It’s hard to imagine what life was like 80 years ago in the Old Line State. Development, inventions, and population continues to rise and Maryland looks insanely different than it did in decades past. Take a look at the following images to get a glimpse of what every small town in Maryland had in the 1930s.
The shops were small, and the barber was likely known by everyone in town. (Berwyn, 1937)
Those were the Good Ole Days for Sure. God I miss it !
Thug Free.
Huh? And to miss out on:
- cell phones
- cell phones
- indoor plumbing (aka bathrooms)
- cell phones
- cell phones
- refrigeration
- cell phones
- OC City Hall
- cell phones
- Jake
- cell phones
- fast food
- cell phones
(snicker snicker...its a full moon dontcha know)
Recall all of this, I like my A/C and power windows but these were great memories. Fortunate to have been through that period. Great experience.
Take AWAY the cells they have killed America nobody knows how to talk to people anymore.
Gunther's the
One, Sir
but Gimme an "Arrow 77" beer.
That top pic must be somewhere in Balmer, Hon.
Looks like Berlin, back in the day when the Harrison family owned the town.
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