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Sunday, March 22, 2020

WaPo's Jennifer Rubin predicts fewer Democrat deaths from coronavirus than Republican deaths, blames Fox News reporting

Jennifer Rubin, a former conservative columnist for the Washington Post, said Sunday there will be fewer Democrat deaths from the coronavirus than Republican deaths — and blamed Fox News.

Rubin made her pronouncement on MSNBC's "AM Joy," during which host Joy Reid pointed to a Post analysis piece titled, "Older Americans are more worried about coronavirus — unless they're Republican."

"Trump's own people are actually in greater danger, but those of us who live in this Earth can't even reach them," Reid told Rubin. "They're not listening to anything that any of us say, including someone like you who's a former Republican. You can't reach them."



Anonymous said...

Uh, no. As usual they have it completely backwards. They are not hearing us.
America does not want their 3 musketeers Socialist b.s.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw the whole crowd of college kids in their green outfits as I drove past Mojo's last weekend.

Anonymous said...

Fox news viewers are generally the least informed. An actual study was performed and this is fact. Considering they shill for Trump, and that he handled this so poorly and gave misinformation (until just the past 2 days... someone probably told him THIS would happen... remember Teump only cares about Trump) it's no surprise Fox also downplayed and forwarded misinformation.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone edit democrats? The really should consider the option.

Anonymous said...

Man I bet you watch CNN exclusively.
Couple of points for you.

1. CNN has lost 80% of their viewership in the last week as no one is sitting at airport gates anymore.

2. Those uninformed FOX viewers are also the people you were calling crazy prepers a couple years ago.

3. A typical FOX viewer is more likely to be an NRA member and 2nd amendment defender. Let that sink in when the rioting starts.

Anonymous said...

Talk about mis- informed.watching msm results in the deception of the ignorant just like 5:23.

Anonymous said...

5:32 Wow. The ignorance is real with you.

Anonymous said...

Here is a fact for you. A virus with a 97% recovery rate is making the U.S. lose it's mind.

This entire pandemic is media caused, and not by Fox News!!!

Anonymous said...

5:23---I'll bet you are a current or recent graduate of a liberal arts college, brainwashed by an american hating liberal institution. You people are destroying america. Please leave.

Anonymous said...

5:23 AM, poor dear, one would assume your brain is addled (Webster:to make or become confused), perhaps you should not get up so early. FOX is "fair and balanced" allowing both points of debate rather than raucous and idiotic rants from the likes of CNN opinionated and fact-less naysayers.

Anonymous said...

This is a Democrat's wet dream. Just think about it. The majority of people dying from this are older. Chances are these
older people are Republican. These older people will not go vote as they are self quarantining because of susceptibility. If infected, they may not be around long enough to vote. Democrats win based on reduced Republican voters alone.

Anonymous said...

8:13am here is a stat for you. On the conservative side 100 million people will get this illness. If just 3% of those die that is That is 3 million people.

So if you want to think that this is media created. Go ahead and keep believing that. The Spanish flu by comparison had a mortality rate of about 2% and it wiped out 50 million people. Why? Because they did not know how to contain diseases or access to the benefits of hygiene we enjoy today.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But that is just something that your parents used to say right?

Keep thinking you are indestructible. The thin veneer of civilization as we know it is easily disrupted by

Anonymous said...

@ March 17, 2020 at 8:13 AM

You mouth breathing moronic IDIOT.

This is about not overflowing the healthcare system (like Italy.. which was at the same point as us only 2-3 weeks ago and now their hospitals are over capacity and they are having to choose who gets care and who DIES).

But I tell you what, I'm sure you and YOUR family will be the first to volunteer to give up any hospital beds you may need for the folks who are actually keeping people safe.

This is not a drill. This is about keeping people from dying.

The fact is that MOST of us are going to eventually catch this thing. You want to be sure you can get good care if you need it, right? Or your loved ones? Right?

The reason the U.S. is "loosing it's mind" is because we have SOLID examples of what are happening in other countries that are only a few weeks ahead of us on this time line.

Get your head out your ass!

Anonymous said...

5:23 HERE!

Seems I ruffled some feathers! To clear up any misrepresentations... I don't watch Fox News, but I don't watch CNN or MSNBC either. I listen to a lot of talk radio, NPR, BBC, get news from the New York Times, and also listen to Ben Shapiro podcasts. I think this gets a good representation of what's going on, and then also the countering viewpoints. For news related to this pandemic, I get my info from the CDC.

I doesn't matter if you don't like the facts. According to Fairleigh Dickinson Universities Public Mind survey Fox viewer were the most uninformed consumers... followed by those who watched no news at all. Don't fee so upset... CNN and MSNBC were next. The most informed on the news were NPR listeners, talk show...and surprisingly the DAILY show. Now, to be fair this study was done in 2012... so take that with a grain of salt.

However, the fact remains that Trump gave out misinformation and untruths for quite some time... and Fox News backed him up. It stands to reason on this issue Fox viewers will be less informed and more at risk on this.

Also, for ANON 7:26... I am also an NRA member, and support the 2nd Amendment. As long as we work together to get through this, and listen to the CDC (by the way is MY source for info related to this pandemic) then there should be no need for rioting.

Anonymous said...

5:23. get off the crack pipe.

Anonymous said...

I will not self quarantine on election day. Trump will be getting my vote if the polls are open and I'm still alive. If the election is cancelled .... four more years to Make America Great Again.

Anonymous said...

You have obviously never smoked crack.
One cannot form sentences while under the influence.

You simply disagree with 5:23

Admit it. You can’t defend your position do you try an anonymous insult

Anonymous said...

5:23 NPR...enough said🙄

Anonymous said...

We would all love to have the link to the "study" you referenced

Anonymous said...

@ March 17, 2020 at 2:47 PM

I'm not sure if posting links is allowed here... if I can get some sort of confirmation on that I would be happy to do so....

It CAN be found if you search for Public Mind Poll Fairliegh Dickinson University. The poll was released Thursday May 3, 2012 and is titled "What you know depends on what you watch:Current events knowledge across popular news sources".

I was able to find it by only searching for "public mind poll" but all of that info should be enough for you to find it! What is even more interesting is that this study, done in 2012... is a follow up to a study done in November of 2011 that netted the same results.

Look.. I get it, no one wants their favorite things ostracized. I quit watching cable news about 15 years ago. When I DO see it (Fox, CNN, or MSNBC), they are all COMPLETELY jarring in their skew, bias, and purpose. Each has a political agenda, none of them report anything close to accuracy. I challenge you to try, after a while away from the sensationalism, consuming that garbage seems bizarre. Seriously, just turn it off.

On a final note... those who are questioning NPR... do you listen to NPR? Have you tried to decide for yourself? Or are you merely parroting what Fox News told you think? I mean, Fox news has a vested financial interest in keeping your attention... so it would be in their interests to slander NPR... Don't take my word for it... why not just try and decide for yourself?