Jerry Jones went into the locker room before the Cowboys Giants game yesterday. He looked around at all the young men and addressed them as a group. “Regardless of your personal opinions, this is a sacred day that we recognize the sacrifice and pain that so many have endured. When the National Anthem is played by a lone trumpet player in a few minutes you WILL stand and you WILL put your hand over your hearts.” Jerry waited a second and made eye contact with several players to make sure his words had sunk in. He knew he had there undivided attention and proceeded. “You gentlemen are world class athletes, but you are also actors. You perform on a stage that is 100 yards long. Today, you play the role of a patriotic super hero. You will play this role well because you know that millions of children will be watching and looking at your example.” Then his inner fire started to shine through as he said quietly “but most of all I want you to remember, you are the actors, but this is MY stage and you will play the role I tell you to.”
Every young man on the Dallas Cowboys understands that there is a time and place to express your opinion. Maybe when honoring the fallen is not the right time to give the wrong impression to millions of fans.
Totally illegal.
We'll see how it shakes out in court. Until then...
Totally honorable, PERIOD!!! Come to find out someone in the NFL has a backbone.
They are animating his uniform.
He is totally correct my team, i pay you and i have standards. If you dont meet them ..your free to look for another job? Awesome approach.
Up to this point I've never had much to like about Mr. Jones but this situation has changed my mind. This is what the NFL should have done as a whole but Jerry realizes that if you actually take the time to listen to the anthem or learn some of our nations history as a whole not just through the eyes of the black community ALL have paid a tremendous price and to disrespect it to feel like you're making social change is disgusting.
Trust me. Every major sports team has clauses in every contract that forbids desecration of the brand you represent. You are a cowboy, you will represent the team in a positive light or you are breaching your contract. He has the balls to call his players out on it.
I agree with419, if the workers don't like or cant abide by the employers rules look for work elsewhere
How's it totally illegal?
Not a Cowboys fan but I give mad respect to the Owner of the Cowboys telling his employees what he expects from them. There is nothing 'illegal' about this. You want to think you are big and bad taking a knee during the Star Spangled Banner, if I am Owner and you do that then you are off my team and the next week you'll be on both your knees trying to earn a living biyatch!
I guess when they realize that their dealing with someone that won't back down and the child support checks to the eight different baby momma won't get paid its time to rethink things
dont like the cowgirls but jerry is right! remember the golden rule!
he with the gold rules!
Not a Dallas fan but Mr. Jones sent the right message.
Too bad his peers in SF, Denver, Philly, KC, etc. are spineless.
Thank you, Jerry!
He's the boss and can do as he pleases and if they don't like it hit the road jack.
Straighten them up, Jerry.
If they couldn't run fast or catch a ball, most of them would be in prison.
Yes boss, anything you say boss
Finally someone with some balls. This country is and has been going in the wrong direction. This is America that the military fought for and died for. If you have no respect for it then get the hell out.How times have changed from the 50's and 60's with no matter what is said it is politically incorrect.
Why is patriotism illegal?? His team, his rules!! At least he has guts and is a proud American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go Jerry don't let the inmates run the prison!!!
After being a lifelong Miami Dolphins fan, I can tell you this man has balls. After what the Dolphins owner did I am no longer a fan and that was a very tough decision to make. Go Ravens!
The other shoe is about to drop on Mr Jones I fear.
Shouldn't be illegal. You work for him. You do what he says. Simple as that. I pay you. do what I tell you to do or else I don't pay you anymore. Good bye.
The other shoe won't drop on Mr. Jones too many people feel the same way he does and are sick of the nonsense
Perhaps it's time that the players should respect the fans! I do not know any football fan that disrespects our flag.
Amen I agree 100% this is a real American.
I am totally not a Dallas fan. But I 110% agree with JJ. They are role models for the youth. They are being paid by JJ and they should do exactly what he tells them to do. I agree with him !!
After he fired Jimmy Johnson the team fell apart.
You need to fact check this. Ive seen nothing out there where he actually said this. I agree with it , but do not think he said it.
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