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Julia Glanz Salisbury City Administrator |
Has City Hall become a who's who edition of Teen Beat Magazine? At this point, we don't know but its sure looking that way, isn't it?
This is what happens when you put chickadees in charge of the hen house; you get a bunch of kiddies running around doing nonsense instead of having true change agents working to make Salisbury a better place to live for all its residents.
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Alison Pulcher |
Just how did these two wow them at the interview? Bring cupcakes and designer, free-range fed cow milk or dance to the latest Katy Perry tune?
Holy Batman Capers, I'd hope we'd be able to do a bit better than this!
Hence, this will not bring JOBS back to Salisbury -- which everything from jobs creates all the things we love like entertainment choices, solid infrastructure and wide variety in housing options.
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Andy Kitzrow |
Sorry, kids, but it's looking more and more like this whole Julia Glanz experiment is a just a big fat bust. Clearly, she's not qualified to do the job she's in, much less hire competent, qualified people for other local government positions.
Was she really our only option to replace her predecessor? A hipster from Long Island? Really? Do you think she knows anything about Salisbury from her vast 8 years living here? The only thing she's good at is 'sucking up' in all the right places. Other than that, she's a dismal disaster of a nightmare in her current position as we can attest given her recent hires.
Doesn't Salisbury deserve better than this three-ring circus of lunacy? Don't you want to leave something for your kids besides a dilapidate shack with zero market value in one of our illustrious Smallsbury slums?
It's your call, folks... but hey, I'm just a man asking questions...
andy kid rock should have never left rec and parks. he had it made like all of the other supervisors there do. He's a legend in his own mind which is also comparable to the other supervisors there.
Are the two newly-appointed deputy city administrators bar buddies of the city administrator? This would say a lot about the selection process.
Dear readers,
Upon reviewing this, and the selected applicants, I was astonished to see that a colleague with a double masters and more than two decades of experience was not granted so much as an interview. To me this shows a clear agenda, and one not vested in the best interests of he citizens of Salisbury. In my opinion, Mr. Day is not effective, and his subordinates will prove to be otherwise as well.
I swear when is enough, enough? Paladin you are so right.
Neither one of these little ones has the time on this earth to have any experience needed to do the jobs they were hired. It's just a reality. Toughen up, snowflakes. This proves millennials don't let their friends start at the bottom and work their way up anymore, which is bad for them and bad for us!
Amen, Paladin. I know many with masters degrees looking for gigs and none got interviews from the city for these positions. NONE. Julia probably doesn't want anyone working under her who has more degrees and experience than she. Its a sign of a bad manager. People who hire people dumber than they are usually get dummied down in the process. She's proven she wants to be head rooster in the house. Even made her wife take her last name not the other way around or better yet a hyphen.
Isn't that the gal who married a girl on the Plaza? She can hire people? God help us. We'll be sh**ting 🌈 s before we know it.
Better than Romper Room because these millennials don't get that joks, it should be Jake's Magical Mystery Tour or Jake's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
The only reason Alison got the job is because she was Jakes campaign manager.
I guess that is a criteria for extreme vetting in Jakes book.
why no minorities hired? april jackson should look into why this keeps happening over and over
Did anyone see the post where Jake supports the Paris Agreement. Even though he knows nothing about it.
Mayor Jacob R. Day is proud to stand with nearly 300 mayors from across the nation in support of the Paris Agreement. With certifications as a Sustainable Maryland city, a Sustainable Growth community, and a Maryland Energy Smart community, Salisbury is dedicated to the protection and preservation of our environment and natural resources, and Mayor Day’s commitment to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement acts as a formal reaffirmation of this dedication.
Did anyone see this article?
"The problem is that we're just not adding people at the same rate that we're adding jobs," Day said.
128 Will Jake Day have the Billions to pony up so his stance will be recognized by the Paris Agreement participants? Little man trying to swim with the big boys. Thanks for the laugh on that one.
127 idiots like boy genius and his side kick Glanzo the clown are all-talk about equality. They don't actually mean it.
The standard has certainly been set way low on this one.
12:59 Ifvwhat you are saying is true then every resident in Salisbury should be calling the Mayors office right now. These people serve YOU the city taxpayers! And it was up to them to hire the BEDT candidate for the job to serve you. Not the best friend of the Mayor.
1:08 I spit my tea outta my mouth when I read that! 🤣
Cronyism over competence and qualified candidates. This is absolutely disgusting and the dynamic duo Day/Glanz should be ashamed of themselves. They could've picked millennials with a bit more qualifications than this but chose to go with buddies.
Age and experience....except in Royalty instances....have been your typical leadership go to individuals...always have and always will be. You can't learn those skills any other way. Fresh and new ideals are always welcomed...but there's no doubt these two have neither.
1:46 👍🏻
There's nothing wrong with hiring young people for jobs but not starting at the level these two are stating. It's a slap in the face to all the people who've worked the love jobs (for free) and paid their dues working as underlings fetching coffee and donuts for Devil Wears Prada like bosses. These two don't even look like they're out of high school much less college. Apprenticeships is not hiring at the top levels, then where does one advance to? Thank God these critters will be out of their jobs once we elect a new mayor. SMGDH
You'd think these two would give pictures for print to show them at their best, not some impromptu image from Facebook. Only think missing is a Natty Bo can and a blunt. Who is the PR person for the city? They should've required these two have professional pictures taken before broadcasting their mugs everywhere. Good Lord.
The city doesn't have money to pay Dudek to do pictures probably.
It is EBT or Electronic Benefits Transaction.
I'm thinking Thornton is from old school where people actually got dress to do job related activities and take press pictures. I get where he's coming from. These two look like vagabonds but we're supposed to take them seriously. ROFLMAO
They most likely only ran the ad because they legally had to. By the looks of it they already knew who they were going to hire. IMO
Standards low with a giant can of seasoning to sprinkle on our cupcakes. (Snowflakes melt and that aint gonna happen here!) Feed them to the lions now and maybe they will learn and hold up (1) wall up for the next regime!!!
God can't even help us anymore!
For lack of a better phrase April and sorry but I've forgotten the African American man's name on the council but they really need to either poop or get off the pot. Salisbury has done nothing ever that benefits the minority communities.
They will be quick to say the proposed affordable housing but that's not a benefit. There are enough rentals. Salisbury is critically high in rentals now. Home ownership should be the goal and the only goal.
They should be demanding an investigation into this.
Any benefit of the doubt I had given the boy mayor evaporated today. Mayor Day you are clearly out of your depth. You have taken an office desperate for integrity and honor after your lunatic predecessor and done NOTHING to raise the bar. I am profoundly disappointed in your tenure. Resign.
Did the colleague even apply? Interested?
Shouldnt you be calling whites European Americans also or is it a black thing ?
Did they run an ad for these jobs? I never saw them. Wow.
No doubt there would 100 times this many comments here if the mayor was a republican pulling this kind of crap. It's really sad how the people are here. They're so complacent until the stuff is already done, then they're all up in arms ready to take Omaha Beach alone with their musket.
TC is only saying the same thing we all thought when we saw the ridiculous announcement but he's not politically correct. He's not afraid to say what we don't dare say. What's wrong with it? I agree with him. Glad he's got the set to do it.
Who got fired so these two could have jobs?
Now - you leave Doogie Howser and Punky Brewster alone! Feelings will be hurt! lol
The only reason to give an $70-$80k a year job to person with no degree other than a high school diploma, and very little job experience other than helping out on a political campaign (which my daughter in high school also did, by the way), is because she's a friend of Jake Day. No doubt, she was guaranteed this job before the announcement was even written. Sorry to all those qualified, experienced, and degree-holding individuals who wasted their time applying when they never had a chance.
Wasn't there money unaccounted for during Day's campaign? Why hire his campaign manager then??? Hmmmmm......
How in the hell does managing a Facebook page make her qualified to manage a city???? My guess is these two were the only joker's even interviewed.
Andy is a putz. Always has been and always will be.
Met Allison at a few events. Putting it kindly, she's not one to always be truthful. I would hope they seriously fact checked her entire application/resume.
Guess what? You're just old and miserable so of course everyone else is going to look young. Out with the old and in with the new. Saulsberry needs young people to lead it in the futur guess what? You're just old and miserable so of course everyone else is going to look young. Out with the old and in with the new. Saulsberry needs young people to lead it into future.
Joe and Thornton,
You guys are making it very difficult to run rough shod over the public in Smallsville.
Keep up the good work!
People who go into public life should be poised to understand not everything they do is wonderful. They won't be hurling gold all the time and should learn to have thicker skins. Enough said.
The city's hiring practices should be seriously investigated. I hope one of the qualified applicants who was passed over decides to sue.
I just had a deja Vu moment! Wow!
No need to travel to D.C. to find disgusting examples of cronyism. Jake Day and his unqualified "friends" are taking over sby and getting paid well to do so. We need to drain the swamp here!
Jake Day can't claim to LOVE Salisbury and then flat out KILL it by hiring all of his unqualified buddies.
3:42 PM - Saulsberry - Where is that?
This is disgusting.... recall the mayor!
What work - what has actually changed in Salisbury government in the past dozen years - as far as I can tell, only the faces
the voters don't care - you two are wasting your time
3:19 PM Some people make that much without degrees. Like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. What a pathetic statement.
jake and kid rock play kickball together
More Salisbury Snowflakes.
Anonymous said...
3:19 PM Some people make that much without degrees. Like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. What a pathetic statement.
June 15, 2017 at 4:02 PM
4:02..... that may be true, but Job & Gates at least had work EXPERIENCE!!! They didn't get a job because of who their BFF was. That's what's truly pathetic.
401 maybe they're right! You're ready to give up on Salisbury but I'm not.
How long until we can vote in a new mayor?
402- are you for real!?!?? Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Allison Polcher? Now there's a comparison!!!
Bahahahaaaaa..... Are you serious? Degree or no degree, they only got the job because of the buddy system. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were actually well qualified in their respective fields.
Better them than another boomer
Bunch of old farts complaining but doing nothing. Did you run against Day? No, Stop complaining.
651 the people complaining have to live with the idiot crap that goes on in the Mayor's office. If you don't want to read complaints, don't read them. Grown up.
Is this Maxine waters AKA James snowflake Brown ?
402 is comparing these two social misfits to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. What a hoot. Delusional Staff 6 working overtime to combat the negative press. Stupid comment because there's no comparison. None whatsoever. These people are just playing government like a play in mama's backyard. Is someone serving lemonade and cookies after the big show?
Jack Heath, WHERE ARE YOU? As president of the City Council, you should have some impute on these decisions. I know there are better candidates who could do a better job for us taxpayers. Now we have 3 people doing what 1 person did with a secretary just a few years ago! Time for someone to get to WORK!!!
That's a pretty bad wig he wears
These folks are Salisbury's finest, most qualified leaders??? seriously??????? Zero experience, zero track record, zero qualifications, zero accountability. But, apparently, friends in the right places. All at an expense of, what, $300,000 per year for the taxpayers?!?!?! What was the application process? A Third Friday game of giant Jenga? Beer pong maybe? Winner gets control of the city?? This is UNREAL.
This is an embarrassment! Any chance someome can post the original job listing and requirements?
Couldn't these two get proper PR pictures if the Mayor has a PR staff? This is not what I call acceptable for representing Salisbury to the rest of the world. At least Glanz looks clean.
I thought the mayor had a public relations staff.Why would they let these pictures circulate? Doesn't make sense.
Maybe all the money they'll be making, they will be able to afford to buy a comb and look somewhat professional.
The individuals appointed do not have the soft and hard skill sets to do these jobs - work experience like this is acquired over a significant period of time - unfortunately, these individuals have not earned the positions - youth has its advantages, but experience is not one of them
I don't care how young or old these two are they don't look like what people in leadership positions should look like because they don't present themselves as adults. More granny's backyard theater we call government here in Da Bury.
This isn't all Glanz's fault either. Day and the council had to sign off on this stupidity she just has the misfortune of having to announce it. She's getting a bum deal all the way around.
Google youngest CEO's and you will see plenty of similar looking people worth millions. You can't judge people solely on looks because they don't wear the same ray ban prescription glasses and button down shirts like every business person in the 50-60-70's. Old people just don't understand how companies make billions of dollars with game rooms, nap stations, massage therapists and free gourmet chefs making whatever the employees want to eat.
136 keep telling yourself that and maybe one day it'll be true. Both the people in this article look unclean and unkept. This is what you want representing you to other areas in Maryland, fine, have at it. Its a vagabond generation that no one takes serious because they're so ghetto.
414 you are right, the kind of people Jake wants to attract will not be impressed with those two deputies. Laughable. They definitely wouldn't be hired in any place in Frederick, MD that's for damn sure.
Unfortunately the posting was taken down quite promptly
4:06 Did you google it or are you just so smart that you know everything? Plenty of young people have started companies and become multi millionaires before the age of 25. Most of them don't look like stuffy old men in 3 piece suits.
9:54 AM - While she was working for Sby Housing she was, I believe, somehow connected to the planning of the Sby Parking Lot Festival.
I believe, she was an MC for opening events.
Not sure how Sby Housing is connected to a city event, when in fact, Sby Housing is a non profit.
Plain and simple, besides running his campaign, she might somehow be related, but it is clear there is a long standing connection between them somehow, either family or daddy.
Thought nepotism was against the rules. How silly we are to believe this backyard production called local government is anything about qualifications. It's all in who you booze with. 🍸🍸🍸🍻🍻🥂 something's never change in Smallsbury.
954, even more convoluted... Barbara Duncan actually got her the job at Salisbury Housing. Something smells funny indeed.
Let the information requests fly folks. I would want the job ad and a copy of every response from people who applied. No way these two were the most qualified. It is public record.
What a pair of Douche Bags!!
Ricky Pollitt Retweeted
DelmarvaNow! @MyDelmarvaNow 5h5 hours ago
Salisbury mayor joins calls for removal of Confederate historical marker
A marker on Salisbury's courthouse lawn recognizes a Confederate general from Nanticoke who ran Andersonville prison
Joe you really should do a rebuttal to the Daily Litter Liners story promoting their hatred on this one. You should also do a rebuttal to some of the dumb, lame comments Jake Day has made about General Windor, an Officer and a Gentleman! Jake Day called General Winder a Criminal and the plaque should label him that way.
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