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Monday, November 16, 2015

Audit Draft Finds Salisbury in Strong Financial Position

Audit Draft Finds Salisbury in Strong Financial Position
City Auditors Say "No Findings of Concern" in Early Audit

Salisbury - Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce that the draft audit of the City’s finances will be completed earlier this year than in any previous year. Preliminary financial results for FY15 indicate the City is in a strong financial position, with over $9 Million dollars in unassigned surplus in the General Fund, and $5.6 Million dollars in Unrestricted Net Position in the Water and Sewer Fund.

While the final audit is currently in review at Barbacane Thornton & Company, draft financial statements have been completed weeks ahead of previous years. Each year the auditors summarize their recommendations and concerns in a report which accompanies the audit. As of this time, Barbacane Thornton have indicated that no new findings or concerns are anticipated.

“I am happy to turn over the reins to Mayor-elect Day with the city in good fiscal position as we see the draft audit returned even earlier than it has been in the past,” said the Mayor. “The completion of this document is two months earlier than it was when I took office. Mr. Cordrey reports that we are in sound financial shape in the General Fund and the Water & Sewer Fund, and the city anticipates no additional concerns as indicated by auditors Barbacane Thornton. I am proud of fiscal stewardship of my administration, with the help of the Internal Services staff and the vigilance of the Salisbury City Council.”


lmclain said...

Does that mean the citizens get a refund?
Or will it be the typical "we got yo' money now, bit**es" and we will do as we please???

Anonymous said...

no, it means the only thing the city invests in is the WWTP--which is really just a public subidization of that big purdue plant that uses lots of water and makes the downtown look like a dump

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's easy to be in a strong financial position when you have the ability to tax all you want.

Anonymous said...

rest assured there are plenty of takers chomping at the bit for whatever they want for themselves

Anonymous said...

does that mean the employees get a pay raise?

Anonymous said...

This is more BS hype.

Anonymous said...

Any good news here should be credited first to Debbie Campbell and second to Terry Cohen. It was those two who forced action on budget changes and got the change of auditor. Ireton has no class not crediting them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Right!!

Anonymous said...

Thank for my tax increase and rain tax when the rest of the state ditched it you sent us down river.

Anonymous said...

dude asked for a raise while I was awakened at 6:55 by two Public Works employees operating one street sweeper..

This winter they will need this cash for all of the overtime they dole out for Public works to show up 8 hours before a storm then get 8 hours of overtime when they did nothing all day

Anonymous said...

When you do not even need a high school degree to work at public works what do you expect!