From last Monday night's legislative session, it would seem so...
In the session, the Wicomico Council convenient to adopt the Amended budget after their prior 'rush' job to get the original passed last month. In both instances, John Cannon and fellow council persons failed to adhere to the County's charter which states, the department heads are expected to be invited to defend their line items on the budget should cuts be considered for those areas.
In calm verbal discourse, Councilman John Hall (District 4) raised objections to the budget and amendment; not because of any particular line item with it but the process for which they came to their conclusions. Citing their lack of cooperation with the Executive branch, he pointed out that unlike before, the procedure mentioned above was not followed.
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Cannon may be correct it was listed on a website, which people may or may not visit, but no invitation was proffered to Culver or other departments to attend the work session, nor were they every consulted on the cuts to the finalized version. The end result for the Department of Corrections will be devastating, yet no one was there to respond nor defend the need to continue offering promotions to corrections officers.
Cannon is becoming a repeat offender
As I mentioned a week or two ago, Cannon is a stranger to ethically run government when he pulled a failure to recuse during the cut in the county property taxes. This, my friends, is yet another example of many where he plays footloose with policies. As per the charter, Hall is absolutely correct; nothing should be cut from any budget with the appropriate discussion by persons in the know. This is common sense which seems to be a stranger in Cannon's world.
The thing most disturbing in this situation is Cannon appears to be painting himself as some kind of oath keeper but in fact, he's breaking rules, while attempting to paint Culver as the one whose inept or incompetent. Playing politics at taxpayers' expense is just unacceptable to the residents who voted for both him and Culver.
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Councilman John Hall (Dist 4) |
There are imperative reasons why Legislative and Executive are separate - it provides checks and balances without a monopoly of power being given to one over the other. Therefore, doesn't this demonstrate Cannon's inability to play well with others in the government sandbox when he plays dodge n' lie? He seems to have a penchant for throwing sand on everyone, then feign he's the injured party? Are we absolutely sure he's not a liberal because his behaviors and ideology certainly indicate as such!
Just remember, folks, you are the one who elect both these branches into office, hence, you have to ask yourselves, is Cannon doing his due diligence to represent you or just winding you up for his next election?
And just where was the Local Media in all this?
I find it also interesting that Cannon was the one interviewed on camera about this incident - as well as featured in the Independent piece; however, Hall and Culver didn't enjoy the same on-air time to retort.
Is the biased that blatant? Or is it the fact that the Cannons have long history with WMDT and WBOC?
We all remember Cannon worked as a cameraman for both local stations and his sister, Sally Cannon, was the face of the Eastern Shore in the Eighties as the main anchor on WBOC; therefore, does his prior employment ties curry him favor above others serving our community?
But hey, like I've said before, I'm just a man asking questions...
Why even have a Charter if the Council President won't adhere to it? Childish actions by whinny cry babies that are only looking out for their own best interest. Sad but I guess we can't expect anything different when we continue to elect the same old crap.
In my opinion, they key here is the difference between the legislative body and the executive body/branch.
John Cannon is trying to do everything in his power to make the executive branch the Anti Christ. He will stop at nothing to stop Culver from doing his job. You might say he's running for County Executive in advance. He's clearly no republican.
Cannon needs to either get out of the way OR the County residents need to eliminate the executive branch all together. Bob has been battling them since day one and it needs to end. Just what is Cannon so afraid of?
awwww Mr. John John.......
John cannon is a POS and he should stop drinking at local bars.
I would think any time there is a County Council meeting (open) then every County Official should be present! I feel the same with City Council meetings! The only invitations needed is on closed sessions, then invite those that may be effected by the scheduled discussions!
Yup i agree he needs to be very carefull on were he goes out in public drinking he is Not a well liked politician.
255 you are absolutely correct. You can't expect to get anything different. Why you all continue to elect the same old, same old is just not even fathomable anymore. John Cannon was voted out once and then you put him back in. The council shouldn't have ever been given the President position within the Council. Why would the council do this? Maybe Hall should take those duties over considering the others don't seem too eager to follow the rules.
They ARE EXPECTED to be invited it does IS a difference js there a difference in those two ways ??
Sooooo tired of the good ol boy mentality of this town. The new deputy city administrator just hired is an SU drop out who got the job solely because she happens to be friends with the current mayor. We haven't been here long, and likely won't stay.
3:08 / 3:29 Did you misspell the name? Did you mean Culver or Cannon???
3:29 is that a threat?
418 know exactly what you mean. People work the network here have a much better chance of finding employment than anyone from outside the area. The place hasn't changed in all these years in that respect.
John got canned once before, would've thought he'd learn from that experience and not go down that road again. Here we are, he's still on that same road. SMH
Cannon's been running the numbers for forever. Its the reason he can afford his high end car and living in a nice home. He has profited from his various government positions and been breaking rules the whole time. Why is this such a surprise? Mr. Hall knows all about Cannon and his schemes. Glad he made it a matter of record. Notice all the other minions on the council sat there like idiot savants, waiting for Cannon to give them a green light to agree with him.
Cannon's behavior has been my way or the highway from the beginning. It's obvious he is enamored with his self-importance and want's to make Mr. Culver look bad at every turn. NOTHING is his fault and he makes this clear. You're right, he's NOT a team player.
Sooooooooo, get rid of him asap.
How about the first time in history they haven't funded a fire company within the county
I think getting rid of the executive form of Government is a great idea. It has been nothing but follies since its conception.We are a poor county compared to the handful of other ones who have the same. What Culver and Pollitt did or does is always inflated more than it seems Lets take it to the polls in November and see what the taxpayers want.
The real train wreck is the city of Salisbury.Looks like they are like the B.O.E with a assistant for a assistant for a assistant.
Both the county and the city need a complete overhaul of job classifications and cutting out the unneeded positions.WAY TO MANY CHIEFS AND NOT WORKING INDIANS.
544 obviously you don't know zip about government and you didn't even bother to read the article. The purpose of executive and legislative separation is to circumvent one person having a power structure. This is a dictatorship. If you are for that, move to frigging Europe and let us know how it works out for you. You sound like an insane liberal who doesn't know anything but what you're spoonfed from the media. Educate yourself.
544 Really? You make no sense at all. You want to put John Cannon in charge of putting together a budget? Can you say, put the wolf in charge of guarding the hen house. You're either ignorant or naive. Either way, your comment is silly and irrelevant.
No just would hate him to get a DWI ? Is that a threat Snowflake ?
Just what trump is also going through...backstabbers and C blockers.
U need a Executive to run the county. The County Council knows nothing how to run the county. And for them to do the Personnel Manual is crazy they know nothing that goes on with the employees that work for the county. They do not know the steps of hire to fire. And what's goes on on a daily basis... So how would they know what polices that need to be in the Manuel.. And Not to have the Human Resources Director in helping with the new manual is crazy when HR is the department that handles everything. From hiring to firing to retirement.. And deals with employees with employee write ups. HR director is the go to when the departments have issues with employees.. And not to have the director helping is crazy to me. To have all retired employees making the manual. That even when they did work for the county they had nothing to do with HR Department. So how would they know what needs to be in it. The County Council has broken a lot of their own characters with this budget this year.. And no one is saying anything because the County Council won't let them speak... They can come to the meeting but not aloud to talk. Crazy to me.. And to have Cannon as next County Executive is crazy...If the people would let Culver do his job and stop treating him like he don't know what he is doing. And that's for his co-works and County Council.. He got elected in and let him do his job.. Let him do what he said he was going to do.. To get the good old boys out of the county... He is trying but to many walls being put up.. And making him out to be the bad one and he is not.. Employees and people of Wicomico need to open their eyes and see really who is the bad ones that is running this county. (County Council Members & Good old boys)
Kick Cannon to the curb, re elect Culver and see what can be done without Cannon blocking and trying his best to make the county executive look bad cause he wants the job. Bob Culver is a seasoned businessman who earned his way, Cannon was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to work or sacrifice for anything.
John slum Cannon all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Going back some months, let's not forget the underhanded way that Cannon ensured that he'd be reelected as the president of the council. Several council members were hoodwinked on that one, thinking that the majority had already been lined up for the vote for Cannon when it had not.
I forgot about Cannon working at the tv stations. Wow talk about a blast from the past. I also remember Sally, too. Yeah would say he does get preference to others around town republican wise because of his past. Our local stations really suck.
Well, it is located in "The People's Republic of Maryland".
Strausburg, Wilber, Coulbourn, Dunn, Phillips et al not the same old cast ofcharacters?
How can John Cannon be on any council he has a agenda for personal gain "Slumlord" who can restrict bills on Housing ? its like asking a welfare person being incharge of city govt $$$$ opps my bad we had that aka Lauta Mitchell...../
Matt Holloway, that dummy needs to go too, he's right in Cannons pocket. Still a kid playing adult games. Grow up boy and live some life before you try to act like you know best, you are still wet behind the ears, this is grown folk stuff. Another one who thinks he's important, little does he know real business leaders think he's an idiot.
always has been with their piggyback taxes.
I swear Jake Day and John Cannon are in cahoots.
Anonymous said...
I swear Jake Day and John Cannon are in cahoots.
June 14, 2017 at 10:26 PM
Although I tend to agree with you, what does this have to do with this scenario?
I rode by John Cannon's Wedding and Reception and I found it kind of odd that Jake Day and his wife was there? The County doesn't get along with the City for obvious reasons and John is old enough to be Fake Day's daddy so what is the connection? Both are Democrats. Both think they are important.
Anonymous said...
Strausburg, Wilber, Coulbourn, Dunn, Phillips et al not the same old cast ofcharacters?
June 14, 2017 at 9:35 PM
Whi is Phillips?
If Cannon is so bad, then why did so many of you vote for him? You get what you pay for, friends. Sorry, no sympathy from me. Better pay attention next election.
6:32 -
Sussex and Worcester are doing (much fine better than Wico.) without an elected exec. It must be that salt air!
3 ring circus, council, executive and department heads! Don't need no clowns.
He got laura mitchells votes.
No need to travel to D.C. to find disgusting examples of cronyism. Jake Day and his unqualified "friends" are taking over sby and getting paid well to do so. We need to drain the swamp here!
check history on the cannon family. when rt 50 was built through the town of salisbury quess whose home was in a direct path. answer-attorney robert cannon who also was a democrat memeber of the house of delegates.
John Cannon will not get a vote from for Executive!
I don't understand why John Cannon and Bob Culver can't work together. Isn't that what they're supposed to do? Isn't that the point of the two branches? Why doesn't Cannon just work with Culver so they can make all our lives better instead of fighting all the time? We didn't vote for this to be worldwide wrestling. They're both business leaders so why don't they just set aside their differences and learn to work together for everyone they represent? Just saying it would be better if they did.
Look at the transfer records for all the property around rt 50 where the bypass begins and rt 13 exit by mall. All people in the know before it was made public.
How do you think they were tipped off, 1225? Buddies with Cannon maybe? Looks like ethic violations to me because that's like insider trading. Having foreknowledge and doing something to profit/advantage.
For the television stations it would suicide for them to roll over on their advertisers and Cannon's in at both is no national secret even if most of the people running both aren't older. Word gets around.
Look - I see John Cannon's point - and - I see Bob Culver's position. I wish that they were a little more harmonious.
John Hall - I have lost confidence in this individual. I have watched him flip and flop so much that I really can't take him seriously. He said he was against a tax cut for the taxpayers, yet when it came time for the County Council to vote for their own pay raise I watched him verbally argue IN FAVOR of a pay increase. Then, when it came time to vote on the issue, and, when he saw all of the other county council members voting against it, then he went on record as voting against it even though he argued in open session as being in favor of a pay increase.
They funded all the fire companies in the county.
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