What has the Democrats done for the Black Community lately?
We've heard Donald Trump ask this question with much frequency lately and, the fact is, he has a point!
Many Black Communities throughout the country are contemplating this question as the inner cities are deteriorating and welfare numbers continue to rise -- even in Salisbury. The truth is, Democrats have had a long history of making many promises to garner votes but after the election, there is no honeymoon - it goes straight to bust. So why does Black America continue to vote for them?
It's no secret - Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican - as well as local hero, Harriet Tubman. A few months ago, here on Salisbury News, a quote from Malcolm X was published, showing his disdain for the Liberals in America.

Remember, it was President Bill Clinton whom passed the three strike rule, which resulted in over a third of the Black male population spending longer sentences in prison than any other demographic. In fact, Clinton, while discussing it, described many young men (gangs) were "Superpredators... that should be brought to heel." A term that should be highly offensive considering its negative connotations especially for Black men.
Now more single mother households are in existence within this community than any other and yet, they have a harder time making ends meet. Some single parents strapped with the multiple roles as both parents now have to hold down two or possibly three jobs to raise their families.
While Clinton may promise Black America the moon, you can't deny those promises are often short or non-existent once votes are tallied. The payback has been nothing more than welfare handouts that, in the end, stifle not propagate personal growth and self-actualization, which goes towards building esteem, self-reliance and healthy communities.

Trump promises to work hard for you and help create better paying, full-time jobs. Unlike Clinton, he's actually created a job or two in his lifetime - and he doesn't have different pay for women verses men; therefore, wouldn't it stand to reason, he would repeat the same deal for you? He doesn't have years of failed public service or the shroud of corruption and criminality. Even if he followed through with only 75% of his plan, it's still better than 100% of what you've received from the Liberals' Dudley Do-Right but never come to pass plans.
So the choice is yours... With so many prominent people in the Black Community whom have gone on to great things warning against Liberalism, perhaps its time to take their wisdom to heart and change horses. Try something different.
As Trump says all the time now, "What do you have to lose?"
How say you?
Incidentally, Happy belated Constitution Day! Hope you all read the Constitution in celebration of our great ruling document!
Black America is all about the $$$$ , Al Sharpton , Jessie Jackson and many others have led the blacks down a path that has produced nothing , of course they will deny everything . BLM is nothing more than a paid political group of young people seeking something , God knows what they are seeking , they don't even understand if you talk with them . Black America is now at the top of the Nations paid executives and sports . Our government is now 50% more black employed than 10 years ago. It's not about parties anymore it's all about control.
What have Democrats ever done for the black community is the question.
This is exactly right. Many blacks have been brainwashed into thinking the government will take care of them so they waste their lives away being do-nothings and accomplishing little. Some whites and others also. Liberals only care about money and staying in power and doing so by lying and misleading as many as possible in order to get their votes. Republicans have failed to get that message out thanks to the liberally-controlled media.
Democrats destroyed the black family unit.
Part time and temporary work is not the same as full time jobs with benefits with a future. Obama failed miserably to produce any shovel ready jobs. The only shovel we've seen for anyone since he took office is all the garbage about a good economy in spite of actual experience. And wasn't it that same media who literally shoved Obama down everyone's throats? Maybe it's also time to stop listening to the media because while they enjoyed a chummy relationship with the president, Black America has suffered greatly under his policies.
Bear in mind that as Clinton continues to plummet in the polls and Trump continues to rise with all demographics, the Democrats will become more desperate. Get ready for a mudslinging Roctober as we head to Removember. They will throw everything but the kitchen sink at Blacks to shore up their votes.
Voting to make history hasn't worked out so hot! It's time we learned from our recent history before it's too late.
If the anonymous commenters who chime in regularly on this very blog smearing "the blacks" are representing the conservative Republican Party why would any African American jump on this train?
Another good post Mr. Crowe , however I do believe as you do , October will be one we will never forget. I still believe that the present administration has something up their sleeve and I do believe that crooked Hillary will win by scam votes. I certainly hope not , but I remember 8 years ago when I thought obama could never win .
1022 you're assuming they are a part of the Conservative Republicans. Many negative talkers on this blog do so because they don't like the articles or Salisbury News or both. You can't just assume they are Republicans. To be honest, I've heard more hate and divisive language from Liberals during this election than from Conservatives. Perhaps you're mistaken about who belongs to what party. One thing I can guarantee you, the people commenting with racial slurs are not Trump. He's done great good for African Americans throughout his entire life.
10:28PM Follow Trump's advice: RED on Election Day! And people need to get out and VOTE. Something tells me the Evangelicals won't be sitting this election out like they did in 2008 and 2012. We've seen the fallout from apathy and it's not been pretty. Many didn't believe Reagan would win in 1980 either. The Media and Left along with Republican establishment hated him as much as they hate Trump. We all know how that worked out.
And yes, Roctober is going to be exhausting, every day bringing something new - some scandal, some trickery, and guaranteed, multiple slams, racist smears and fake polling - but we'll get through it. With the highly negative Clinton campaign becoming more embittered by the minute, it will be a slamfest unlike we've ever seen before. Desperation breeds panic - and panic breeds illogical actions.
But we do have a choice on what we concentrate on and if you concentrate on Trump's message and talk to others about it rather than get stuck in the quagmire, you might find the Democrat antics comical as they're good indications their internal polls are not as good as the ones we hear about from the propaganda machine we refer to as mainstream media.
Hateful comments concerning "the blacks" are written by SBY News hating libs? Oh, that makes sense.
Evangelicals must speak for the Gospel, not Caesar.
We sit out because our testimony must be the good news of our souls' salvation.
We are all going to Heaven. Every one of us.
Regarding government, Christians know it can never solve any of our problems.
It can only make things worse. And that is exactly what it always does. With every subject and topic.
Government makes a mess out of our lives because it is controlled by sinister forces.
The present use of several body doubles in the case of Ms. Clinton is a prime example.
Government is a lie. Everything about it is a lie. Hollywood works with government to lie to the people.
Mr. Trump is a high level Freemason.
Evangelicals cannot participate in this (or any) election.
The US is on a road to ruin.
Because of government.
1116 if you don't participate then you have no right to complain or pontificate about it. You're so busy pointing your finger at everyone else, ever tried looking in a mirror? People who don't vote, elect the very government you're speaking about. If you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem. Not voting is your contribution to the problem.
Actually, 1116 (#1) there are many who comment on this blog who are not Conservative. The Republicans don't have a long history of damning Blacks, the Democrats do. Who created the KKK? The Democrats. Who didn't vote for Civil Rights? The Democrats. Because of your lack of knowledge in US History, you don't know just how damaging the Democrats have been to minorities in America. Because the media tells you they do, you assume they're right but they're keeping you uninformed, just like the idiots that post negative garbage here. You fall for it every time. Wake UP!
Who ever said Trump was a Freemason? 1116 you sound hysterical.
Question for Evangelical 1116, if you're so God fearing, why aren't you at church instead of posting on Salisbury News?
There's a big difference between Obama and Clinton 1026. Obama didn't have the failed 20+ year record Clinton has nor does he lack charisma. Hillary Clinton is not a likable person. She's often very snappish with people who dare to question her, including potential voters. Obama did say people cling to their Bibles and guns but he didn't deem over half the population as Deplorable and Unredeemable. She's a moral narcissistic elite of white privilege and this turns people off. There's no warm-fuzzies with her on any level and we all know she's a criminal who got a pass in our two-tiered justice system. We also know she lies relentlessly even when facts say otherwise where it took us until his second term to see Obama's dishonest nature. She comes with a lot of negative baggage.
11:31 right on,just like blacks killing blacks in the cities but BLM and Kapernik want to blame white cops for the countries ills.
"Anonymous said...
If the anonymous commenters who chime in regularly on this very blog smearing "the blacks" are representing the conservative Republican Party why would any African American jump on this train?
September 18, 2016 at 10:22 AM"
Oh that makes tons of sense! So blacks are going to be more concerned with someone smearing them then doing what's best for their race? For the love of God think think think and quit even caring what some say about you! Are you in control of your life or are others? By worrying about others you only show that you are not in control. Someone else controls what you do and is a major factor in important decisions you make. Every single major city in this country that is a war zone has been under democrat control for decades. The minorities neighborhoods the hardest hit. It's obvious the democrats have failed blacks horribly so it's time to try another route.
I'm trying hard to come up with any positive baggage that Hillary carries and I'm coming up short.
Thank you for replying to my comment. The point that I was trying to get across here is this-Who wants to join a movement that is not welcoming you? The comments on this blog, if they represent the views of Conservative Republicans would not make a minority feel valued by the movement. If these comments don't represent the views of Conservative Republicans, great, but how often do you see anyone disavow the hatred that is shown by the comments?
I personally feel that for the most part the majority of people are the same and want the same thing out of life. I'm talking most people like us the people who are working everyday to keep this country moving along and keeping us safe and teaching our children, working in the stores we shop at, fixing our cars, etc. Not the politicians and a small minority of people who make up all races and cultures who are the criminals and the really true deplorable like child predators and such. The republicans want people to be able to take care of their families by working which means less government in their lives. The democrats want people to be controlled by the government in the form of how much they can spend on food or where they can live and no school choice like vouchers. It's very true the democrats have failed all people and especially minorities.
I really think there is a surge in black support for Trump. Why else would Clinton regurgitate the long forgotten birther story that her camp started 8 years ago and Trump ran with?
Government has done more harm to humans than good.
That is a fact.
Our government is completely corrupt. Nothing good ever comes from Washington.
Some people do not vote because they believe they should not participate in a corrupt system.
They abstain so that they do not share the guilt of a terribly corrupt system.
I am pretty sure you will be voting on computers.
So much for your vote counting. Abstain.
Pick a side of your mouth to talk from. Is it fair to lump all "Conservative Republicans" together in a mindset, but ask for separatist treatment for "Black America"?
Each comment comes from an individual who does not speak for the whole. Proven exclusively by the fact that each person is a unique individual who has had life experiences that are like NO OTHER human being on this planet.
Do your research and vote informed instead of worrying about who will welcome you. You have to live with yourself and that's what matters
What gets missed in these nonsense articles and statements is that African Americans are pretty conservative. The sole reason many of us do not vote Republican is that Republicans refuse to deal with the their racist perception. As an African American I will not vote for anyone who wants to discriminate against another person....period. So all of the Hispanic hate, Muslim hate, and homosexual hate is the pure reason I will never vote Republican. You can stand for family values and standing on your own two feet without being a bigot. Belonging to a group of people who aren't far removed from being klan hunts and being lynched I refuse to support that nonsense. I'm not a fan of government handouts and excusing adults for making poor decisions. However I'm not going to assist voting outright bigots into office. If Republicans could see the forest beyond the trees in front of them they wouldn't have any issue at all getting the African American vote. Instead they are silent and will lose this race as they did the previous two. W was enough, ya'll got a good number of years before another one gets in there.
Guess what! The Democrats never deal with Aftican Americans' actual problems. They make them worse. Much worse. It's a shame you missed that point of the article. You're too worried about hurt feelings you let your communities disentigrate. Smart thinking.
Clinton is more than happy to promise you anything because she banks on voters being uninformed. She's hoping you don't understand she represents the very system that is complete corruption and double standards for elite verses everyone else. Don't be fooled by the I'm gonna take care of you, hot sauce yielding granny. She means you much harm.
Seriously. Who cares about being welcomed when your working like a dog just to barely survive? I'd rather have a job than a welcome wagon.
Cops aren't the problem! Quit buying into the liberal media hype of this garbage. They're selling you bad information 1131. They do that on purpose.
9:46 - You sound thoughtful and I might not clearly understand your comment. But I think you need to do some research on the History for the Klu klux Klan. Connection of political families with close friendship with the Klan. Then you need to research why we have a republican party. You need to look at the votes from historical democrats in the 1960s. And most important you have to read the Rules for Radicals which is the democrat blueprint for what is going on at this moment. Also, know that administrations in the past have banned immigration for short periods in order to regroup and to calm things down. We do not hate Hispanics, but want fair immigration for all. We do not hate Muslims, but certainly deserve the right to be on guard. We do not hate homosexuals, but people to have a right to disagree with a lifestyle and not be racist - please refer to Rules for Radicals. And also important - Democrats tend to use minority groups as tools to get good people like you to hate republicans. Do you know why transgender issues became a problem? Because they are no more issues to fight on gay rights and the war on women was debunked. At some point the democrats will be looking to make pedophilia legal because that will be all that is "left." Don't believe me - read some history - it repeats itself!
9:46, you are buying everything the Democratic Party is selling with a blind eye. Hillary just painted us all "Deplorables", being Homophobes, islamophobes, xenophobes, (whatever a xene is). And you suck it up and spew it right back.
I, personally, am against all Islamic people who are wanting yo kill me because of my religious beliefs, and abhor seeing fellow Christians around the world becoming victims of these killers. Does this mean I am an Islamophobe? I don't participate in the name calling thing, so I'll just state that I am against killing other and against people who may want to kill you because of your religious beliefs. I hope we're in the same basket here.
I am also against a sexually deviant less than 5% of our society dictating over my right to privacy, either sexual or in the public arena and pushing their agenda on MY children, now through the excuse of "public education" in our schools. Does that make me a "Homophobe" of course not, as I am not afraid of sexual deviants, but I will do all to protect my rights and my children from having such behavior shoved in our faces. I hope the same for you, and hope we are in that same basket as well.
Again I don't know what a "Xene" is, so I wouldn't know what to be afraid of there...
I hope this clears up your views of us "Radical" Republicans/ Conservatives and brings us closer together in our thinking.
946: "What gets missed in these nonsense articles and statements is that African Americans are pretty conservative."
Interesting since Barack Obama was voted for simply because he was black and he got a majority of BLACK voters. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to fact check yourself before spewing ignorance out there like it's fact.
Question: Why is Obama now telling Blacks he will be disappointed if they don't vote for Clinton if the blacks are conservative?
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