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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

This Is The Turning Point

The driving trends of the past decade are now reversing...

The saying "the worm has turned" refers to the moment when the downtrodden have finally had enough, and turn on their powerful oppressors.

The worms have finally turned against the privileged elites -- who have benefited so greatly from globalization, corruption, central bank stimulus and the profiteering of state-enforced cartels. It doesn’t matter as much as the punditry assumes whether they are turning Left or Right; the important thing is that the powerless have finally started challenging their privileged overlords.

Though the Powers That Be will attempt to placate or suppress the Revolt of the Powerless, the genies of political disunity and social disorder cannot be put back in the bottle. It took a generation of rising inequality, corruption and the erosion of opportunity to create a society of the protected (the haves) and the unprotected (the have-nots), and rubber-stamping more regulations and distributing Universal Basic Income (UBI) will not rebalance a system that is irrevocably out of balance.

But the rise of resistance, as yet nascent, is only half the story: economic trends and cycles are turning as well, and even if the worms remain passively underground, these reversals will disrupt the status quo. The dominant narrative--the rightness, goodness and sustainability of endless growth of consumption and debt--will unravel, and the internal contradictions of this New Gilded Age (widening wealth/income/power inequality) will finally burst through the thin façade of stability that’s been patched together over the past nine years of “recovery.”

Eight Key Trends/Cycles Are Turning



Anonymous said...

There have been revolutions of the powerless recently. The Elites have responded by:
1. Using the media to lie about them and make them out to be extremists. (All movements)
2. Using the media to "place" one of their own in a leadership position of the movement. (Tea party, BLM)
3. Using the media to completely ignore or suppress the actions of the movement. (Occupy)
4. Using the media to start a false movement by manipulating people to work against themselves. (March for our lives, Antifa)
5. Using the court system to levy false charges against the leaders of the movement. (Bundy ranch, Trump)
People need to awaken on the deception as a whole, what government really is, what media has become and the power of their numbers and the dollars in their pocket before anything will change.
United we stand, divided we fall.

Anonymous said...

7:19 right on! It will never work if we are divided. The government and media want us divided and we need to work together. Not sure if that can happen because too many people cannot think for themselves. They either believe the governement, media, or worse both.

Anonymous said...

The wave of pro-marijuana laws in States is evidence that the elites are ready to "let them eat cake".
"Let them get stoned".

People who are high are much less likely to revolt.
They are much less likely to do anything at all.
Except eat Oreos.