switch to the side of opposition. We won’t forget.

Anonymous said...

I get bored with the whole "fascist/communist" name calling so won't comment there. But lets just get this straight. Trump used force to interrupt and disperse a peaceful demonstration....just because he felt he has the power to. He has said and done plenty more that should raise the hairs of anyone truly concerned about small government and constitutional law/accountability. So, if you don't see a reason to speak out on this, miss us all with the phony "Obama the evil dictator", evil Dem fascist, diatribes anytime in the near future.

Anonymous said...

From the FB post. Our own Chuck Cook, the butt buddy of Jim Ireton and Jake Day.

Chuck Cook said... I love everything about this thread: Franchot dropping the truth, fascists wetting themselves and having the vapors over the truth that Trump is a fascist, and Franchot slapping them all down. 10/10 would read again.

Anonymous said...

I will never ever vote for that traitor to Maryland and the American people

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I get bored with the whole "fascist/communist" name calling so won't comment there. But lets just get this straight. Trump used force to interrupt and disperse a peaceful demonstration....just because he felt he has the power to. He has said and done plenty more that should raise the hairs of anyone truly concerned about small government and constitutional law/accountability. So, if you don't see a reason to speak out on this, miss us all with the phony "Obama the evil dictator", evil Dem fascist, diatribes anytime in the near future.

June 4, 2020 at 1:52 PM


Anonymous said...

@1:32 pm, Liberal Nicole Acle is toast. Her political career is shortlived so she can go back to harassing Dr. Hanlin and the Board of Education employees.

Anonymous said...

Does he drink all the time, or just before having his pic taken?

Anonymous said...

Mr Franchot,You are second to Hogan for being the biggest disappointment and
failure in Md. "Better to keep quiet and have people think you're an idiot, than open your mouth and prove it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm interesting. Exactly what part was a lie?

Anonymous said...

All the time....hence the idiotic layers of bureaucracy for alcohol purchases in this state....whole sale is what I'm talking about...not about over the counter personal purchased. Go to DE for personal buying. Much cheaper.

Anonymous said...

Never ever condemn Marvin Mandel because such as he was he was never the bobble-head Hogan is.

Anonymous said...

Well I won't be voting for him!

Anonymous said...

“ All the time....hence the idiotic layers of bureaucracy for alcohol purchases in this state....whole sale is what I'm talking about...not about over the counter personal purchased. Go to DE for personal buying. Much cheaper”

The atmosphere of a table and chair in a room with a/c in Fenwick beats any parking lot in Maryland too.

Anonymous said...

School system consumes half of the tax dollars in Wicomico county. If harassing is fiscal accountability then more power to her. At least some is watching

Anonymous said...

If holding the education system fiscally accountable is harassing....then she’s doing something right. No one else is doing it

Anonymous said...

boy, those freaks sure like the word fascist don't they? I guess they should since they act like fascists.