Ben Carson recently endorsed Donald Trump. In the wake of yesterday's violence at a Trump rally in Chicago, the good doctor decided to speak out. His statement:
As footage of fights between Donald Trump supporters and protesters played on loop on cable news networks, Dr. Ben Carson admonished the nation to “always be respectful of one another.”
Carson, a former Republican presidential hopeful who just formally endorsed Trump earlier Friday morning, called the fights that broke out ahead of a scheduled rally in Chicago for the GOP presidential front-runner “very disheartening.”
“We as a nation cannot allow our political differences to divide us and lead to acts of aggression and strife,” Carson said in a statement Friday night. “We must always be respectful of one another and take the time to listen to alternative perspectives. If we do so, I believe that we will discover that things that unite us far outweighs the things that divide us.”
The retired neurosurgeon added that he “pray[s] that God will work in the lives of the American people to heal our land and bring us to a place of peace.”
Source: AAN
Obama and the Democratic Party are responsible for this!!1
Yes they are 1:19. They promote lawlessness. Obama and the democrat cater to the uncivilized immoral people of the nation. You don't see Donald Trump supporters doing this and that is because they are a higher class of people.
Democrats are trying to deny free speech.
Right out of the Rules for radicals playbook.
This is really an indication of how little some conservative supporters (and especially Trump and Carson themselves) understand the First Amendment. For about the millionth time: private citizens simply CANNOT deny your right to "free speech," because you have no right to free speech regarding them. You only have a right unrestrained of any governmental interference. Thus, protestors are free to speak out at Trump rallies without any actual threat to anyone's First Amendment rights. Re-read the Bill of Rights, people.
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