As many of you may have heard, Wikileaks has just release Vault 7 today and the findings are astounding indeed.
Apparently, the CIA allegedly has been spying on all of us through all of our devices, installing trojans, malware and other hacking tactics to track our (yes, you and me and everyone alive) every movement and communications!
Seems Julian Assange is now going for the jugular full-throttle, exposing all the dirt collected about this invasion!
Here's a link to the big news...
And while some on Twitter are taking it in stride, others are appalled by the violation of privacy on law abiding citizens. This is a huge and explosive development but also proves that wiretapping Trump during the election, transition and now as President is not out of the realm of possibilities.
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— Ex-Dem🇺🇸Latina (@terrymendozer) March 7, 2017
Welcome to the world of Big Brother! It's now our proven reality.
This is a summary of what's found so far. Trust me, this is not done. There's a ton to go through!
When you look at what's gone through so far, you'll be shock and amazed. It's no laughing matter at all. And we should all be concerned about this - (putting it mildly!)
Click on the image to enlarge!
Nothing will happen. Hate to say it, but nothing will happen.
Most people are so cowardly that they cant even cancel cable. People will make outraged noises, complain, and then fall back asleep. Back to stupid sitcoms, stupid Facebook updates, stupid porn, stupid stupid stupid. Cant you all see that we are totally lost?
Want to really fight this? Turn that goddam television off and that stupid phone and go read a book. A GOOD book. The Bible. Moby Dick. The Republic. Huck Finn, even. Get free of all this media crap while you still can.
319 by being complacent, you encourage them to jack your information. Foolish critter. Foolish!
Ya know what is pretty ironic. you haven't heard anymore "Russia" since Saturday. this should really shut them up
How about just reading the SBYNEWS Blog?
In all its pathetic glory, CBS re-lived the inauguration story again today. Showing how the muslim's crowd was bigger than Trumps. Sick sick sick of it. Fake fake news. They've got nothing so they try to trash him again with that. Sad, so so sad.
Spicer did a great job again today with the briefing. Watched it on Brietbart live stream. I get my news straight from the source and don't care that the CIA knows it.
Also tired of the FB tirades from idiots making fun of Trump. This leak was the icing on the cake. I just keep posting the link to the CIA wiki as an answer to all those koolaid drinking sheeple.
When they said they had proof of Flynn talking to the Russians, I knew there was more to the story. Proof? Had a tape. How. Why. But the media was silent. They HAD to be, they were told to be.
"I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind - jfk.
Assange and Snowden are heros and you know there is a big price on their lives.
There's word leaking out of Russia now that the CIA is eavesdropping on Obama and the DNC. They say that it has the unmistakable fingerprint of the US Government. They say there is undeniable evidence that this is happening. It's on all the Russian news networks.
So the NSA has this huge server farm in Utah that intercepts and records every phone call anyone. But they don't attach names to the data.
In another facility the NSA records the meta data of every call made.
So far no laws violated since the calls haven't been listen to and there meta data doesn't contain the calls.
Next step, someone wants to piece together the past. Correlate the meta data with the call recordings and now you have recordings of anyones call placed to anyone.
B.T.W. James Clapper perjured himself when testifying before congress about this.
Don't think it's just the company. Other intel involved in this mess. You can bet Comey's got his paw prints in this from sun up to sundown. Time for Comey to retired to a raisin ranch in Arizona, that is, if they'll let him into the state!
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