The lesson here for libertarians is how government Deep State operatives often use laws created "to protect us" to instead protect sectors of central power. The only way to stop these power plays is to eliminate the power centers by shrinking government.
By Roger Stone
During the Presidential Campaign for the 2016 election, then Candidate Trump responded to the anguished cries of The People when he promised to “Drain the Swamp”. While Donald J. Trump knew instinctively that there was rampant corruption in Washington, D.C., it is entirely possible that he was surprised by the levels of vindictiveness and wrath he would eventually encounter.
In a prescient and possibly complicit statement, on January 3, 2017, mere days from Trump’s inauguration, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer warned the soon-to-be sworn-in President Elect. Schumer said that Donald Trump was being ”really dumb” to question US intelligence agency officials in their handling of the alleged “Russian Hacking” fabrications. Schumer warned: “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community – they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”. With the benefit of hindsight, we see that the Obama corrupted FBI with assistance from the Obama corrupted CIA tried more than six different ways, and are still trying even now.
The Russian Collusion Delusion is a fairly complicated bit of political machinery. That was by design. It doesn’t take very much complexity to make most people’s eyes glaze over, which is why we have specialists for almost all complicated endeavors. Engineers, programmers, chemists, doctors, and a multitude of others makes the fabric of our complex society. It simply isn’t possible for anyone to become an expert in everything, and this is the principle upon which the Deep State’s coup d’état relies upon. In order to comprehend what they have done, how they did it, and who they brought in to help them one has to consider so many variables that it forces any who choose to fully understand it to become experts themselves. Most people don’t have the time or energy to become experts in political machinations and International intrigue, leaving the culprits free to continue exploiting the system.
Secrecy is the currency of spycraft. Without secrecy, spying is merely intrusion and can devolve into brute force thuggery. Secrecy is what allows “Covert Operations” to remain covert. Secrecy can be a legitimate tool of the State for securing the safety of its citizens, but secrecy can also be abused. Abused secrecy can destroy entire nations.
1 comment:
Hillary and the DNC are guilty of obstruction of justice. Obama and the DNC politicized the DOJ, FBI, and the CIA as they committed crimes and cover-ups. When are they to be tried?
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