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Saturday, March 03, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Damage from Windstorm

Good afternoon. Huge follower and fan of SBYNews. I hope this email finds you well. I didn’t know if you had anyone send you any damage pictures. Attached is what is left of my shed from the windstorm. I drug the roof back from a neighbors yard. I expect it to be flattened before this wind is over. Thank goodness the house hasn’t been affected yet. Hopefully it stays like that. Feel free to post this. This is in the Heather Glen development. Thank you. I will be getting a wood shed next time lol. Take care Sir and keep fighting the good fight. Your a great American.

Just another Deplorable


Anonymous said...

We had an uprooted tree that we are now cutting up for firewood. Anyway Hello to you fellow Deplorable. As soon as I read you had dragged the roof home yourself I knew you were a Deplorable. Anyone other then a Deplorable would have waited around for the government to do it for them.
God Bless,
Just Another Deplorable too.

Anonymous said...

Prime example of that quality eastern shore workmanship.

Anonymous said...

Plastic don't rot but it will fly away.

Anonymous said...

That's what u get for hiring Mexicans to build a shed on ur property.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of us deplorables out here and we welcome you. Sorry for your damage I'm sure it is all over. Yesterday my husband was out and about here in Salisbury he had a piece of Siding on Eastern Shore Drive fly under his truck, a flying tree limb hit his winshield, and a man not looking where he was going in the wind almost run into him. Never heard of good things happening in 3's but he survived all, thank God. Hope everyone is well in this area, March did come in like a Lion.

Anonymous said...

No you are not a deplorable. Thank you for the .Picture. I am in florida and west west coast gulf bu the weather channels barely cover it. Thet cover CA and TX - go figure. Have house in Fruiland that I worry about. Thanks again. Thanks for MAGA.

Anonymous said...

Gravity is one of the main things keeping sheds like this together.

Anonymous said...

To the troll that must not have read the actual post. It clearly wasn’t Workman ship or a “built” shed. Looks like a piece “A” goes to piece “B” plastic Lowe’s or HD shed. Hence “the next time I will get a wood shed.”

Anyway bro, hope you can get things back in order and thank God it wasn’t your house. Take care fellow deplorable.

Anonymous said...

Or prime example of crapy built storage buildings sold a change stores!

Anonymous said...

The 30 year old shed on my property lost a shingle. Literally, a single shingle. That's it!