As many of you know by now, the Clinton campaign is trying to sell voters on this nonsense about the email server investigation is not reopened. That is absolutely FALSE!
Here's the facts and how this came about...
When Huma Abedin worked with the State Department, due to having a hard time printing documents on the secure printers, she forwarded her emails from Hillary Clinton to her Yahoo account. This she told the FBI last Spring. In doing so, the emails by way of 'the cloud' the emails were copied onto a shared computer she had with her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. So this is how the emails the FBI reopened the case over got to be a part of this current upheaval.
They were detected by the New York FBI office, which is currently investigating Weiner for sexting a 15 year old and alerted the DC office/Director James Comey on Thursday that they found these emails on the Weiners' computer. Knowing these are part of the 33K deleted emails, this reopened the case because they contain a plethora of information that, up until this point, was thought to be unrecoverable due to Clinton's computer contractor Platt, using BleachBit to remove them from her computer system and her assistants hammering her phones.
It has been confirmed that Abedin has now been 'separated' from the Clinton campaign and was not traveling with her yesterday. This is another indication that things are going south in Hillary's new world reality.
Incidentally, Abedin also got immunity when the previous investigation; however, due to the revelation of these emails on her home computer and the fact she didn't relay their existence to investigators at any time, null and voids her immunity deal. Therefore, Abedin may be facing a litany of criminal espionage charges with her boss. As of last night, she has requested new immunity but no word on whether Comey will grant such a request given the violation of the first deal.
The word on the Hill is Yahoo News is promoting a falsely generated story about the war between the Department of Justice and the Bureau, saying they do not have/will not give the FBI warrants. Many sources have affirmed, warrants are not needed in this case due to the fact the emails came to light under warrants for other cases - and are being handled by the same investigative body. Furthermore, this is completely generated by the Clinton campaign to deflect not only the prior case being reopened but also Podesta WikiLeaks about to be dumped along with the October 31/November 1 dumps of the above mentioned emails and damning videos featuring Bill Clinton in addition to the ongoing Foundation investigation.
Additionally, contrary to Clinton's complaint of partisanship, the letter was sent to ranking members of both parties on the Senate and Congressional Committees. Another decisive action on the campaign's part to mislead voters about the nature of the case and the FBI's intentions.
Being that Clinton, John Podesta, Abedin, Cheryl Mills and disgraced Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings are all lawyers well aware the FBI cannot legally release any evidence in a criminal investigation why are they calling for transparency? Just another ploy to subvert truth from voters. Question: If Clinton was so transparent, why did she suggest drone striking Wikileaks' Julian Assange in order to stop his company from revealing the emails for which we've learned so much about the inner-workings of her campaign and time as Secretary of State?
This situation continues to heat up because Comey made this decision without counsel of the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. In fact, he was 'warned' not to come clean with Congress due to the election. He felt it was his duty to inform Congress of this new development because, on October 6th, he testified he wouldn't be reopening the case unless staggering information came forth to warrant such an action -- much to many of the Judiciary Committee's chagrin.

Bear in mind, the letter from Comey to Congress also validates the existence of another investigation of the Clintons -- the Clinton Foundation has three investigations right now: New York, Arkansas and District of Columbia. The three cases were opened in August after the DOJ failed to picked up the Foundation case due to political reasons. The Federal Prosecutors in these three areas, one being Preet Bharara - are still active and it is also believed that some of the emails found are also related to those cases as they involve quid pro quo things like a pipeline through the Middle East which enriches not only the Foundation (Clintons) but also Obama.
The cesspool of Clinton corruption continues to unfold as the hours tick by and even though the campaign is now in panic meltdown, polls today are indicative of last week's situation prior to this stunning Comey/FBI development.
In a poll taken yesterday, over 30% of the likely voters for Clinton have indicated this situation now is heavily being weighed in their decision to vote for her - a finding that's not all that surprising. Therefore, we can expect in the next few days as more WikiLeaks continue to drip along with DCLeaks and, now termed, DickiLeaks, will have a grave impact on her ability to win - as well as end up in an indictment for a multitude of charges.
On a side note, the 33K emails have been verified to be about communications between Obama and Clinton regarding much of what really happened in the Middle East as well the plans to self-enrich by BOTH from deals! More on this as details become more finite!
More to come as the next week unfolds...
There should be absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind where Hillary belongs and it is certainly NOT in the white house.
the Big house Beckons.
Think it's time for Clinton voters to start being honest with themselves. In reality she has no one to blame but herself for this last-minute fiasco. Instead of releasing all emails we know now she's hidden many and tried to destroy evidence. It is evidence she knew she was breaking the law either way you cut it. It remains true the Clintons have always had a lot of turmoil and scandal surrounding them. This is nothing new. How anyone can knowingly try to elect a person who possess this type of corruption and criminality is beyond anything imaginable. You're just voting yourselves in for great despair. Just ridiculous.
Let's hope Trump's team picks up on this and fires up a new ad! The voters need to know...the undecideds need the most information while the HildaBeast voters need to know their 'queen in waiting' is getting ready to get beheaded!
11:13 - you're spot on - the hildabeast hiding it has done worse!
If Hillary Clinton really wanted to be president, don't you think she'd kept her nose clean and not done all this BS? Let's face it, she doesn't want to be president it's all been one big show. Anyone looking to be president tries to keep some level of decency. When have you ever seen this from Clinton? Name ONE time. I triple dog dare you to even try.
I remember Watergate. It was a very ugly mess and it disgraced this country considerably. We were a laughing stock of the world not just disgusted Americans. People need to WAKE THE HELL UP and stop being such idiots. Clinton is nothing but a disgrace and a criminal. Here's the rip all of her crimes have been against the very voters trying to vote for her!
Addition to the story: The BleachBit Emails were found on the Weiners' computer in a file called: Insurance. Isn't that apropos? Perhaps it was Abedin's blackmail insurance against Clinton at a later date - at this point, we just don't know but it is very telling, indeed.
A black man told us that he wanted to vote for Trump but he couldn't because he was a registered democrat. We told him in the general election coming up he could vote for Trump. He said a lady in Sby who is "into" politics and "what's going on" told him (and is telling others) that NO they have to vote for Clinton if a registered democrat. We questioned further and he would not tell this lady's name other then to say she was black too. This is disheartening because either this lady is either being disingenuous or maybe she is just not up to the way elections work and believes what she says to be true.
1134 hope you set this person right and told him to what the woman said was wrong. Make sure you spread the word if you're finding people saying this. In a general election people can vote for anyone on the ticket. If Democrats are telling people this, it's actually a fraudulent action and the woman if she's not a victim could be charged with voter fraud.
What did the President know and when did he know it?
Gee. I'm two steps away from the Secretary of State and can't get my printer to work. Should I ask for help or just forward all of my work to yahoo? Yep, that sounds reasonable...Not!
One correction to the post..I think. Huma & Weiner separation came after Comey's July 5 announcement, and after Democrat convention.
Immunity deals become null and void if those granted them fail to answer honestly going forward, or are shown to have perjured. The record appears to show that none of these scoundrels were subjected to genuinely intense questioning before getting their immunity grants.
Obama, Lynch, Kerry will still be running interference, if for no other reason than to CYA themselves.
Wikileaks is Stickileaks ..... those Emails Will Stick
HUMA is Done .....kick her to the Curb .....Hillary Pissed
Huma made to Stay Home from last flight Hillary took on TV
She is in the Doghouse..if She ruined Hillary ..She Done
E-mails took her down Hillary !!!!
Since When does DOJ tell the FBI what to do ???
Obviously , the Atty Gen is Biased, trying to protect Hillary..... she better watch it or she too, may get charged
Good Job ....Stickileaks !!!!
Great article except I would like to make a correction. It was the NYPD that discovered the emails and took them to the NYC FBI field office. We all heard Mayor Giuliani hint at an upcoming surprise. There is a mutual respect between the NYPD and both Mayor Giuliani and Donald Trump going back decades and the NYPD not going to let this sit on a shelf somewhere. Comey knew it was either he who broke the news or it was going to be leaked.
Noe she knows how america feels.
DC Leaks Are Stickileaks Just like the Flys on Flypaper
Bet that Huma has had Plenty of weener.....he crazy to loose her over a girl....Huma is crooked but Good looking
Bill prob has trained her good
Weiner and Abedin separated just after the latest sexting case broke which was the end of Aug. Abedin was on a fundraising roll w/Clinton in the Hamptons and Weiner called to tell her what was going on and the NY Post was going to break the story shortly. She never went back to him after that call. The story broke on Aug 28. The next day it was announced they were separated.
It was the NYPD who discovered the emails. They are not under the jurisdiction of Comey/Lynch so they could force his hand. Additionally recall de Blasio and the friction with the NYPD and the fact that he is a Clinton suck up. The NYPD was not going to let this slide.
After all the corruption with the Clinton Machine and the corrupt media I still feel that nothing will be done . America seems to feel it's OK to be corrupt , that's sad.
Early voting in Wisconsin and Minnesota going on now people are changing their early votes....Clinton and dems are done...
Far from okay 1247 but ppl like you keep reinforcing the bad rather than fighting FOR the good. You're part of the problem.
Nope Weiner is cooperating and turning over info voluntarily.
Yes it has been coming through this morning that Weiner has turned over access. Not confirmed waiting for confirmation but it is in the works. No warrant necessary. What a big stick it to both Huma and Hillary not to mention everyone trying to cover it up if he is in fact doing this!
That look from Killary towards Huma is all about how she is planning on another untimely death
Weiner is definitely looking for a deal as I'm sure Huma is...the file wasn't called "INSURANCE" for no reason...maybe the file should have been called "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD"
Dear 2:01
I'm sorry that I struck a nerve , however the truth is always hard to accept .
That being said , I just wonder who is part of this problem.
I have a question , can you return to the polls and change your vote ?
Huma better watch out. Look what happened to other people that upset the Clintons.
Maybe Huma and the wiener should go into the witness protection program
My mamma said " keep chipping at the rock and it will finally break "
Adolf Hitler said : "treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one"
What Hitler didn't know , dogs bite.
It is called REVENGE and PAY BACK that Weener Voluntarily
gave up everything to FBI so easily and quickly
He knew he had been saving it for just the right time to
take Hillary and his ex wife down...good job Weener!!!!
Get a job with Wikileaks
I am embarrassed for our country. That this criminality has gone on for so long with the government at large very evidently complicit in it is nearly beyond belief.
Most already know the damn Gov't is corrupt and your worse
enemy.....come on Wake UP.......get that head out of the sand.......
This Election Just PROVED it ......Wake up
Huma Abeterrorist knows everything. If Trump wins, she will spill her guts in good conscience, to save herself, because Hillary is an infidel. She won't directly rat on Obama but she knows there is enough there so she won't have to. On the way out, Obama could pardon both but will not, figuring that their sacrifice will satisfy those who cling to their God and guns. Even if he does, he can't pardon himself. Look for him and his to flee to his mansion in the arab world and never leave.
Many thanks to Thornton and others who laboriously pore over so much information to give us the capsulized versions.
Just in on TV Positive Hits on Hillary e-Mails
FBI looking at now .... Democrats still trying to keep
FBI out so they don't find anything...
Now, their once Hero FBI Comey being attacked by them , the
Democrats....How interesting....
We All know after all that is going on on TV and the press
It All Don't matter, Because Obama is just sitting back
laughing , knowing he can or will PARDON Hillary and others
involved..... so all the charges in the world Won't Matter
Hillary already knows she will win
Already has been ,planned, and executed, in the works !!
No Matter What...........
The first time around Comey knew the Dept of Justice would do nothing but this finding is beyond it.
Call Hillary >>> Hillary Rotton Clinton
WRONG ASSUMPTION......DONALD TRUMP will be our President.....take your opiate pills you ingest daily, and keep drinking your Obama Kool-aide
That Scowl Not good for Huma !!!
Hillary going to spank her later on !!
BREAKING NEWS!! Anthony Weiner was just seen on the field during the Pats/Bills game! Did anyone else it?? 😏
Cuff her and huma up.
Huma is just 1 of many muslims that have infiltrated the White house,Obummer is the top al queda in there.
How would he pardon Hillary 6 months from now when President Trump is in charge?
You must understand something about Clinton voters , the are also against any law or our present constitution , they are just as bad as Clinton . Look at who is voting for her in the majority , ignorant people such as blacks and Hispanics , ignorant college kids who have never earned a penny. It's a shame that ignorance and lawlessness could be the cause of complete downfall of America . Obama has put us on the edge , this would tip us over.
Ignorant is nothing than the "lack of knowledge" the media has chose not to provide them with the truth and educate them properly. May they burn in hell for eternity.
That's the problem 6:41 her supporters as well as those of obama and the democrat party as a whole are not good people. To then it doesn't matter that Clinton is a liar because they too lie constantly without shame. There isn't a democrat alive who has an ounce of moral blood in their bodies. There isn't a democrat alive who serves even one small positive purpose to society. They are nothing but putrid stains on a good country and if they were to all suddenly disappear from this country it would immediately be a better place.
This will end with an election fiasco and rioting. That will give Obama reason to declare marshal law and stay in the WH to continue his coverups.
Obama just wanted to help out the Blacks with Obama care
while making everyone else pay for it
He did not even bother to fix the flaws in it while in office, instead ignoring any work to be done and take
vacations until he leaves.
This proves He and his wife are Racist and they don't care how it ruins the they campaign for Hillary
so she too can ruin the country.....
Now we've learned about the Spirit Cooking Satanic rituals and Child Sex Slavery Rings with Orgy Island and Hillary Clinton's deep connections with Jeff Epstein. If you can't trust her to take care of your children rather than molest them sexually, why would you ever trust their futures to her lack of judgment? Seriously!
Huma may run off with Bill ... she better looking than Hillary....
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