DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 13, 2018
A Viewer Writes: State retirees to lose drug insurance coverage on 12/31/18.
Joe, just confirmed with Maryland DBM, that retirees over 65 will lose their drug insurance coverage through the state as of 12/31/18. They will have to pay more for Medicare part D coverage. No explanation of how or when this was passed or approved. They expect retirees to live on less than 2% cost of living increases while costs keep going up.
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What a pity. I guess you'll just have to pay for like I do.
It's a carry-over of an O'malley change to reduce the State expense on it's retirees. There were attempts to delay and repeal, that were voted against by the committee and bills were shot down by your Democratic run legislature.
Changes may be made for retirees that aren't affected by the initial imposition of the loss of the plan before they reach Medicare age, but it's unlikely those over 65 will ever get their state plan back.
Welcome to the real world..I have friends and family who work with the State and I feel bad for them, BUT this is what we have had to put up with for a long time...
It's about time that government employees, past and present, learn what the rest of us have to deal with. No sympathy from me or my family.
Anybody know how it will effect a senior's bottom line? I think right now their coverage is $ 15 per Rx. I have family that will be affected.
Guess what? My employer isn't going to cover mine either, once I retire.
Get over it!!
I'm in the finance business. MD state employees have some of the best benefits I've ever seen. Very few are unhappy with their benefit packages.
Don't cry about benefit reductions until you see what most people have.
Glad to hear this, because most retirees do not receive such generous benefits as government retirees.
i got obamma care pay 10 bucks a month full coverage nice
I still gets state insurance and EBT. Doesn't look like Trumps reduction is coming to MD.
State retirees paid into their pensions and went years with no pay increases while the state spent money like it was George sotos. They earned their retirements and benefits. Now they will get sicker because they won't have medications and cost more for all of us - over 65 has to have Medicare. Kids get ready, gramma and grandpa are moving in with you and your kids. Democrats and repubs who supported this will lose votes.
If you had something good, negotiated by the unions you are forced to join, you would be upset too. Just sayin
Have to come up with the money to hide, and harbor fugitives from INS.
I don't think you're going to get much sympathy. State workers had great benefits period. Also it would have taken 50% of a normal workforce to do the work that you did. I have relatives who are state workers? and they tell some very interesting stories. Lazy people.
A lot of ignorant people commenting on this subject who knows nothing on what a State employee / retiree has had to pay towards their benefits they get. Typical lazy people who want something for nothing. I don't hear how much percentage they are were mandated to pay for their retirement. I don't hear how much they lost in pay for 10 years or more by having mandatory furlough days / work reduction days. I don't hear anyone saying they were made to work extra hours with no extra pay. Yes we deserve / need this compensation even if it does come late. So all of you that think they know it all you are as dumb as door knob.
Have to get the money from somewhere to pay for being a Sanctuary state for illegals. Taking good honest taxpayers money is what our great state does. Like the sign said "Welcome to the Republic of Maryland Comrades".
Furlough? Some of us wished we were state workers , because that was temporary as well as a small pay reduction. How would you like to work where there was no pension, no benefits. Of course you contributed to it modestly. But you are sure reaping the benefits now.You just don't know how great you had it.
Lots of people lost there jobs during those 10 years you're talking about. Would loved to have just been furloughed.
7:02 You were not paid for furloughs / work reduction days They were not temporary. they are still in effect in 2016. That was over 15 years. Also that was a minimum 5 days up to 2 weeks. Contributions were approx. a days pay for retirement. Yes I had it great risking my life 8 hours a day, work holidays weekends etc. Now what is your work hours? How many holidays do you have with your family? Do you risk your life every time you punch in? Do you wonder if you will see your family tonight / tomorrow? I am another one who knows what they are talking about. I am not talking trash. Yes there are several State employees who are lazy and do not deserve to work for government.
If I take a holiday off, I am not paid for it.'But you're talking like you're in law enforcement. I don't think you got furloughed.
After reading all the whining and complaining from state employees here it is apparent that none of them asked about the salary and terms of employment before accepting their jobs.
Well said, but you missed my point. The pay decrease I was talking about was the furlough days. Also when most of us take holidays and weekends off, we are not of. for it. Also many folks lost there jobs while the state workers had to suffer through furloughs. And exactly what. % do state workers pay? Long story short, you still got it made.
Hate to be the one to tell you but Obama care Care is dead. Your 20 bucks a month will end soon. Start looking at welfare .
What is EBT
Federal retirees have always paid for Medicare part D (prescription s). You pay according to your annuity/pension. Need supplemental insurance subsided by the State of MD if they do that. Federal government subsides frderal emoliyees. Fedblue. It isn't free just cost less 💰.
Yes State and Federal employees pay Medicare through their career. When retired you sign up for Medicare when eligible. If you make too much in retirement you then pay Medicare more money. It only covers 80 percent (supposedly). You need a supplement to cover the rest. The US Federal government helps pay supplement insurance by offering insurance company plans that are willing to accept less money. Non federal you are on your own. One is BC/BS Fepblue. Accepted in Salisbury. Or Kaiser not available in Salisbury .this is all very complicated but I am glad I worked forthed Federal Govt. MD State benefits are better.
7:02, you “wished you were a state worker?” Well, you could have been. What was it that disqualified you..,drug use, criminal background or just plain stupid? There are plenty of state jobs available. Apply yourself. If you “wished you were a state worker” make it happen. Don’t sit around and piss and moan about others who actually applied themselves.
To those of you who are cheering...I would be careful if I were you....This country is going under and you won't left out of the trouble.
3:14 you and your peers, cohorts should have Fought hard to get out of the Union. You pay all those Union Dues year after year and they CAN'T guarantee you anything; ever, yet they got rich off of your dues...'just sayin'.
I'm just going to quit my job and see if l can acquire the same benefits the welfare queens and illegal immigrants receives. I'm completely tired of city, state and federal taxes that others benefits from.
I wasn't pissing and moaning. Just responding to original post that was.
LOL. Love it! And I hope most affected are DEMONCRATS
7:02, as you stated, employees contributed to it and are how reaping the benefits. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? You pay for life insurance by contributing money so that your family can reap the benefits when you retire. Same thing. People accepted the job knowing the benefits. It is part of the contract they made with the state. Employees fulfilled their end of the the contract/obligation and now the state wants to change the rules so that they don’t have to honor THEIR end of the obligation. Tell me how that is fair? Employees couldn’t change the rules to benefit themselves. They had to keep working and do what they signed on to do. At no pint could an employee say “well, I know we have a 30 year retirement plan but that just isn’t working for me. I demand to retire after 20 years of service and you have to pay me my retirement”. No one could EVER do that. So, why should the government be allowed to change the rules after the fact to benefit themselves? THEY provided the rules up front. Employees honored their end. Now the state wants to back out of their obligation. It’s as simple as that.
Um, yes they did. Employees honored their part of the obligation. Now, when it’s time for the state to honor THEIR end, they want to change the rules.
I am 7:02. You've made a excellent point.
I think it's called running out of money.
People are will to bitch about each other, but let politicians who have the best pensions, medical plan etc, so fall into the brainwashing my stupid people. No wonder we're screwed we fight among ourselves while the rich thow us crumbs.
Not only the part d , I have a problem with state and federal workers having great pensions from tax payers money. It seems most companies have done away with pensions.
The person who pays $20 a month for Obama care, is being subsidized by taxpayers. I know people whose Obama care premiums are $2000 per month, but only pay $50. Guess who pays the other $1950 per month!!!
State county and federal workers contribute to their pensions. Sounds like you are jealous.
5:34 you had the same chances of employment with state of federal government, but you either choose to make a higher salary or you were just to dam dumb to pass the entrance test?
Union election was years ago - in mouse print it said if you dont send in your ballot its a vote for unions, so all the lazy employees who didn't read the ballot and pitched it were considered to have voted for it. Since when does an uncast ballot get counted? People who didnt join were forced to pay service fees of over $15 bi weekly, since they benefited from the unions negotiated work. Now you see where the unions money comes from. Many years after getting a 2% pay raise, I would bring home less money because benefit costs went up. Just because you were furloughed didnt mean your work didnt still need to be done timely. Employees are contributing over 7% of their pay, plus 13% for social security, no 401k match like many employers provide. I didbt take a state job for its retirement plan, I took it for a job and a paycheck to support myself when I got out of the service. When I started pay was excellent, but people I worked with qualified for food stamps when I retired or worked a second job, even supervisors state jobs are the the plum jobs they were in the past.
State of md employees pay into their pensions.
I do hope thst all sides remember where the voting booth is.
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